An Annotated Checklist Of Recent Opossums (Mammalia: Didelphidae) Author Voss, Robert S. text Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2022 2022-04-04 2022 455 1 77 journal article 10.1206/0003-0090.455.1.1 0003-0090 7161371 Metachirus nudicaudatus (E. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1803) TYPE MATERIAL AND TYPE LOCALITY: MNHN 1990-420 , the holotype by monotypy, consists of the mounted skin and extracted skull of an adult female collected at Cayenne ( 4.75° N , 52.25° W ; near sea level), French Guiana . SYNONYMS: None. DISTRIBUTION: As diagnosed by Voss et al. (2019) , this species is only known from northeastern Amazonia (north of the lower Amazon and east of the Rio Negro), but whether Metachirus nudicaudatus occupies the whole of this region or just the part of it circumscribed by the collection localities of specimens they examined (from Guyana , Surinam , French Guiana, and the Brazilian state of Amapá) is unknown. REMARKS: Jansa and Voss’s (2009) generic description was based on topotypical (French Guianan) material of Metachirus nudicaudatus . Morphological comparisons of this species with M. myosuros were reported by Voss et al. (2019) , who also illustrated craniodental features and summarized measurement data.