Taxonomic review of Ctenodontina Enderlein, 1914 with the revalidation of Catostola Hull, 1958 (Diptera: Asilidae: Asilinae) and description of a new species Author Camargo, Alexssandro Author Vieira, Rodrigo Author Rafael, José Albertino text Zootaxa 2023 2023-04-28 5276 1 71 journal article 57608 10.11646/zootaxa.5276.1.1 590e0e3a-f3ea-4420-b976-b668987049e6 1175­5334 7907294 92300500-BB24-45B0-8ADD-977C3220A069 Catostola indecisa sp. nov. ( Figs 38–42 , 44 ) ZooBank: 66EF012B-E1CB-4838-B318-AD8432744A8B Diagnosis. Face yellowish brown pruinose; mystacal macrosetae yellowish white, except by a few dorsal black macrosetae ( Fig. 38C–D ); postpedicel dark reddish; second article of stylus black, dark reddish at base, long and slender, slightly enlarged subapically ( Fig. 39A–B ); fore femur yellow, mid femur yellow with black apical third, hind femur black ( Fig. 38A ); male terminalia shining black ( Fig. 39E–G ); S8 with dark reddish long macrosetae and setae at posterior margin, lateral to mid-posterior projection and on apex of mid-posterior projection ( Fig. 39E, G ); apical epandrial finger-like projection pointed distally; gonocoxite tapering distally and curving upwards with apical half very narrow and apex rounded ( Fig. 40E ). Description. Holotype male ( Figs 38–41 ). Head ( Fig. 38C–D ): eyes black; face yellowish brown pruinose; mystacal macrosetae yellowish white, except by a few dorsal black macrosetae ( Fig. 38C–D ); subvibrissal macrosetae and setae yellowish white; gena yellowish pruinose; palpus black with two white apical macrosetae and black setae, except at base ventrally, yellowish white setose; proboscis black, labial setae dark yellow, proboscial setae whitish; antennal socket reddish black, brownish pruinose; frons brownish pruinose; orbital setae black with 1–2 yellowish mixed; ocellar tubercle black, brown pruinose dorsally with four proclinate black setae; vertex brown pruinose; occiput yellowish brown pruinose dorsally becoming white laterally; 5–6 black postocular macrosetae (proximal ones dark yellow), other dorsal occipital setae whitish; lateral occipital and lower occipital setae white, slightly branched. Antenna: scape and pedicel black with dark reddish apex, black setose and sparsely brown pruinose; postpedicel dark reddish, sparsely brown pruinose with 4–5 short yellowish setae dorsally at base (left postpedicel with an anomalous black macrosetae dorsally); first article of stylus dark reddish, minute, second article black, dark reddish at base, long and slender, slightly enlarged subapically ending in a dark reddish tip ( Fig. 39A–B ). Thorax ( Fig. 38A–B ): yellowish brown; antepronotum and postpronotum grey pruinose laterally; scutum with a pair of dark brown pruinose paramedian stripes rounded anteriorly, laterally, and fading after postsutural spots; pre and postsutural spots and prescutellar spots dark brown pruinose; median stripe brown pruinose; triangular apruinose black spot at posterior scutal margin; postalar wall and scutellum brownish grey pruinose ( Fig. 39D ); pleura grey pruinose, except anterodorsal part of proepimeron and anepisternum brownish grey pruinose. Chaetotaxy: antepronotal macrosetae and setae yellowish; 2 notopleural; 2 supra alar; 1 postalar and 5 pairs of dorsocentral postsutural black macrosetae; scutum with short black acrostichal setae; scutellum with short sparse black discal and marginal scutellar setae ( Fig.39D ); anepisternum with short, thin yellowish and black setae dorsally; katatergite with whitish macrosetae and setae; remainder of pleura with very sparse, thin whitish setae. Wings ( Fig. 39C ): yellowish translucent; veins dark brown; R 4 slightly rounded in the junction with R 5 ; bifurcation of R 4 and R 5 beyond discal cell at a distance equivalent to the length of two crossvein r-m ; crossvein r-m in the middle of discal cell; cells m 3 and cua closed before wing margin. Halteres: dark reddish yellow, apex of steam and base of knob dark brown ventrally. Legs ( Fig. 38A ): coxae and trochanters black brownish grey pruinose; fore femur yellow (slightly dark at extreme apex), mid femur yellow with black apical third; hind femur black, slightly dark reddish anteroventrally on basal third; fore tibia yellow, only slightly reddish apically; mid tibia yellow with an anterior dark yellow stripe and black apex; hind tibia black with a yellow spot posterodorsally on basal half; tarsi black, except first tarsomere of fore tarsi dark reddish yellow. Chaetotaxy: coxae with yellowish white macrosetae and setae; hind trochanter with 3 posterior yellow macrosetae; fore femur with 11–12 ventral yellowish macrosetae; mid femur with 9–10 ventral (yellowish), 5 anteroventral, 3 anterior, 1 posterodorsal preapical and 3 posterior (all yellow) black macrosetae; hind femur with 2 anteroventral preapical, 2 anterior (proximal yellow), 1 anterodorsal preapical, 1 posterodorsal preapical black macrosetae; femora black setose anterodorsally and yellowish posteroventrally; tibiae with black macrosetae and setae, except by a few yellow setae ventrally on fore tibia; tarsi with black macrosetae and setae; brush setae golden reddish yellow; pulvilli dark yellow; empodium dark reddish; claws black, dark reddish basally. Abdomen ( Fig. 38A ): black, T1–7 dark brown pruinose dorsally and grey laterally and at posterior corners; T1 with 3–4 yellowish white marginal lateral macrosetae and a tuft of long yellowish white setae; T2–3 with 4–5 yellowish white lateral marginal macrosetae; T5–7 only with long white setae at lateral posterior margin; other short appressed dorsal setae black, becoming yellowish laterally; sternites greyish white pruinose; sternites sparsely white setose. Terminalia ( Figs 39E–G , 40–41 ): shining black, except apical half of gonocoxite and dorsal margin of gonostylus and anterior mid-ventral part of S8 dark reddish; phallus dark yellow; T8 black setose ( Figs 39E–F , 40F ); S8 black setose, mid-posterior projection rectangular with a tuft of long dark reddish black macrosetae at the apex ( Figs 39E, G , 40D ); cercus yellowish setose; epandrium with black setae at anterior dorsal margin and 3–4 long black macrosetae at anterior ventral margin ( Fig. 39E–G ), epandrial apical finger-like projection with short dark yellow setae apically and pointed distally ( Figs 39E , 40E ); hypandrium with a shallow indentation at posterior margin ( Fig. 40G ); gonocoxite tapering distally and curving upwards with apical half very narrow and apex rounded ( Fig. 41A, D–E ), apex curved outwards in dorsal and ventral views ( Fig. 41B–C ); gonostylus wide with apex conical and blade-like in lateral view ( Fig. 41F ); ejaculatory apodeme fan-shaped, directed posteriorly; phallus with prongs thin and long ( Fig. 41A, G ); cercus short with apex rounded; subepandrial sclerite short with apex rounded and ventrally with an inverted Y-shaped projection ( Fig. 41H–I ). Length. Body: 18.5 mm; wing: 12.3 mm. Female ( Fig. 42 ). Similar to male except terminalia ( Fig. 42A–F ); T7 shining black and black setose; T8 shining black and black setose; cercus with yellowish setae apically; S8 and hypoproct with dark reddish setae; keel of genital fork and hypoproct with dark reddish spines ( Fig. 42A–C ); spermathecae rod-like ( Fig. 42G ), reaching abdominal segment 6; spermathecal pump about 3 times smaller than length of spermathecal duct, slightly turgid ( Fig. 42G–I ); spermathecal ducts ending separately at genital fork ( Fig. 42G–I ); apodeme of genital fork connected laterally with lateral sclerites ( Fig. 42G–I ), slightly enlarged at mid-length ( Fig. 42G–H ); lateral sclerites connected with T9+10; apodeme of genital fork without a mid-dorsal ridge ( Fig. 42I ). FIGURE 38. Catostola indecisa sp. nov. , holotype male. A. Habitus, lateral (insert: labels, not to scale); B. Same, dorsal; C. Head, frontal; D. Same, lateral. Scale bar 1 mm. FIGURE 39. Catostola indecisa sp. nov. , holotype male. A. Postpedicel and stylus, anterior; B. Same, dorsal; C. Wing, dorsal; D. Scutellum, dorsal; E. Terminalia, lateral; F. Same, dorsal; G. Same, ventral. Abbreviations: cerc: cercus; epand: epandrium; f a styl: first article of stylus; goncx: gonocoxite; gonst: gonostylus; hypd: hypandrium; pped: postpedicel; s a styl: second article of stylus; st: sternite; subepand scl: subepandrial sclerite tg: tergite. Scale bar 1 mm. FIGURE 40. Catostola indecisa sp. nov. , holotype male. A. Terminalia, dorsal; B. Same, ventral; C. Same, lateral; D. Sternite 8, ventral; E. Epandrium, lateral; F. Tergite 8, dorsal; G. Hypandrium, ventral. Abbreviations: cerc: cercus; epand: epandrium; goncx: gonocoxite; gonst: gonostylus; hypd: hypandrium; ph: phallus; st: sternite; subepand scl: subepandrial sclerite; tg: tergite. Scale bar 1 mm. FIGURE 41. Catostola indecisa sp. nov. , holotype male. A. Gonopods + phallus, lateral; B. Same, dorsal; C. Same, ventral; D. Gonopods, lateral; E. Gonocoxite, lateral; F. Gonostylus, lateral; G. Phallus, lateral; H. Cercus and subepandrial sclerite, lateral; I. Same, ventral. Abbreviations: cerc: cercus; ej apod: ejaculatory apodeme; goncx: gonocoxite; goncx apod: gonocoxal apodeme; gonst: gonostylus; ph: phallus; subepand scl: subepandrial sclerite. Scale bar 1 mm. FIGURE 42. Catostola indecisa sp. nov. , paratype female. A. Terminalia, lateral; B. Same, dorsal; C. Same, ventral; D. Dissected terminalia, lateral; E. Same, dorsal; F. Same, ventral; G. Spermathecae, dorsal; H. genital fork, detail, dorsal; I. Same, lateral. Abbreviations: acc gl: accessory gland; apod: apodeme of genital fork; cerc: cercus; gen fk: genital fork; lat sc: lateral sclerite of genital fork; spe du: spermathecal duct; spe pu: spermathecal pump; spmth: spermathecae; st: sternite; tg: tergite. Scale bar 1 mm. FIGURE 43. Distribution map of Catostola Hull, 1958 stat. rev. Variation. Face pruinosity golden yellow; postpedicel black; apex of fore femur black; apex of fore tibia and first tarsomere of fore leg black. Etymology. indecisa , from Latin: indecisus : undecided, not settled or determined. The name makes allusion to the similarity of this species with C. baleta and C. martini , being C. indecisa sp. nov. , an intermediate, hard to identify among its closely related species. Taxonomic discussion. The most similar species are Catostola baleta comb. nov. , and Catostola martini comb. nov. , It can be differentiated from the first by the entire black hind femur and by the shape of epandrial finger-like projection with the apex being constricted earlier ( Fig. 40E ) and the shape of gonocoxite which has the posterior half narrower and the gonostylus slightly wider ( Fig. 41E–F ). From the second only characters of the male terminalia are useful to make the distinction. The epandrial finger-like projection is more indented ventrally sub-apically in C. martini comb. nov. ( Fig. 20E ) than C. indecisa sp. nov. ( Fig. 40E ), the gonocoxite is much narrower ( Fig. 41E ) while in C. martini comb. nov. it only becomes extremely narrow sub-apically ( Fig. 21E ). Distribution ( Fig. 44 ). Costa Rica ( Puntarenas , Limón and San Jose ). Material examined. Holotype . COSTA RICA , Prov.[incia] Puntarenas , P.N.[Parque Nacional] Corcovado , Sector La Leona , Cerro Puma 100-302 m , 21 JUN–7 JUL 2003 , K. Caballero , Libre, L _S_[Lambert Sur] 267700_ 518900 [ 8°27′12″N 83°29′35″W ]#74483 / bar code INB0003734727 INBIOCRI COSTA RICA / Holotype Catostola indecisa sp. n. Camargo , Vieira & Rafael ( Fig. 38A [insert]) (♁ MNCR ( INBIO )) . Paratypes . Amubri, 70 m ,Talamanca , Prov. [incia] Limón , COSTA RICA . 6–11 Jun 1993 , G. Gallardo. L-S-[ Lambert Sur ] 385500, 578050 [ 09°31′04″N 82°57′13″W ] / bar code COSTA RICA INBIO CRI001 174886 / Ctenodontina det. EMFisher ( 1♀ MNCR ( INBIO )) ; Río Rincón , Pen. [ínsula] Osa , Prov. [incia] Punta [renas] , COSTA RICA , 30 m , 27 Dic 1993 , M. Zumbado , L S 519700_286000 [ 08°37′08″N 83°29′08″W ] # 2667 / bar code COSTA RICA INBIO CRI001 725936 ( 1♀ MNCR ( INBIO )) ; Est. [ación] Sirena, P.N. [Parque Nacional] Corcovado , 0-100 m . Prov. [incia] Punt. [arenas] , COSTA RICA . C. Saborio , Oct 1990 , L-S- 270500-508300 [ 08°28′43″N 83°35′21″W ] / bar code COSTA RICA INBIO CRI000 062067 / Ctenodontina sp. A det E.M. Fisher 04 (1♁ MNCR ( INBIO )) ; Same data, N. Obando , Jun 1990 , / bar code CRI000 644140 ( 1♀ MNCR ( INBIO )) . Additional material. Monte Redondo [ 09°47′21″N 84°07′34″W ], Jan. 03 / COSTA RICA [ San Jose ], C.F. Underwood. Per Janson. / C.J. Wainwright Collection. B.M. 1948-488. (1♁ NHM ) .