Cortinarius insanus (Cortinariaceae, Basidiomycota), a new bovinoid Telamonia outside sect. Bovini Author Bellanger, Jean-Michel 0000-0001-9289-2349 CEFE, CNRS, Univ. Montpellier, EPHE, IRD, INSERM, 1919, route de Mende, F- 34293 Montpellier Cedex 5, France-jean-michel. bellanger @ cefe. cnrs. fr; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 9289 - 2349 Author Schmidt-Stohn, Geert Burgstr. 25, D- 29553 Bienenbüttel, Germany. Author Bidaud, André 2436, route de Brailles, F- 38510 Vézeronce-Curtin, France. Author Ballarà, Josep C / Tossalet de les Forques, 44, E- 08600 Berga, Catalunya, Spain. Author Carteret, Xavier 68, rue Alexis Maneyrol, F- 92370 Chaville, France. Author Dima, Bálint 0000-0003-2099-3903 Department of Plant Anatomy, Institute of Biology, Eötvös Loránd University, Pázmány Péter sétány 1 / c, H- 1117 Budapest, Hungary cortinarius 1 @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0003 - 2099 - 3903 text Phytotaxa 2022 2022-12-15 576 1 89 100 journal article 209410 10.11646/phytotaxa.576.1.5 8fa0e4c0-ead2-4be5-9c89-3ba277619b57 1179-3163 7441238 Cortinarius furiosus Carteret & Reumaux , in Bidaud et al. (2015: 1981) , emend Mycobank MB#815178 Original diagnosis : Pileus 40–65 mm latus, in disco carnosus, conicus vel obtuse umbonatus; margo inflexa, cito recta, lacerata, pseudo-squamosa, sinuata-undulata; indumentum hygrophanum, e brunneo-fulvum griseo-olivaceum, flammulis fuscis radiatum. Stipes 70–80 × 5–10 mm in summo, rectus vel ad basim curvatus cum bulbum vel fusoideum, vel ovoideum15 mm ) latum, margaritifer, furtive griseo-violaceo tinctus, aetate griseo-brunneus. Caro inodora, in pileo griseo-brunnea, in stipitis apice evanido violaceo tincta, pallescens, basim versus subfusca. Ope gaiaco cyanea (++). Lamellae ventricosae, satis distantes, emarginatae vel uncinatae, brunneo-fulvae; acies alba, plus minusve crenulata. Sporae ellipsoideae, satis verrucosae, (7) 7,5–10 (10,5) × (4) 4,5–5,5 (6) µm. FIGURE 3. Cortinarius insanus , basidiomata. A—coll. JB-9912-18 , Spain (Photo: J. Ballarà), B—coll. AB 11-11-343 , France (Photo: A. Bidaud), C—coll. JK Cort18111108 , Spain (Photo: J. Kleine), D—coll. JB-8770-15 , Spain (Photo: J. Ballarà, isotype), E—coll. XC 2007-75 , France (Photo: X. Carteret), F—coll. JB-8727-15 , Spain (Photo: J. Ballarà). Illustrations : Bidaud et al. (2015) , pl. 990; this study, Fig. 2 . Emended description : Basidiomata medium sized. Pileus 40–95 mm in diameter, fleshy in centre, obtusely convex, with broad flat umbo and margin soon straight, lacerate, pseudosquamous, grey-brown with olive hues (R 70–71 or more or less Séguy 336), margin sometimes becoming brown or blackish; surface hygrophanous, dehydrating in a K. mutabilis fashion, tan or tawny brown at centre (Cailleux R 53–S 53, more tawny than Ség. 131), with paler edge (Caill. P 55) and bistre radial streaks, coated with small micaceous fibrills upon drying. Lamellae reaching 16 mm wide, thick, fairly widely spaced, veined, emarginate or distinctly uncinate, tawny brown when mature; edges more or less serrulate and paler than faces. Stipe cylindrical, clavate-bulbose to strongly bulbose, sometimes with an onion like bulb, 70–80 mm long × 5–18 mm diameter at the apex and reaching 37 mm in the basal bulb, slightly marginate; surface shiny white, silky fibrillose, greyish turning grey-brown upon bruising or removal of the fibrillum, then subconcoloured with the pileus surface, more brownish towards stipe base, with very subtle bluish hues at the apex in rare cases, veil mostly inconspicuous but sometimes forming faint girdles. Context pale grey-brown in the pileus, darker bistre-brown towards stipe base and faintly bluish (ephemeral hue) at the stipe apex in rare cases, darkening to KOH; taste and smell indistinct. Basidiospores [8, 8, 275], 6.3–8.7 × 4.1–5.3 µm, M = 7.5 × 4.7 µm, intercarpic variation of M: 6.7–8.3 × 4.4–5.1 µm, Q = 1.41–1.77, Q m = 1.59, intercarpic variation of Q m : 1.52–1.65, subamygdaloid, densely and coarsely verrucose. Reaction with Melzer’s reagent more or less “strongly dextrinoid” in most collections ( Table 1 and Fig. 4 ). FIGURE 4. Cortinarius furiosus , spores. A— coll. AB 18-11-169 , France; B— coll. SSt10-230 , Germany; C— coll. SSt15-122 , Italy; D— coll. SSt17-017 , Sweden; E— coll. HM 2017-007 , Germany; F— coll. XC 2014-64c (holotype), France; G— coll. JB-8917-16 , Spain. Habitat & Distribution : August to mid-November. Deciduous trees on calcareous soil, from the Mediterranean to southern Sweden , extending eastward to Austria . Studied material : FRANCE . Île-de-France :under deciduous trees, 19 Nov.2012 , D.Brion, XC 2014-64c ( holotype , PC !), ITS GenBank KX964562 ; Ardèche: Lagorce, Rocles, 200 m asl, under Quercus ilex on calcareous soil, 15 Nov. 2018 , A . Bidaud, AB 18-11-169 , ITS GenBank ON818518 . GERMANY . Main-Spessart: Karlstadt-Heugrumbach, under Quercus spp . , Carpinus betulus and Fagus sylvatica with single Pinus sylvestris and Larix decidua , 6 Oct. 2004 , G . Saar , GS 06.10.2004 , ITS GenBank ON818520 ; Baden-W̧rttemberg: Badenweiler, under Quercus spp . and C. betulus , 1 Sept. 2006 , G . Saar , GS 01.09.2006 , ITS GenBank ON818519 ; Sachsen-Anhalt : Dingelstedt, Huy, under Quercus spp . , C. betulus and Corylus avellana in a mixed tree forest on calcareous soil, 2 Oct. 2010 , G . SchmidtStohn & T . E . Brandrud, SSt10-230 , ITS GenBank ON818526 ; Sachsen-Anhalt : Kleinleinungen, Eichberg, under Q. petraea , C. betulus and Tilia cordata on calcareous soil, 15 Sept. 2010 , J . Kleine, JK Cort10091516 , ITS GenBank ON818525 ; Sachsen-Anhalt : M ̧ncheroda, under C. betulus , C. avellana and Quercus spp . on calcareous soil, 24 Sept. 2016 , M . Huth, HM 2017-007 , ITS GenBank ON818521 ; Sachsen-Anhalt : Freyburg, NSG Tote Täler, under Quercus spp . on calcareous soil, 17 Oct. 2016 , M . Huth, HM 2017-010 , ITS GenBank ON818522 ; Sachsen-Anhalt : Freyburg, NSG Tote Täler, under Q . ssp. and C. betulus on calcareous soil, 21 Sept. 2014 , M . Huth, HM 2017-032 , ITS GenBank ON818523 . ITALY . Abruzzo : Bosco S . Antonio, under F. sylvatica , 1 Oct. 2014 , F . Bellù, SSt14-147 , ITS GenBank ON818527 ; Marche : Urbino, La Cesane, under Q. pubescens and Ostrya carpinifolia , 29 Oct. 2015 , G . Saar, TEB 744-15 / SSt15-122 , ITS GenBank ON818528 . SPAIN . Catalonia : Barcelona, Berguedà, Cercs, N42°08’50” E1°51’24” , 675 m asl, under Q. ilex on calcareous soil, 7 Oct. 2016 , J . Ballarà, JB-8917-16 , ITS GenBank ON818524 . SWEDEN . Öland: Nat.-res. R ̂nnerum-Abbantorp, under C. betulus and Quercus spp . on calcareous soil, 13 Aug. 2017 , G . Schmidt-Stohn, SSt17-017 , ITS GenBank ON818529 .