The South American genus Quemedice Mello-Leitão (Araneae: Sparassidae): familial placement and taxonomic revision Author Rheims, Cristina A. Author Labarque, Facundo M. Author Ramírez, Martín J. text Zootaxa 2008 1813 60 68 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.274359 992773e2-0267-49be-8179-99fbaefded56 1175-5326 274359 Quemedice piracuruca n. sp. Figs 13–16 Type material: Holotype : male from Parque Nacional da Chapada Diamantina [ 13°49'00" S ; 41°43'00" W ], Lençóis, Bahia, Brazil , 1997, M.F. Dias ( IBSP 15849). FIGURES 17–22. Quemedice enigmaticus Mello –Leitão (MACN–Ar 10758). 17–22 Left chelicera (17 posterior, 18 retromargin, 19 ditto, detail of cheliceral gland area, 20 ectal, 21 frontal, 22 promargin) (CB = cheliceral boss; CGA = cheliceral gland area; M = macrosetae). Scale bars: 17, 20–21, 200 µm; 18, 22, 100 µm; 19, 50 µm. Paratypes : COLOMBIA : Meta: 1Ψ, Lomalinda, Llera Mesa [ 03°18'00" N ; 73°22'00" W ], 18 Dec. 1985 , B. Carroll ( CAS ). BRAZIL : Minas Gerais: 1ɗ, Coromandel, Vale do Rio Santo Inácio [ 18°28'00" S ; 47°13'00" W ], 11 May 2001 , R. Gallon ( IBSP 28565). Piauí: 1ɗ, Castelo do Piauí, ECB Plantas Ornamentais [ 05°13'52.5" S ; 41°41'37.5" W ], 20 October 2005 , F.M. Oliveira Neto ( MPEG 6401); 1Ψ, Brasileira e Piracuruca , Parque Nacional de Sete Cidades [ 04°06'44.2" S ; 41°41'43.6" W ], 28 January 2006 , W.A Rocha ( MPEG 6402); 1ɗ, 8 December 2006 , D.F. Candiani leg. ( MPEG 11324); 1Ψ, 30 January 2007 , L.S. Carvalho leg. ( MPEG 1251); 1Ψ, Brasileira e Piracuruca , Parque Nacional de Sete Cidades [ 04°06'44.2" S ; 41°41'43.6" W ], 17 December 2006 , L.S. Carvalho ( IBSP 90810). Other material examined. BRAZIL . Piauí : 1ɗ, Brasileira e Piracuruca , Parque Nacional de Sete Cidades [ 04°06'44.2" S ; 41°41'43.6" W ], 12 December 2006 , L.S. Carvalho ( MPEG 11250); 1ɗ, Castelo do Piauí, ECB Plantas Ornamentais [ 05°14'01.7" S ; 41°41'46" W ], 10 December 2005 , L.S. Carvalho ( MPEG 6403). Etymology. The specific name is a noun in apposition that refers to the type locality of most of the type specimens: the Parque Nacional de Sete Cidades in the municipality of Piracuruca , Piauí, Brazil . FIGURES 23–28. Quemedice enigmaticus Mello –Leitão (MACN–Ar 10758). 23–27 Male, left leg IV (23 claw, retrolateral–apical, 24 tarsal trichobothria, dorsal, 25 tarsal organ, dorsal, 26 trilobate membrane at distal end of metatarsus, prolateral, 27 ditto, dorsal; 28 Epiandrium, ventral view. Scale bars: 23, 26–27, 100 µm; 28, 50 µm; 25, 20 µm; 24, 10 µm. Diagnosis . Quemedice piracuruca n. sp. is distinguished from Q. enigmaticus by the male palp with different size RTA branches, ventral one short and truncated, dorsal twice as long and distally pointed ( Fig. 13 ), embolus base with small teeth retrolaterally and medially widened ( Figs 13–14 ); female epigynum with slen- der median field, at least three times longer than wide, vulva with smaller and slender hyaline receptacles and wider convoluted copulatory ducts ( Figs 15–16 ). Description . Male (IBSP 28565). Prosoma orange with brown margins, a median longitudinal brown stripe and a pair of slightly lighter paramedian ones. Chelicerae yellow with small brown spots at the base of setae. Legs brown, except femora with dorsal longitudinal brown stripes. Pedipalps pale orange. Labium pale brown. Endites and sternum yellow with pale brown margins. Opisthosoma cream colored with three longitudinal brown stripes. Total length 10.0. Dorsal shield of prosoma: 3.3 long, 2.1 wide. Eye diameters and interdistances: AME 0.22, ALE 0.20, PME 0.18, PLE 0.18, AME–AME 0.14, AME–ALE 0.04, PME–PME 0.18, PME–PLE 0.20, AME–PME 0.20, ALE–PLE 0.20. Legs (2413): I: femur 7.0, patella 1.4, tibia 6.6, metatarsus 7.4, tarsus 1.6, total 24; II: 8.5, 1.5, 7.9, 8.9, 1.8, 28.6; III: 3.2, 1.0, 3.3, 3.1, 1.0, 11.6; IV: 7.8, 1.4, 6.4, 7.6, 1.4, 24.6. Spination as in genus description. Abdomen: 6.5 long, 1.7 wide. Female (MPEG 6402). Coloration as in male. Total length 13.4. Dorsal shield of prosoma: 3.3 long, 2.1 wide. Eye diameters and interdistances: AME 0.22, ALE 0.20, PME 0.16, PLE 0.20, AME–AME 0.30, AME–ALE 0.04, PME–PME 0.20, PME–PLE 0.28, AME–PME 0.22, ALE–PLE 0.20. Legs (2413): I: femur 5.1, patella 1.3, tibia 4.3, metatarsus 4.4, tarsus 1.1, total 16.2; II: 5.9, 1.4, 5.1, 5.3, 1.2, 18.9; III: 2.6, 0.9, 2.3, 2.0, 0.7, 8.5; IV: 5.4, 1.3, 4.2, 4.7, 0.9, 16.5. Spination as in genus description except femur IV r0-1-1; metatarsus IV: p1-1-1. Opisthosoma: 10.0 long, 3.5 wide. Variation. Six males: total length 6.7–10.0; dorsal shield of prosoma 2.5–3.3; femur I 5.9–7.0. Four females: total length 12.7–16.3; carapace 3.3–4.5; femur I 5.10–6.2. Distribution. Northern South America : Colombia and Brazil (Piauí).