New species of Anastrepha (Diptera: Tephritidae), with a key for the species of the megacantha clade Author Norrbom, Allen L. Author Korytkowski, Cheslavo A. text Zootaxa 2012 3478 510 552 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.282325 8aded192-5c1f-42cf-943f-0f173abc3d85 1175-5326 282325 Anastrepha macracantha , new species Figs. 11 , 48, 49 , 69, 70 , 84 , 99 Diagnosis. Anastrepha macracantha differs from most other species of Anastrepha by its pattern of dorsobasal denticles on the eversible membrane, with one medial denticle much larger than the others. In this regard it is similar to other species of the megacantha clade, but differs as indicated in the key. In the key of Steyskal (1977) it runs with difficulty to A. parallela (Wiedemann) or A. kuhlmanni Lima. It differs from both species in having the large medial denticle on the eversible membrane and its much shorter aculeus tip ( 0.06–0.07 mm long vs. 0.16 mm in A. kuhlmanni and 0.25–0.33 mm in A. parallela ) with uneven margins (lateral margin evenly tapering in the other two species). Description. Mostly yellow to orange. Setae dark red brown. Head: Yellow to orange except brown ocellar tubercle. 3–4 frontal setae; 2 orbital setae, posterior seta well developed. Ocellar seta weak, at most 1.5 times as long as ocellar tubercle. Facial carina, in profile, straight or slightly concave on dorsal two-thirds. Antenna not extended to ventral facial margin. Palpus in lateral view dorsally curved, evenly setulose. Thorax: Mostly yellow to orange, with following areas white (poorly differentiated in type specimens): postpronotal lobe and lateral margin of scutum bordering it; sublateral scutal vitta from transverse suture to posterior margin, including base of intra-alar seta; entire scutellum; dorsal margins of anepisternum and katepisternum; katepimeron; and most of anatergite and katatergite. Medial scutal vitta not apparent, probably absent. Subscutellum and mediotergite entirely orange. Mesonotum 3.91–4.32 mm long. Postpronotal lobe, notopleuron, and scutellum entirely microtrichose; scutum mostly nonmicrotrichose except bordering transverse suture, laterally and posteriorly; scutal setulae yellow to orange. Chaetotaxy typical for genus. Katepisternal seta weak, less than half as long as anepisternal seta, and much weaker, orange. Legs: Entirely yellow to orange. Wing ( Figs. 48, 49 ): Length 8.74–9.05 mm , width 3.48–3.50 mm , ratio 2.52–2.59. Apex of vein R1 at 0.59 wing length, at level of anterior end of crossvein r–m. Cell c 1.39–1.53 times as long as pterostigma; pterostigma 4.11 times as long as wide. Vein R2+3 slightly to moderately sinuous. Crossvein r–m at 0.68 distance from bm–cu to dm–cu on vein M. Vein M strongly curved apically; cell r4+5 0.84–0.93 times as wide at apex as at level of dm–cu. Cell bcu with distal lobe moderately long, length of bcu 1.57–1.73 times as long as anterior margin, lobe 0.83–1.02 times as long as vein A1+Cu2. Wing pattern mostly orange and moderate brown. C-band mostly orange, paler posteromedially in cell c, darker orange brown in pterostigma and with brownish streak in cell br. C-band and Sband broadly separated along veins R2+3 and R4+5 by hyaline band that extends from cell bm to costa, slightly narrowed along vein R2+3. Basal hyaline area in cell dm medium sized. Basal half of S-band mostly orange, posterodistal margin brown, more broadly in cell cu1, without or with weak incision in cell cu1, proximal margin narrowly brown in radial cells; distal section orange and moderate brown, moderately broad, at apex of vein R2+3 0.66–0.67 times width of cell r2+3, extended almost to apex of vein M; hyaline area proximal to apex of band extending to vein R2+3 or very slightly into cell r1. V-band complete, mostly brown except proximal arm orange at least anteriorly bordering dm–cu and in cell r4+5 except part or all of proximal margin, proximal arm separated from S-band, on posterior margin extended approximately half distance to vein A1+Cu2; distal arm connected to proximal arm; cell r4+5 with small diffuse hyaline area between V-band and vein M. Abdomen: Mostly orange, without brown markings. Setulae orange. Female terminalia: Oviscape 5.24–5.96 mm long, 1.26–1.39 times as long as mesonotum, straight in lateral view, orange basally, distal half brown; spiracle at basal 0.23–0.25. Eversible membrane ( Figs. 69, 70 ) with 1 very large medial hooklike denticle and 40–50 small slender hooklike dorsobasal denticles, less than half as long as medial denticle, in 3–4 irregular rows in suboval pattern. Aculeus ( Fig. 84 ) ventrally curved in lateral view, 5.55 mm long, 0.93 times as long as oviscape, in ventral view base slightly expanded, 0.16 mm wide; shaft 0.075 mm wide at midlength; tip ( Fig. 99 ) 0.06–0.07 mm long, 0.01 times aculeus length, 0.045–0.050 mm wide, 1.20–1.56 times as long as wide, slightly tapered, nonserrate but with large notch on distal third, 0.020–0.025 mm wide in lateral view, 0.40–0.56 times ventral width. Spermathecae elongate ovoid. Distribution. Anastrepha macracantha is known only from eastern Ecuador (Orellana, Sucumbíos). Biology. The host plants and other aspects of the biology of this species are unknown. FIGURES 1–2. Habitus: 1, A. anopla (Ecuador: Onkone Gare, USNMENT00054652); 2, A. grandicarina (Ecuador: Onkone Gare, USNMENT00054685). FIGURES 3–4. Habitus: 3, A. intermedia (Panama: Altos de Pacora, USNMENT00213710); 4, A. neogigantea (Ecuador: Onkone Gare, FIGURES 5–6. Habitus: 5, A. lopezi (female, Guatemala: Palín, USNMENT00104579); 6, A. peneramosa (Peru: Shiringayoc, USNMENT00671129). FIGURES 7–8. Habitus: 7, A. hadracantha (Ecuador: Onkone Gare, USNMENT00054810); 8, A. haplacantha (Ecuador: Onkone Gare, USNMENT00054590). FIGURES 9–10. Habitus: A. hyperacantha (Ecuador: Onkone Gare, USNMENT00053632; USNMENT00054755). FIGURE 11–12. Habitus: 11, A. macracantha (Ecuador: Onkone Gare, USNMENT00054794); 12, A. magnicurva (Ecuador: Aliñahui, USNMENT00104467). FIGURES 13–18. Head: 13–14, antenna, lateral, A. intermedia (male Panama: Altos de Pacora, USNMENT00671670; female Panama: Altos de Pacora, USNMENT00671674); 15–16, head and palpus, lateral, A. intermedia (male, Panama: Altos de Pacora, USNMENT00671673); 17, head, anterior, A.neogigantea (female, Ecuador: Onkone Gare, USNMENT00054798); 18, head, lateral, A.neogigantea (male, Ecuador: Onkone Gare, USNMENT00054540). FIGURES 19–21. 19, head, anterolateral, A. grandicarina (female, Ecuador: Onkone Gare, USNMENT00054685); 20, head & thorax, dorsal, A. stangei (female holotype, Venezuela: Rancho Grande, USNMENT00214859); 21, same, oviscape, dorsal. FIGURES 22–25. 22–23, head, lateral and anterolateral, A. protuberans (holotype); 24, head & thorax, dorsal, A. inaequalis (female holotype, Trinidad: Arima Valley, USNMENT00104564); 25, same, abdomen, ventral. FIGURES 26–37. Wings: 26–27, A. anopla (male, Ecuador: Onkone Gare, USNMENT00054655; female, Brazil: Manaus, USNMENT00104556); 28, A. grandicarina (male, Ecuador: Onkone Gare, USNMENT00054606); 29–30, A. intermedia (Panama: Altos de Pacora, male USNMENT00671666; female USNMENT00104584); 31, A. lopezi (female, Guatemala: Palín, USNMENT00104579); 32–34, A. magnicurva (female, Ecuador: Aliñahui, USNMENT00104467; female, Perú: Pendencia Baja, USNMENT00671982; male, Perú: Pichanaki, USNMENT00671985); 35, A. neogigantea (female, Ecuador: Onkone Gare, USNMENT00054815); 36, A. peneramosa (female, Perú: Shiringayoc, USNMENT00671129); 37, A. protuberans (female holotype). FIGURES 38–49. Wings: 38, A. protuberans (male Venezuela: Caura Val., USNMENT00104592); 39, A. stangei (female holotype, Venezuela: Rancho Grande, USNMENT00214859); 40–41, A. hadracantha (male, Ecuador: Tiputini, USNMENT00054364; female, Ecuador: Onkone Gare, USNMENT00054810); 42, A. haplacantha (female, Ecuador: Onkone Gare, USNMENT00054590); 43, sp. nr. A. haplacantha (male, Ecuador: Onkone Gare, USNMENT00054780); 44–45, A. hyperacantha (Ecuador: Onkone Gare, male USNMENT00054555; female USNMENT00053632; female USNMENT00054755); 47, A. inaequalis (female holotype, Trinidad: Arima Valley, USNMENT00104564); 48–49, A. macracantha (female, Ecuador: Onkone Gare,USNMENT00054794; female, Brazil: Manaus, USNMENT00104565). FIGURES 50–55. Eversible membranes: 50, A. anopla (Brazil: Manaus, USNMENT00104556); 51, A. grandicarina (Ecuador: Onkone Gare, USNMENT00054685); 52, A. intermedia (Panama: Altos de Pacora, USNMENT00671662); 53, A. lopezi (Guatemala: Palín, USNMENT00104579); 54, A. magnicurva (Peru: Huánuco, USNMENT00671164); 55, A. neogigantea (Ecuador: Onkone Gare, USNMENT00054815). FIGURES 56–63. Eversible membranes: 56, A. peneramosa (Perú: Shiringayoc, USNMENT00671977); 57–58, A. protuberans (Guyana: Bartica, USNMENT00216630); 59, A. stangei (Venezuela: Rancho Grande, USNMENT00214859); 60–61, A. hadracantha (Ecuador: Onkone Gare, USNMENT00054812); 62–63, A. haplacantha (Ecuador: Onkone Gare, USNMENT00054590). FIGURES 64–70. Eversible membranes: 64–67, A. hyperacantha (Ecuador: Onkone Gare, USNMENT00054755, USNMENT00054653, USNMENT00053632); 68, A. inaequalis (female holotype, Trinidad: Arima Valley, USNMENT00104564); 69–70, A. macracantha (Ecuador: Onkone Gare, USNMENT00054794). FIGURES 71–84. Aculei: 71, A. anopla (Ecuador: Onkone Gare, USNMENT00054743); 72, A. grandicarina (Ecuador: Onkone Gare, USNMENT00054685); 73–74, A. intermedia (Panama: Altos de Pacora, USNMENT00671667); 75, A. lopezi (Guatemala: Palín, USNMENT00104579); 76, A. neogigantea (Ecuador: Onkone Gare, USNMENT00054815); 77, A. peneramosa (Perú: Shiringayoc, USNMENT00671977); 78, A. protuberans (Guyana: Bartica, USNMENT00216630); 79, A. stangei (Venezuela: Rancho Grande, USNMENT00214859); 80, A. hadracantha (Ecuador: Onkone Gare, USNMENT00054812); 81, A. haplacantha (Ecuador: Onkone Gare, USNMENT00054795); 82, A. hyperacantha (Ecuador: Onkone Gare, USNMENT00053632); 83, A. inaequalis (female holotype, Trinidad: Arima Valley, USNMENT00104564); 84, A. macracantha (Ecuador: Onkone Gare, USNMENT00054678). FIGURES 85–93. Aculeus tips: 85, A. anopla (Ecuador: Onkone Gare, USNMENT00054743); 86, A. grandicarina (Ecuador: Onkone Gare, USNMENT00054685); 87, A. intermedia (Panama: Altos de Pacora, USNMENT00671667); 88, A. lopezi (Guatemala: Palín, USNMENT00104579); 89, A. magnicurva (Peru: Chanchamayo, USNMENT00671989); 90, A. neogigantea (Ecuador: Onkone Gare, USNMENT00054798, dry); 91, A. peneramosa (Perú: Shiringayoc, USNMENT00671977); 92, A. protuberans (Guyana: Bartica, USNMENT00216630); 93, A. stangei (Venezuela: Rancho Grande, USNMENT00214859). FIGURES 94–99. Aculeus tips: 94, A. hadracantha (Ecuador: Onkone Gare, USNMENT00054812); 95, A. haplacantha (Ecuador: Onkone Gare, USNMENT00054795); 95, A. hyperacantha (Ecuador: Onkone Gare, USNMENT00053632); 96–97, A. inaequalis (female holotype, Trinidad: Arima Valley, USNMENT00104564); 98, A. macracantha (Ecuador: Onkone Gare, USNMENT00054678). FIGURES 100–103. Male terminalia (epandrium, surstyli and proctiger, lateral; epandrium and surstyli, posterior): 100–101, A. anopla (Ecuador: Onkone Gare, USNMENT00054655); 102–103, A. grandicarina (Ecuador: Onkone Gare, USNMENT00054606).
FIGURES 104–107. Male terminalia (epandrium, surstyli and proctiger, lateral; epandrium and surstyli, posterior): 104–105,
A. intermedia (Panama: Altos de Pacora, USNMENT00671668); 106–107, A. magnicurva (Peru: Pichanaki,
FIGURES 108–111. Male terminalia (epandrium, surstyli and proctiger, lateral; epandrium and surstyli, posterior): 108–109, A. protuberans (Venezuela: Caura Val., USNMENT00104591; 110–111, A. hadracantha (Ecuador: Onkone Gare, USNMENT00054611). FIGURES 112–115. 112–113, Male terminalia (epandrium, surstyli and proctiger, lateral; epandrium and surstyli, posterior): A. hyperacantha (Ecuador: Onkone Gare, USNMENT00054555). 114–115, Pouteria buenaventurensis : fruit cut to show seed; seed infested with larvae of A. intermedia . Type data. Holotype Ƥ (deposited in trust at USNM for eventual deposit in EPNE , USNMENT 00054794), ECUADOR : Orellana: Reserva Etnica Waorani, Onkone Gare Camp, 1 km S, Transect Ent., 0°39'10"S 76°26'W , transect 10, station 4, 220 m , insecticidal fogging, terra firme forest, 6 Jul 1995 , T. L. Erwin et al. Project MAXUS Lot 1124. Paratypes : ECUADOR : Sucumbíos: Limoncocha, Malaise trap, 8 Apr 1974 , B. Drummond, 1Ƥ ( FSCA USNMENT 00104655). Orellana: Reserva Etnica Waorani, Onkone Gare Camp, 1 km S, Transect Ent., 0°39'10"S 76°26'W , transect 1, station 10, 220 m , insecticidal fogging, terra firme forest, 20 Jun 1996 , T. L. Erwin et al. Project MAXUS Lot 1530, 1Ƥ ( USNM USNMENT 00054678). Other specimens examined. BRAZIL : Amazonas: Manaus, forest fragment R-1112, R. E. O., 10 Sep 1985 , B. Klein, 1Ƥ ( INPA USNMENT 00104565). Etymology. This name is a noun in apposition, from the Greek “makros”, meaning long, and “akantha”, meaning thorn, in reference to the much larger medial hooklike denticle on the eversible membrane. Comments. The Brazilian female apparently was pinned from fluid and is slightly shriveled. The apical part of the aculeus is twisted and was difficult to measure. This female is smaller than the type specimens but otherwise is similar and is presumed to be conspecific (wing length 8.12 mm , cell c/pterostigma ratio 1.35, vein M curvature ratio 0.95, mesonotum length 3.44 mm , oviscape length 4.40 mm , 1.28 times mesonotum length, aculeus length 4.16 mm ).