Three new species of Zygothrica (Diptera: Drosophilidae) from the Neotropical region, Brazil Author Mendes, Mayara F. Universidade Federal de Pelotas (UFPel), Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biologia Animal, Pelotas, RS, Brasil. & Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biologia Animal, Pelotas, RS, Brasil. Author Blauth, Monica L. Universidade Federal de Pelotas (UFPel), Instituto de Biologia (IB), Departamento de Ecologia, Zoologia e Genética (DEZG), Pelotas, RS, Brasil. (urn: lsid: zoobank. org: pub: 37 B 52 B 2 E- 936 D- 4 FDB-BE 36 - C 52 E 4 F 3 D 932 D) Author Gottschalk, Marco S. Universidade Federal de Pelotas (UFPel), Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biologia Animal, Pelotas, RS, Brasil. & Universidade Federal de Pelotas (UFPel), Instituto de Biologia (IB), Departamento de Ecologia, Zoologia e Genética (DEZG), Pelotas, RS, Brasil. (urn: lsid: zoobank. org: pub: 37 B 52 B 2 E- 936 D- 4 FDB-BE 36 - C 52 E 4 F 3 D 932 D) text Revista Brasileira de Entomologia 2021 e 20210059 2021-10-25 65 3 1 10 journal article 10.1590/1806-9665-RBENT-2021-0059 1806-9665 Zygothrica duovittata sp. nov. ( BA6C2E5B-6378-4C6A-B858-2DAACA3D02D4 ) ( Figures 4-6 ; 10B ) Type series . Holotype : labeled “ Zygothrica duovittata sp. nov. Mendes et al. HOLOTYPE ”, “ Brasil , Paraná , Diamantina do Norte , Est [ação]. Ecol [ógica]. do Caiuá ; 22°49’38”S 45°39’45”W ; 30.IV.2011 ; Col: J. P. Junges . Paratypes : 14♂ labeled “ Zygothrica duovittata sp. nov. Mendes et al.; PARATYPE 01 ” “ Brasil , São Paulo , Teodoro Sampaio, P.E. Morro do Diabo ; 03.V.2011 ; Col: J. P. Junges ”; 01 labeled “ Zygothrica duovittata sp. nov. Mendes et al.; PARATYPE ”, “ Brasil , [ Pará ], Belém do Pará , Utinga ; 22. VI .[19]65; Col: H.S. Lopes ”. Abdominal sclerites and the terminalia were stored in microvials with glycerine, one wing was removed and prepared on a permanent microscope slide and all materials were attached to the specimens. Finally, the material type was fixed in ethanol 70 %. Type locality . Estação Ecológica do Caiuá , city of Diamantina do Norte , State of Paraná , Brazil ( 22°49’38”S , 45°39’45”) . Diagnosis . Predominantly yellow body; scutum light brown, with four dark brown bands between dorsocentral bristle lines, the central pair darker and wider (the intensity of the coloration could vary); 8-9 irregular lines of acrostichal setulae between dc; scutellum light brown, slightly lighter margin; pleura yellow; abdomen yellow, with medial black bands on tergites I, II, III and IV; aristae with 5 dorsal, 1 ventral and 4 short inner branches, plus the terminal fork; first flagellomere light brown, length about 2.5x the width, and about 2x the length of the pedicel; carina facial light brown; legs yellow; wings hyaline, without spots; R 2+3 straight, R 4+5 slightly convergent toward M. Description . Head . Brown; width = 1.10 (0.96-1.13) mm. Eyes red, bare. Pedicel and scape brown, flagellomere brownish yellow, length about 2.5x the width, and about 2x the length of the pedicel. Aristae with 5 dorsal branches, 1 ventral and 4 short inner branches, plus the terminal fork. Orbital plates brown. Orbital bristles brown.Distance between or1 and or2 = 0.06 (0.05-0.08) mm, between and1 to or3 = 0.10 (0.9-0.11) mm and between or2 and or3 = 0.04 (0.04-0.07) mm. Front ochre. Ocellar triangle brown, occupying approximately 1/2 of the frontal length; anterior frontal width equal to length, posterior width slightly smaller than anterior. Face ochre. Gena yellow. Proboscis, palps and labellum yellow. Thorax . Brown, with four dark brown bands, the two central are more intense and wider; 8-9 irregular lines of acrostichal setulae between the dorsocentral bristles; scutellum brown and slightly lighter in the margins; yellow pleura; 2 katepisternal setae, posterior about 2x the length of the anterior. Legs yellow. Thorax length = 1.07 (1.07-1.29) mm, width = 0.75 (0.84-0.98) mm. Wings . Hyalines, without distinct spots; veins R 2+3 straight,R 4+5 slightly curved towards M;bM-Cu absent;halters yellow.Indices:C = 2.63 (1.87-3.20); ac = 3.15 (2.20-3.76); hb = 0.58 (0.52-0.63); 4c = 0.82 (0.60-0.88); 4v = 1.39 (1.24-1.48); 5x = 1.44 (1.18-1.82); M = 0.35 (0.29-0.42); prox. x = 0.34 (0.32-0.40). Wing length = 2.74 (2.17-2.46) mm. Abdomen . Yellow, with medium black bands on tergites II, III and V, extending from anterior to posterior margin and not extending laterally. Note: The color intensity of the tergites may vary. Figure 4 Zygothrica duovittata sp. nov. , Holotype ♂. Lateral view. Scale bars: 1.0 mm. Figure 5 Zygothrica duovittata sp. nov. , Holotype ♂. a: head, frontal view; b: thorax, dorsal view; c: epandrium, cerci, surstyli and subepandrial sclerite, ventroposterior view; d: phallus, phallapodeme, and postgonites, lateral view. Scale bars: a-b: 0.5 mm; c-d: 0.1 mm. Terminalia . Epandrium with U-shaped form, ventral lobes small. Cerci elongated posteriorly, with long bristles and microtricose (except in the inner margin). Hipoproctal plate present, with two median-ventral elongated processes and one pair of bristles. Surstyli rounded, with 10-16 prensisetae arranged in two rows. Prominent and previously designed subepandrial sclerite. Large postgonites (gonopods sensu Grimaldi, 1987 ), attached to the hypandrium and containing a median bristle on the inner margin. Large pregonites (paraphysis sensu Grimaldi, 1987 ) fused to gonopods and with three obvious bristles. Hypandrium V-shaped, as long as the epandrium and with many growth lines. Phallus (aedeagus sensu Grimaldi, 1987 ) with margin ornamented by scales fused to the phallapodeme (aedeagal apodeme sensu Grimaldi, 1987 ) with irregular/wavy margin, with two apical projections, broad in the apex, with scales in the ventral portion and small bristles laterally. Phallapodeme shorter than phallus and tapered in lateral view. Unknown. Geographic distribution . The holotype and paratype specimens were collected in the Estação Ecológica do Caiuá , Diamantina do Norte , Paraná , Brazil ( 22°49’38”S 45°39’45”W ) ; Teodoro Sampaio, São Paulo , Brazil ; and Utinga, Belém, Pará , Brazil . Etymology . The specific epithet derives from the Latin “duo” which means two and “vitta” which means stripes or bands, and was proposed in reference to two darker longitudinal stripes in the middle of the thorax of the specimens.