Taxonomy and faunistics of the genus Scrobipalpa Janse, 1951 (Lepidoptera, Gelechiidae) in southern Siberia Author BIDZILYA, OLEKSIY Author HUEMER, PETER Author ŠUMPICH, JAN text Zootaxa 2022 2022-12-06 5218 1 1 76 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.5218.1.1 5d457b5c-746b-403d-a3a6-1503afb9ff03 1175­5334 7409836 FABDED0F-E373-479B-BA18-0E3E9373E737 Scrobipalpa kullbergi sp. nov. Figs 36 , 99 Type material. Holotype , Russia , Tuva rep., 51°43’N 94°27’E , E. Tannu-Ola mts, 700 m , Kyzyl , Nanophytonsteppe , 5– ( Jalava & Kullberg ) (gen. slide 311/16, OB) ( MZH ). Diagnosis. Scrobipalpa kullbergi sp. nov. is a small species with light grey forewing with diffuse brown obligue costal streak and black markings in the cell. The long parallel-sided sacculus and broad saccus are characteristic of the male genitalia. Scrobipalpa pulchra Povolný, 1967 has a somewhat similar long sacculus, but it is distinctly broadened apically rather than parallel-sided in the new species, the vincular processes in S. pulchra are very short and the saccus is much narrower. Description. Adult ( Fig. 36 ). Wingspan 12.1 mm . Head, thorax and tegulae covered with grey, brown-tipped scales, labial palpus upcurved, off-white, with broad brown basal and medial ring, inner and upper surface of palpomere 2 light greyish white, scape brown, flagellomeres brown ringed with grey. Forewing light grey mixed with blackish grey subcostally and in subapical 1/4, fold and subcostal vein mottled with light brown, diffuse light brown oblique sreak from 1/4 of costa to mid-width, one small and two larger brown spots in cell, cilia grey, browntipped. Hindwing and cilia light grey. Male genitalia ( Fig. 99 ). Uncus twice as long as broad, weakly narrowed apically, posterior margin with short medial emargination; gnathos short, weakly curved; tegumen moderately narrow, elongate, anteromedial emargination extending to 1/3 length; cucullus slender, weakly curved, apex broadened, weakly pointed, extending to 2/3 length of uncus; sacculus twice as broad and about 3/5 length of cucullus, parallel-sided except for rounded apically outer margin, with pointed inwardly curved tip, gap to cucullus deep and slender; vinculum twice as broad as long, posterior margin with deep basally subovate emargination, vincular processes elongate, inner margin slightly curved inwardly, tip pointed, not extending to top of sacculus; saccus broad, truncate, far extending beyond top of pedunculus; distal portion of phallus weakly narrowed apically, apex rounded, apical arm moderately stout, at right angles to phallus; caecum strongly inflated, 1/2 length of phallic tube. Female. Unknown. Biology. The holotype was collected in early June in Nanophyton steppe biotope at an elevation of 700 m . Etymology. The new species is named in honour of the Finnish Lepidopterologist Jaakko Kullberg, who collected the holotype of the new species.