On the Australian Bark Crab Spider Genus Stephanopis: Taxonomic Review and Description of Seven New Species (Araneae: Thomisidae: Stephanopinae) Author Machado, Miguel Laboratório de Aracnologia-Escola de Ciências Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS), Porto Alegre, Brazil Author Teixeira, Renato Augusto Laboratório de Aracnologia-Escola de Ciências Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS), Porto Alegre, Brazil Author Milledge, Graham A. Australian Museum Research Institute, Australian Museum, 1 William Street, Sydney NSW 2010, Australia text Records of the Australian Museum 2019 2019-09-18 71 6 217 276 journal article 10.3853/j.2201-4349.71.2019.1698 2201-4349 4653814 7EDBAB7F-0E3B-47D7-AA29-0906728ADA05 Stephanopis carcinoides Machado sp. nov. http://zoobank. org/NomenclaturalActs/ 8F14CAF8-F536-4ADA-840F-C0A331D7EF8E Figs 19–21 Holotype AMS KS .108724, from Minnamurra Rainforest Centre (Jamberoo), New South Wales , Australia , 34°38'S 150°44'E , R . Mascord , 1 February 1965 . Paratypes : AMS KS .81287, 1♀ , Mulgrave River , New South Wales , Australia , 17°07'S 145°47'E , R . Mascord , 13 July 1978 ; AMS KS .81293, 1♂ , 1 female from Minnamurra Rainforest Centre ( Jamberoo ), New South Wales , Australia , 34°38'S 150°44'E , R . Mascord , 01 November 1966 ; QM S104677 , 2♂♂ , 1♀ , Bunya Mountains ( Dandabah Camping Area ), Queensland , Australia , 26°52'50.31"S 151°35'50.58"E , Queensland Museum staff, 17 March 1976 . Other material examined . Papua New Guinea , Morobe : MCZ 134023 , 1♂ , Wau , 6°48'4.94"S 146°33'41.93"E , H. Levi , 25 March 1979 ; MCZ 134021 , 1♀ , 7°20'13.69"S 146°42'57.37"E , M. Robinson , 20 November 1979 ; MCZ 134022 , 1♂ , M. Robinson & H. Levi . Australia , Queensland : QM S104673 , 1♀ , Shiptons Flat , 15°44'20.14"S 145°13'32.81"E , Queensland Museum party, 17–21 November 1975 ; AMS KS .106795, 1♀ , Kuranda , 16°48'35.6"S 145°39'14.29"E , G. Milledge & H. Smith , 8 December 2008 ; AMS KS .103078, 1♀ , 16°49'50"S 145°38'36"E , G. Milledge & H. Smith , 27 February–7 March 2008 ; AMS KS .108713, 1♀ , Lake Euramoo , 17°10'S 145°38'E , R . E. Mascord , 23 July 1978 ; QM S9925 , 1♂ , Nerimberah , 23°23'58.74"S 150°35'12.17"E , R . Raven & J. Gallon , 17 February 1986 ; QM S14675 , 1♂ , Kroombit Tops NP, 24°22'40.14"S 150°55'42.55"E , Davies & Gallon , 9–19 December 1983 ; AMS KS .69488, 1♀ , Brisbane Forest Park, 27°25'04"S 152°49'48"E , N. Power , 1–6 March 1998 ; AMS KS .69547, 1♀ , 12–17 April 1998 ; QM S104653 , 1♂ , Cooloola , 27°28'11.18"S 153°1'30.45"E , R . Raven & V . E. Davies , 3–8 February 1976 ; QM S14590 , 1♂ , Girraween NP, 28°46' 27.12"S 151°54'42.84"E , R . Raven , 22 February 1973 . New South Wales : AMS KS .2830, 1♂ , Mount Wilson , 33°30'S 150°23'E , C. Horseman , 28 March 1979 . Diagnosis . Males and females of S. carcinoides sp. nov. are similar to those S. nigra and S. altifrons in having a high cephalic prominence, high clypeus ( Figs 19B and 20B ) and cryptic habitus ( Fig. 21 A–D), however, it is distinguished from these species by its prosoma slightly wider than long, opisthosoma pentagonal and femur I with a pair of prolateral setiferous tubercles instead of just one ( Figs 19A and 20A ). The epigynal plate of females resemble those of S. nigra but the atrium is wider and shorter, and the CO are smaller ( Fig. 19C, D ). As in S. altifrons , the male palpi present equal-sized and pointed RTA and RTAvbr, however, in S. carcinoides sp. nov. the RTA is curved, points ventrally, parallel to the tegulum ( Fig. 20D ), and both RTA and RTAvbr are shorter and flattened (compressed laterally) ( Fig. 20C ). Description . Female (AMS KS.108724): Anterior eye row strongly recurved and posterior procurved, prosoma darkyellow with brown stains on the thoracic portion and sides of the cephalic prominence ( Fig. 19A and B ). Legs darkyellow with brown patches on the median portion of anterior femora (I and II); patellae, tibiae and metatarsi with brown patches sparsely distributed; anterior tibiae ventrally armed with four pairs of macrosetae ( Fig. 19A ). Opisthosoma with concave anterior border, whitish-yellow with a brown spot on the heart-sigilla and a pair of darker transverse patches on the posterior region. Figure 19 . Stephanopis carcinoides sp. nov. , female (AMS KS.108724). (A) dorsal habitus; (B) front; (C) epigynal plate, ventral view; (D) epigynal plate/spermathecae. Measurements : eye diameters and interdistances: AME 0.07, ALE 0.17, PME 0.15, PLE 0.11, AME–AME 0.10, AME–ALE 0.07, PME–PME 0.18, PME–PLE 0.11, MOQ length 0.44, width 0.35; leg formula: 1-2-4-3: leg I—femur 2.74/ patella 1.54/ tibia 2.19/ metatarsus 1.57/ tarsus 0.97/ total 9.01; II—2.85/ 1.49/ 2.08/ 1.65/ 0.94 9.01; III—2.45/ 1.13/ 2.06/ 1.88/ 0.95/ 8.47; IV—2.64/ 0.91/ 1.97/ 1.95/ 1.06/ 8.53. Total body length 9.31; prosoma length 3.69, width 3.80; opisthosoma length 5.62; clypeus height 0.71; sternum length 1.71, width 1.53; gnathocoxae length 0.95, width 0.47; labium length 0.61, width 0.66. Male (QM S104677). Eye arrangement and colour pattern as in female, predominantly whitish-yellow with brown patches ( Fig. 20A and B ). Embolus sclerotized at is basis, flexible at is terminal portion and resting on the apical tegular ridge ( Fig. 20C ). Other somatic characters as in female. Measurements : eye diameters and interdistances: AME 0.06, ALE 0.15, PME 0.10, PLE 0.10, AME–AME 0.10, AME–ALE 0.06, PME–PME 0.15, PME–PLE 0.08, MOQ length 0.37, width 0.28; leg formula: 1-2-3-4: leg I—femur 2.26/ patella 1.16/ tibia 1.75/ metatarsus 1.56/ tarsus 0.83/ total 7.56; II—2.05/ 0.98/ 1.50/ 1.35/ 0.87 6.75; III—1.74/ 0.72/ 1.44/ 1.46/ 0.73/ 6.09; IV—1.77/ 0.62/ 1.35/ 1.44/ 0.75/ 5.93. Total body length 5.18; prosoma length 2.51, width 2.44; opisthosoma length 2.67; clypeus height 0.54; sternum length 1.21, width 1.18; gnathocoxae length 0.54, width 0.34; labium length 0.65, width 0.35. Figure 20 . Stephanopis carcinoides sp. nov. , male (QM S104677). (A) dorsal habitus; (B) front; (C) ventral view of the left palp; (D) left palp, retro lateral view. Etymology . The specific epithet is the combination of the Greek noun “ carcino ”, meaning crab, and the suffix “oides”, meaning resembling, used here to describe a spider that looks like a crab due to its laterigrade legs and flattened dorsal habitus. Distribution . Morobe , Papua New Guinea ; Queensland and New South Wales , Australia ( Fig. 24 ). Variation . All examined specimens present pale-yellow cuticle (preserved in ethanol), however, live specimens may be greenish due to the accumulation of debris such as lichen or moss.