Two new species of Pneumia Enderlein (Diptera, Psychodidae, Psychodinae) from the Palaearctic region Author Omelková, Markéta Author Ježek, Jan text Zootaxa 2012 3180 1 18 journal article 45530 10.5281/zenodo.279957 c9889031-2858-40ad-9e84-38e7177f6603 1175-5326 279957 Pneumia kabelaki Omelková & Ježek sp. nov. Type locality. Czech Republic , south-eastern Moravia, White Carpathian Mts., Bílé Karpaty PLA, Sidonie NR near Vlárský průsmyk pass, beech forest, 450 m a.s.l., 49°03'04"N 18°04'17"E . Type material. Holotype : Czech Republic , south-eastern Moravia, Bílé Karpaty PLA, Sidonie NR near Vlárský průsmyk pass (6974a4), 49°03'04"N 18°04'17"E , 450 m a.s.l., MT, 29.x.2010 , J. Macek and P. Chvojka leg.; beech forest. Slide Cat. No. 34541, Inv. No. 19705, dissected. Paratypes : 12 males , dissected, slides, same data, Cat. No. 34542–34553, Inv. No. 19706–19717. All material is deposited in the NMPC . Description. Male. The vertex is conspicuously elevated ( Fig. 20 ), with 4–5 supraocular bristles on the dorsal margins of the eyes on the extreme sides of the head. There is a horizontal border of setae above the upper apices of the eyes, which are slightly convex on both sides with a deep medial cleft. The eye bridge, with 4–7 facet rows ( Fig. 21 ), is divided by the width of four facet diameters ( Fig. 22 ). The ratio of the distance of the apices of the eyes (tangential points) to the minimum width of the frons is approximately 4.7:1. The interocular suture is inverted, well sclerotized, U-shaped, doubled by a straight, barely transparent, ligament. The frontoclypeus ( Fig. 20 ) has three quite separate alveoli patches (two reniform ventro-laterals and one elongate vertical). The vertical patch is a little narrow in the middle, not widened closely to interocular suture. The antennae ( Figs. 23, 24 ) are 16–partite and covered with minute setae. The scape is cylindrical, the pedicel is almost ball shaped, and both parts are covered by short, wide scales. The flagellomeres are spindle shaped, with long and narrow scales; only antennomere 15 is almost ovoid and the terminator has a stout apiculus (digit) as long as the basal, almost barrel shaped, part of the antennomere. The sensory filaments (ascoids) are needle-shaped ( Fig. 24 ), rather short, 1.2 times longer than the apiculus, upright, and paired. The maxilla and epipharynx are typical of the genus ( Figs. 25, 26 ), and the length ratios of the maxillary palpomeres are 1.0:2.2:2.3:3.3. The last palpomere is annulated (Fig. 35). The mouthparts hardly extend beyond the basal palpomere ( Fig. 20 ). For the terminal lobes of the labium, as shown in Fig. 33, the lines of small spines between both lobes meet, and are very visible. The ratio of the maximum length of the cibarium to the length of the epipharynx is 1.2:1. The labrum, as shown in Fig. 34, has numerous sensory setae. Thorax: the anepisternum has numerous setae (the anterior margin of the patch of hairs is circular), the transverse meropleural suture (rib) is conspicuously developed (Fig. 36), and the mesothoracic allurement protuberance is almost hemispherical ( Fig. 27 ), as long as one half of the head when extended, with a circular thoracic spiracle and a shallow dorsal cleft (fold). The wings (Fig. 37) are ovate, expanded a little at the posterior margin, and 4.1 mm long ( paratypes 3.1–3.9 mm ). The membrane of the wing is generally clear, only inconspicuously infuscated in the small area of the basal cell, the origins of Sc, R1, and R2+3, in an area among C, Sc and in a long linear streak running parallel to R1. There is also a long S-shaped streak running close above CuA2. Strengthened veins: Sc, R1 distally, R2+3, a basal part of R4, R5, M1+2, and CuA1 and CuA2 basally. The radial and medial forks are complete. The radial fork arises basal to the apex of CuA2 and the apex of CuA2 is basally fixed to the medial fork. The R5 ending is beyond the wing apex. Wing indices AB:AC:AD = 3.9:3.5:3.8; BC:CD:BD = 1.0:1.4:2.4. The index of maximum wing length to maximum wing width is 2.4. The medial wing angle is 195° (BCD), Sc widens distally, the CuA2 is basally connected with CuA1, and the halteres ( Fig. 28 ) are stick shaped and haired. The ratio of the maximum length of the halteres to their maximum width is 3.1:1. The length ratios of the femora, tibiae and first tarsomeres are: P1 1.5:1.7:1.0, P2 1.7:2.0:1.1, P3 1.7:2.2:1.1. The paired tarsal claws of P1 are haired, as shown in Fig. 38 (although the last third is bare). The basal apodeme of the aedeagus is barely pointed proximally from the dorsal view, almost straight, a little widened in the middle (Fig. 40), broad and proximally rounded from the lateral view (Fig. 41), slightly bent with a broken arch. The aedeagal complex is conical and approximately pintle shaped. The spatula has a deep and narrow cleft (Figs. 40, 42), the inner margins of the lobulae of the spatula have acute angles (invariably in all specimens), and the inner lamellae of the aedeagal complex are short and do not exceed the top of the male copulatory organ (Figs. 40–42). The gonocoxites ( Figs. 29 , 40) are short and thick, and the ratio of the length of a gonocoxite and the aedeagal complex is 1:2.1. The gonostyli ( Fig. 29 , 39–40) are bipartite: the bulbose part is stout and swollen, almost globular in contrast to the digital part, which is thin, irregularly distorted in different views, with one long and conspicuous subapical bristle. The epandrium ( Figs. 30, 32 ) is quadrilateral, almost bare, and the only setae are found caudally on both sides of a deep caudal epandrial notch. The basal aperture oval, conspicuously bordered by sclerotized folds, is connected with two small, circular crevices inside. The remainders of ventral epandrial sclerite are narrow, almost spindle shaped from the dorsal view, with some transverse proximal FIGURES 33–43. Pneumia kabelaki Omelková & Ježek sp. nov. male. 33. Terminal lobes of labium. 34. Labrum. 35. Maxilla and palpus maxillaris. 36. Thoracic sclerites, lateral view. 37. Wing. 38. Tarsal claws of P1, dorsal and lateral views. 39. Narrowed part of gonostylus, dissected, dorsolateral view. 40. Aedeagal complex and gonopod, dorsal view. 41. Aedeagal complex, lateral view. 42. Aedeagal complex, distiphallus in detail. 43. Retinacula in detail. [Scale: 33, 34, 38,39, 42, 43 = 0.1 mm ; 35, 36, 40, 41 = 0.2 mm ; 37 = 1 mm ] FIGURES 20–32. Pneumia kabelaki Omelková & Ježek sp. nov. male. 20. Head, frontal view. 21. Frons and facets in detail, frontal view. 22. Adjacent structures of eye, inner curve. 23. Basal flagellomeres. 24. Apical flagellomeres. 25. Maxilla in detail. 26. Epipharynx. 27. Strictured mesothoracal allurement protuberance. 28. Haltere, lateral view. 29. Right gonopod, dorsal view. 30. Epandrium and surstylus, lateral view. 31. Hypandrium. 32. Epandrium and surstyli, dorsal view. [Scale: 22, 27, 31 = 0.05 mm; 21, 24 26 = 0.1 mm; 20, 23, 28–30, 32 = 0.2 mm] wrinkles ( Fig. 32 ), and very narrow from the lateral view, slightly bent and sharply frayed ( Fig. 30 ). The hypandrium is narrow and a bit wider in the middle ( Figs. 31 , 40). The epiproct ( Figs. 30, 32 ) is small, oval-shaped, narrow, and 2.2 times longer than it is wide. The setae are widely spaced. The hypoproct ( Figs. 30, 32 ) is large, almost tongue shaped, wider in the middle, and the caudal part is almost hemicircular and densely haired. The setae on both parts are of the same length, rather short. The surstyli ( Figs. 30, 32 ) are almost 1.5 times as long as the epandrium, C-shaped from the lateral view, straight from the dorsal view, and subapically have 16–19 retinaculi, which gradually become shorter towards the top of surstylus. The retinaculi are apically frayed ( Figs. 32 , 43). Female unknown. Differential diagnosis. Pneumia kabelaki differs from P. marinkovicae by the frontoclypeus ( Fig. 20 ), which has three separate patches of hairs (two reniform ventro-lateral and one elongate vertical, which are not wider closer to the frontal suture, but are a little narrow in the middle. The medial wing angle is 195° (BCD), the Sc is widened distally (Fig. 37), the CuA2 is basally connected with the CuA1, and the hypandrium is wider in the middle ( Figs. 31 , 40). The basal apodeme of the male copulatory organ is barely pointed proximally (Fig. 40), the spatula has a deep and narrow cleft (Figs. 40, 42), the inner margins of the lobulae of the spatula make acute angles, and the inner lamellae of the aedeagal complex are short and do not exceed the top of the male copulatory organ (compare with table 3, fig. b of Krek 1982 : an aedeagal complex from Macedonia –considered by Krek as a variant of marinkovicae ). The holotype of P . marinkovicae (only on the basis of the original description) has a frontoclypeus with three patches of hairs connected in one point centrally, with a vertically elongated field expanded close to the frontal suture, and not narrow in the middle. The medial wing angle is 188° (BCD), the Sc is not widened distally, the CuA2 is not connected basally with CuA1, the hypandrium is not widened in the middle, the basal apodeme of the male copulatory organ is widened proximally, the spatula is shallow with a broad cleft, the inner margins of the lobulae of the spatula form an obtuse angle (73°), and the inner lamellae of the aedeagal complex are long and exceed the top of the male copulatory organ. Etymology. Pneumia kabelaki is dedicated to our dear colleague and friend Jiří Kabelák (National Museum, Prague), who discovered the specimens of this species in our unsorted storage material of insects. Bionomics. Unknown. Distribution. Currently known only from the Czech Republic . Comments. Pneumia kabelaki has a conspicuously developed meropleural suture (rib), very visible in spirituous undissected specimens in contrast to P . isabellae and P . toubkalensis for which this character is missing. The problematic specimens of Krek from Macedonia probably belong to the species described above, although this must be verified in the future. Krek’s collection of moth flies, deposited in the University of Sarajevo, was probably destroyed during Yugoslavian military conflicts; a comparison of our results with Krek’s specimens from the Balkans is badly needed, although unfortunately impossible.