Leptonetid spiders from caves of the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, China (Araneae: Leptonetidae) 2587 Author Lin, Yucheng Author Li, Shuqiang text Zootaxa 2010 2010-08-31 2587 1 1 93 https://biotaxa.org/Zootaxa/article/view/zootaxa.2587.1.1 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.2587.1.1 1175­5334 5346618 Leptonetela danxia sp. nov. Figs 11–12 , 61 Type material: Holotype : male ( IZCAS ), Zimu Cave (Alt.: 1798 m , T .: 12 ºC; H.: 90%), Danxia Mt., Zhaoguan Village, Banqiao Town, Panxian County [ 25°40.505´N , 104°37.607´E , Guizhou , China ], 14 April 2007 , Y.C. Lin and J. Liu leg. Paratypes : 40 males and 69 females , same data as holotype ( IZCAS ) . Other material examined. CHINA : Guizhou : 1 male and 2 females , nameless cave (Alt.: 1683 m ; T .: 14 ºC; H.: 94%), the Danxia Mt., Zhaoguan Village, Banqiao Town, Panxian County [ 25°40.845´N , 104°37.750´E ], 14 April 2007 , Y.C. Lin and J. Liu leg. ; 5 males and 15 females , Shenxian Cave (Alt.: 1687 m ; T .: 16 ºC; H.: 94%), Shiliping Village , Zhudong Town , Panxian County [ 25°37.421´N , 104°45.392´E ], 15 April 2007 , Y.C. Lin and J. Liu leg. ( IZCAS ) . Etymology. The specific name is a noun in apposition taken from the type locality. Diagnosis. Leptonetela danxia sp. nov. is similar to L. furcaspina sp. nov. , but differs the latter by the vestigial four eye-spots, the smaller pedipalpal bulb, the sharply triangular embolus, the wider conductor, the presence of 4 tibial trichobothria, the shorter pedipalpal tibia and tarsus, the arrangement of tibial spurs I–V in the pedipalp. Description. Holotype male. Total length 2.28. Prosoma 1.04 long, 1.00 wide. Sternum 0.64 long, 0.59 wide. Opisthosoma 1.28 long, 0.96 wide. Dorsal shield of prosoma pale yellow, a pair of long setae at ocular area retrolaterally. Clypeal margin with short setae anteriorly. Thoracic median groove dark brown, needleshaped. Cervical groove and radial furrows indistinct. Clypeus 0.20 high, slightly sloped anteriorly. PME absent, ALE and PLE reduced to white eye-spots, major axes of PLE parallel. Chelicerae pale yellow, fang furrow with 8 promarginal and 5 retromarginal teeth. Endites and labium pale yellow. Labium rebordered, pars fuse to sternum. Legs yellow. Leg measurements: I 9.20 (2.60, 0.35, 2.70, 2.05, 1.50); II 8.15 (2.30, 0.35, 2.30, 1.90, 1.30); III 6.93 (2.00, 0.35, 1.83, 1.70, 1.05); IV 8.68 (2.45, 0.38, 2.40, 2.15, 1.30). Leg formula: I- IV-II-III. Two prolateral spines on femora I and II, but only one on femora III and IV. Each patella with a distally dorsal spine. Tibiae I–IV bears 4 trichobothria and 4 spines respectively. A finely serrated hairs-comb at the base of metatarsi II and III ventrally. Opisthosoma pale, ovoid, covered with short hairs, without pigmental spots. Pedipalpal femur lacks large spines. A dorsal spine on patella distally. Four dorsal trichobothria and 5 retrolateral spurs modified pedipalpal tibia, and tibial spur I bifurcated symmetrically. Tarsus distinctly contracted and crinkled at one third position of far from the base, attaching a small earlobe-shaped process with a row of thin hairs; a ventral spine and 3 distal spines on tarsus, without plumose spine. Pedipalpal bulb short-ovoid, smooth surface, apical embolus triangular, conductor crinkled and furcated, median apophysis absent. FIGURE 11. Leptonetela danxia sp. nov. A. Male left pedipaipus, prolateral view; B. Ditto, retrolateral view; C. Male pedipalpal bulb, prolateral view. Scales: 0.20 mm. FIGURE 12. Leptonetela danxia sp. nov. A. Female genital area, ventral view; B. Female genitalia, dorsal view; C. Male left chelicera, posterior view. Scales: 0.20 mm. Female. Similar to male in coloration and general features, but body size larger and legs shorter. Total length 2.56. Prosoma 1.06 long, 0.98 wide. Sternum 0.64 long, 0.60 wide. Opisthosoma 1.56 long, 1.16 wide. Clypeus 0.22 high. Ocular area reduced to four white small eye-spots. Chelicerae pale yellow, fang furrow with 8 promarginal and 4 retromarginal teeth. Endites and labium pale brown. Sternum and legs yellow. Leg measurements: I 9.31 (2.60, 0.38, 2.68, 2.15, 1.50); II 7.93 (2.30, 0.35, 2.23, 1.80, 1.25); III 6.80 (1.95, 0.35, 1.85, 1.60, 1.05); IV 8.28 (2.45, 0.38, 2.13, 2.02, 1.30). Leg formula: I-IV-II-III. Three spines on femora I and II, 2 spines on femora III and IV. A dorsal spine on patella distally. Each tibia bear 4 trichobothria and 4 long spines. A finely serrated hairs-comb on the ventral base of metatarsi II and III respectively. Genital area covered with long hairs. Internal genitalia consist of paired spermathecae and sperm ducts. Spermathecae twisted and sclerotized, aparted from a distance. The atrium triangular and broad, smooth on posterior margin, but modified tiny hairs on anterior margin and the base of sperm ducts. Distribution. Known only from type locality.