Five new species of Drosophilaguarani group from the Andes of southern Ecuador (Diptera, Drosophilidae) Author Penafiel-Vinueza, Ana Danitza Author Rafael, Violeta text ZooKeys 2018 781 141 163 journal article 1313-2970-781-141 88AFA04FCA5B464E82E49A1DA6F50C41 88AFA04FCA5B464E82E49A1DA6F50C41 Drosophila misi sp. n. Fig. 11 A-F Type material. Holotype ♂ (dissected, terminalia in microvial), Ecuador, Loja, Cajanuma, 2800 m, 4°6'58.9"S ; 79°10'11.9"W , 19 Nov. 2015, A. Penafiel col., A. Penafiel & V. Rafael det. (QCAZ-I 3329). Paratypes. 6 ♂♂ (dissected, terminalia in microvial), same data as holotype, 19 Nov. 2015, A. Penafiel col., A. Penafiel & V. Rafael det. (QCAZ-I 3330-3335). 1 ♂♂ (dissected, terminalia in microvial) Ecuador, Loja, Cajanuma, 2675 m, 4°6'53.7"S ; 79°10'54.6"W , 19 Nov. 2015, A. Penafiel col., A. Penafiel & V. Rafael det. (QCAZ-I 3294). Diagnosis. Aristae with five dorsal and two ventral branches. Two prominent oral bristles. Thorax yellowish brown. Wings yellow, dM-Cu slightly clouded. Abdomen yellow with dorsal midline, 1st tergite yellowish brown, 2nd - 5th tergites with triangular pigmentation that thins laterally, 6th tergite with pigmented circle in the middle. Cerci not fused to epandrium. Aedeagus sclerotized, tube-like, apex with two dorsal sclerotized projections, dorsally with a finger-like projection covered with tiny projections. Hypandrium in shield-shape. Gonopod microtrichose bearing one long bristle. Paraphyses fused to gonopod bearing two small bristles on each side. Description. Male. Holotype external morphology: total length (body + wings) 5 mm, body length 3.40 mm. Body color yellowish brown. Head. Aristae with five dorsal and two ventral branches plus terminal fork and fine hairs, pedicel and flagellomere brown. Orbital plate brown, frontal length 0.27 mm; frontal index = 0.61; top to bottom width ratio = 1.59. Distance of or3 to or1 = 0.10, distance of or3 to vtm = 0.12, or1-or3 ratio = 0.76; or2-or1 ratio = 0.39. Medial vertical seta closer to lateral vertical seta, vt index = 1.33. Ocellar triangle brown, distance of postocellar setae = 0.77 of frontal length, ocellus yellow. Frontal vitta yellowish brown. Carina prominent brown, not sulcate. Cheek index = 4.66. Two prominent oral bristles the second almost the same size as the first, vibrissa index = 1. Eyes red, eye index = 1.16. Thorax. Yellowish brown, thorax length 0.85 mm, acrostichal hairs in six rows between the two anterior dorsocentral setae that decrease in number toward the rear. h index = 1.07. Transverse distance of dorsocentral setae = 2.15, dc index = 0.95. Basal scutellar setae parallel, distance between apical scutellar seta = 0.68, scut index = 1.27. Medial katepisternal seta slightly smaller than the previous seta, sterno index = 1.66. Legs yellow. Clear wings, dM-Cu slightly clouded. Alar length 3.28 mm, alar width 1.41 mm. Alar indices: alar = 2.17; C = 4.55; ac = 1.87; hb = 0.20; 4c = 0.43; 4v = 1.07; 5x = 1.12; M = 0.26 and prox. x = 0.31. Abdomen. Yellow, with dorsal midline, 1st tergite yellowish brown, 2nd - 5th tergites with triangular pigmentation that thins laterally, 6th tergite with pigmented circle in the middle (Figure 11A). Figure 11. Drosophila misi sp. n., abdomen and male terminalia of holotype. A Male abdomen, dorsal view B Epandrium, cerci, surstylus and decasternum C Hypandrium, gonopods and paraphyses, ventral view D, E, F Aedeagus in ventral, lateral and dorsal view, respectively. Terminalia scale bars: 100 µm . Male terminalia. Epandrium microtrichose, ventral lobe membranous with nine bristles. Cerci not fused to epandrium. Surstylus triangular, granular, with ten primary teeth on the right and eleven on the left, eight secondary teeth on the right and seven on the left, nine marginal bristles on the right and 12 on the left (Figure 11B). Hypandrium sclerotized, in shield-shape. Gonopod microtrichose bearing one long bristle (Figure 11C). Aedeagus. Sclerotized tube-like, apex with two dorsal sclerotized projections with serrated edge. Dorsally with a finger-like projection covered in tiny projections. Ventral rod absent. Aedeagus apodeme sclerotized straight and wide (Figure 11D-F). Paraphyses strongly sclerotized fused to gonopod bearing two small bristles on each side (Figure 11C). Variation in paratypes (dry mounted specimen). Head. Frontal length 0.26-0.31 mm, frontal index = 0.73-0.88, top to bottom width ratio = 1.51-1.68; distance of or3 to or1 = 0.07-0.09, distance of or3 to vtm = 0.10-0.14, or1-or3 ratio = 0.50-1.03, or2-or1 ratio = 0.22-0.41, distance of ocellar setae = 0.67-1.07 of frontal length, distance of postocellar setae = 0.61-0.80 of frontal length, vt index = 0.81-1.36; cheek index = 4.36-8.66; vibrissa index = 0.78-1.0; eye index = 0.95-1.36. Thorax. Length 0.84-1.03 mm, h index = 0.83-1.33. Transverse distance of dorsocentral setae = 1.30-2.31, dc index = 0.95-1.16. Distance between apical scutellar seta = 0.73-0.90. scut index = 1.23-1.27. Etymology. In Kichwa, misi means cat; the apex of the aedeagus resembles the ears of a cat. Distribution. Drosophila misi is known from two localities (elevation range is 2675-2800 m) from Loja Province, Podocarpus National Park. Ecology. Unknown. The type specimen was found in the fermented banana-bait traps placed at the locality, which suggests that this species feeds and breeds in fermented fruit as do many other Drosophila species. The habitat is a well-preserved montane forest. Relationship to other species. The general shape of the male terminalia suggests that this species belongs to the Drosophila guarani group