Molossidae Author Don E. Wilson Author Russell A. Mittermeier text 2019 2019-10-31 Lynx Edicions Barcelona Handbook of the Mammals of the World – Volume 9 Bats 598 672 book chapter bc3766a8-d834-42d8-9b39-0612d00293ca 978-84-16728-19-0 6418279 10. Incan Little Masuft Bat Mormopterus phrudus French: Molosse du Pérou / German: Inka-Mastino-Fledermaus / Spanish: Morméptero de Peru Taxonomy. Mormopterus phrudus Handley, 1956 , “San Miguel Bridge, Urubamba River, Machu Picchu, Cuzco , Peru , alt. 6000 feet [= 1829 m ].” This species is monotypic. Distribution. Known originally from only type locality in S Andean Peru but recently also found in a second locality in Santuario historico de Machu Picchu. Descriptive notes. Head-body 50-51 mm, tail 29-32 mm, ear 13-14 mm, hindfoot 8 mm , forearm 33-8-34-8 mm (two specimens). Dorsal pelage of the Incan Little Mastff Bat is dark brown, with hairs whitish at bases. Ventral pelage is paler brown, with white on throat. Wings and ears are blackish brown. Ears are thin, have round tips, and almost meet each other on forehead. Tragus is small, with pointed tip, and antitragusis inconspicuous. Lips have slight vertical wrinkles and hairs. Gular gland is present on throat of males (no females have been captured). Dorsal profile of skull is arched, lacrimal and supraorbital ridges are slightly developed, and basisphenoid pits are poorly developed. I* is weakly developed, with slight trace of cingulum. Dental formulaisI11/2,C1/1,P 2/2, M 3/3 (x2) = 30. Habitat. Montane forest at elevations of 1800-3000 m. Food and Feeding. No information. Breeding. No information. Activity patterns. The Incan Little Mastiff Bat has been observed roosting in caves. Movements, Home range and Social organization. No information. Status and Conservation. Classified as Vulnerable on The IUCN Red List. The Incan Little Mastiff Bat is listed as critically endangered on the national Red List of Peru . Itis known from only three specimens at or near type locality, which is located in a national protected area (Santuario historico de Machu Picchu). Bibliography. Handley (1956), Pino et al. (2014), Velazco (2016).