Body form of both sexes evenly elongate oval (Figs
20A, C
22A, C
); Elytra with apicolateral sinuation not evident, at most weakly developed, apical serrations strongly developed as small thorns; Mesotarsal claws with ventral margin rounded and evenly narrowed apically, without a denticle (Figs
); Metacoxae with numerous shallow punctures extending on to lateral wings of metacoxae; Median lobe of aedeagus more parallel sided, parameres of aedeagus more narrowly rounded (Fig.
). Western Caribbean
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Body form of males more laterally expanded after basal half of elytra (Figs
); Elytra with apicolateral sinuation moderately to strongly evident, apical serrations more weakly developed especially apicolaterally; Mesotarsal claws with a denticle (Figs
); Metacoxae with sparse and very shallowly impressed punctures; Median lobe of aedeagus weakly constricted medially, parameres of aedeagus more broadly rounded (Figs
). Eastern Caribbean
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Relatively smaller in size: 10.8-12.9 mm. Reticulation of dorsal surface more well impressed, medial disc reticulation composed of small regularly shaped circular sculpticells; Metacoxae with numerous large, shallow punctures present, extending regularly on to the metacoxal wings. Cuba |
Dineutus longimanus cubensis
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Relatively larger: 12.1-13.3 mm. Elytral reticulation much more finely impressed, reticulation of medially disc very weakly impressed composed of irregularly shaped sculpticells which are more transversely oriented; Metacoxae with punctures more shallowly impressed, decreased in number the metacoxal wings, only present on the posterior half. Jamaica |
Dineutus longimanus jamaicensis
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Dorsally margin of elytra with lateral greenish sheen; metacoxae with punctures more sparse and more shallowly impressed, barely distinguishable; median lobe of aedeagus with narrow dorsal carina at apex, apically less acuminate and more evenly angled apically. Puerto Rico |
Dineutus longimanus portoricensis
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Margin of elytral without lateral greenish sheen; metacoxae with punctures relatively apparent, but still sparse and shallowly impressed; median lobe of aedeagus without dorsal carina, more acuminate apically. Dominican Republic, Haiti |
Dineutus longimanus longimanus