New and noteworthy records of Rodentia (Erethizontidae, Sciuridae, and Cricetidae) from Paraguay Author D’Elía, Guillermo Author Mora, Ismael Author Myers, Phil Author Owen, Robert D. text Zootaxa 2008 1784 39 57 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.182407 882b995c-8e5b-42a4-ac52-3dcf104ab6ac 1175-5326 182407 Cerradomys maracajuensis (Langguth and Bonvicino, 2002 ) Table 1 Type Locality: Brazil , Mato Grosso do Sul: Municipality of Maracaju (approx. 21°38’S , 55°09’W ) Fazenda da Mata . FIGURE 5. Dorsal, ventral and lateral views of the cranium and mandible of Oxymycterus misionalis from Paraguay (TK 121752). Scale bar = 5 mm. Distribution : Known from the type locality, in the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Municipality of Maracaju (approx. 21º38’S , 55º09’W ), Fazenda da Mata and from one specimen (CE 2589) from Paraguay with unpublished locality data. New records : PARAGUARI: 9) Paraguari (CE-2584). SAN PEDRO : 10) Ganadera La Carolina, 1.5 KM SO de las casas, 24º 06.169´S 56º 25.624´W (GD 371, GD 372, GD 373, GD 374, GD 375, GD 376); 11) Ganadera La Carolina, 745 m O de las casas 24º 05.698' S 56º 25.439' W (GD 390); 12) Ruta 3 sobre margen norte del Río Jejui Guazu 24º 04.979’ S 56º 26.222’ W (GD 389). Figure 1 . Taxonomy : This species was recently described and to date no geographic variation has been reported. Comments : The first mention of C. maracajuensis for Paraguay was given by Pardiñas and Teta (2005) who mentioned specimen CE 2589 without giving locality data. This specimen was collected at Luque in the Department of Central (Pablo Teta, com. pers.). Our records expand to the northeast and southeast the known distribution of this species in Paraguay . A female collected in March (2001) gave birth to three young (measurements of one young were TBL=89, TL=36, HF=12, EL=5, W= 6g ). Other females collected at the same time had open or closed vagina. Specimens in San Pedro were collected with traps set on the ground in riparian forest and in nearby grasslands together with Akodon montensis , Calomys callosus, Didelphis albiventris Lund, and Oligoryzomys nigripes .