Eustochomorpha Girault, Neotriadomerus gen. n., and Proarescon gen. n. (Hymenoptera, Mymaridae), early extant lineages in evolution of the family Author Huber, John T. Natural Resources Canada, c / o Canadian National Collection of Insects, AAFC, K. W. Neatby Building, 960 Carling Avenue, Ottawa, ON, K 1 A 0 C 6, Canada text Journal of Hymenoptera Research 2017 2017-06-30 57 1 87 journal article 1314-2607-57-1 6201DACE99004A2F92C9D3014851100D FFCD6D009A24DB48FFB14501FF9BAA28 1138811 Proarescon primitivus (Huber) comb. n. Figs 153-158 , 159-164 , 165-167 , 168, 169 , 170-172 , 173, 174 , 175-176 Borneomymar primitivum Huber, 2002: 49 (description, figs 5, 6). Comment. In Huber (2002) the female and male symbols in the material examined sections were inadvertently either deleted or were replaced by a question mark. All the specimens of the three species mentioned in that chapter were females except for 2 males on points and 2 males on slides of Borneomymar discus Huber from Malaysia, Sarawak, Gunung Buda. The brief description below complements the original description, which did not include antennal segment widths or hind wing measurements. Description. Female. Body length 634 (paratype). Antenna. Length/width measurements (holotype): scape 184/35, pedicel 50/26, fl1 16/13, fl2 16/12, fl3 23/16, fl4 26/16, fl5 29/18, fl6 62/25, fl7 59/26, fl8 63/31, clava 120/35. Wings. Fore wing length 583, width 154, length/width 3.78, longest marginal setae 122. Hind wing length 560, width 23, longest marginal setae 90. Material examined. THAILAND : Chanthaburi , Khao Kitchakut Nat. Park , Khao Prabaht Peak , 12°50.45'N 102°9.81'E , 875m , 27.ii-6.ii.2009 , MT, Suthida and Charoenchai, #4046 ( 1♀ , CNC) .