Chlamydastis Meyrick of Costa Rica: barcodes, biology, and descriptions of 36 new species (Lepidoptera: Depressariidae) Author Phillips-Rodríguez, Eugenie Dry Forest Conservation Fund, Sector Santa Rosa, Área de Conservación Guanacaste, phillipsrodriguez @ gmail. com urn: lsid: zoobank. org: author: E 798045 C-A 872 - 4 F 6 A- 82 F 4 - 5 AC 78 A 04 DDA 3 Author Brown, John W. National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution Washington, DC, 20013 - 7012, USA tortricidae. jwb @ gmail. com urn: lsid: zoobank. org: author: 3 C 52 FC 4 E-E 988 - 4 AD 6 - B 0 D 1 - 9 A 5 CA 74 CB 24 C Author Hallwachs, Winnie Department of Biology, University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA Author Janzen, Daniel H. Department of Biology, University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA text Insecta Mundi 2021 2021-05-28 2021 868 1 96 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5042023 1942-1354 5042023 1738B3CE-22AC-409B-9B04-DAD91322B278 Chlamydastis jimmilleri Phillips and Brown , new species Figures 31 , 75 , 110 Holotype . Male , Costa Rica , Puntarenas , Golfito , Jiménez , Estación El Tigre , 47 m , 10 Nov 2007 , A. Azofeifa , INB0004127556, GenBank accession code MH827045 ( MNCR-A ). Figures 32–41 . Adults of Chlamydastis from Costa Rica – Orion and Deflexa Species Groups. 32) C. orion , male, 12-SRNP-104862. 33) C. orion , female, 09-SRNP-103250. 34) C. montywoodi , male, holotype, 09-SRNP-1313. 35) C. montywoodi , female, paratype, 03-SRNP-5768. 36) C. johnnoyesi , male, holotype, 11-SRNP-104823. 37) C. johnnoyesi , female, paratype, 11-SRNP-55087. 38) C. luisdiegogomezi , male, holotype, INBIOCRI000484372. 39) C. luisdiegogomezi , female, paratype, INBIOCRI000306703. 40) C. paulthiaucourti , male, holotype, 12-SRNP- 105722. 41) C. paulthiaucourti , female, paratype, 09-SRNP-6356. Paratypes ( 16♂ , 11♀ ). See Appendix 1. Diagnosis. In FW pattern and male genitalia, C. jimmilleri is most similar to C. jimlewisi . It can be distinguished most easily from the latter by the shape of the valva in male genitalia: conspicuously broadened at middle and narrowed in the distal 0.25 in C. jimlewisi ; without a conspicuously broadened middle and more evenly attenuate throughout in C . jimmilleri . Description. MALE ( Fig. 31 ). Head . Frons and vertex whitish cream intermixed with gray scales, collar yellow intermixed with brown scales; labial palpus whitish intermixed with gray scales; antenna with sensory setae ca. 1.5 times width of flagellomere. Thorax . Prothorax and base of tegulae ocherous, meso- and metathorax mostly cream intermixed with a few ocherous scales; often with two lateral black lines on mesothorax. FW length 10.3– 10.5 mm ; FW with middle 0.66 somewhat checkered dark brown and pale ocherous with bluish white highlights; three round pale ocherous spots: one ill-defined near base of wing and two well-defined along termen, latter separated by a narrow line of brown ground color. HW pale brown. Abdomen . Externally brown. Genitalia ( Fig. 75 ) with uncus broad basally, somewhat conical, attenuate apically; gnathos membranous; valva nearly parallel-sided, only slightly narrowed in apical 0.25; specialized setae from a linear patch near middle of costa; lateral processes of juxta slightly bent near middle, reaching base of valva; phallus large, curved, pointed apically, with long, curved distal rod extending beyond apex of phallus; phallobase long, rounded. FEMALE. Head and Thorax . Essentially as described for male, except sensory setae of antenna short, sparse; FW length 10.7 mm . Abdomen . Genitalia ( Fig. 110 ) with papillae anales nearly parallel-sided along outer margin, only slightly diverging posteriorly; ductus bursae strongly sclerotized in posterior 0.5, wide in anterior 0.5, without distinct junction between ductus and corpus bursae; corpus bursae pear-shaped with a small, oblong, spiny signum, unsclerotized in a narrow region through its middle. DNA barcodes. The three barcode sequences of C. jimmilleri form two BINS (BOLD:ABU8074 and ABZ0878), separated by 1.77%. Because we can find no morphological differences to support species-level distinction, we treat these three specimens as conspecific. Distribution. Chlamydastis jimmilleri has been collected in the lowlands of the southern Pacific region of Costa Rica . Biology. The immature stages and food plants are unknown. Etymology. Chlamydastis jimmilleri is named in honor of James Miller, a notodontid specialist, in recognition of his contributions to the national biodiversity inventory of Costa Rica . Orion Species Group The Orion Species Group is composed of C. orion Busck, 1920 and C. montywoodi from Costa Rica ; C. ophiopa ( Meyrick, 1916 ) from French Guiana , illustrated by Clarke (1955: 1960) ; and C. rhomaeopa Meyrick, 1931 from Brazil ( Rio de Janeiro ). The species share similar male genitalia with a moderate, rodlike uncus from a broad base; reduced gnathos; parallel-sided valva with a rounded or slightly pointed apex; and usually a thick vinculum. The arrangement of the specialized male setae varies from species to species, originating from the base of the costa of the valva to subapically on the costa, and in some species there is a second patch of specialized setae that lack the arrowhead tip. Females have a wide ductus bursae, an ovate corpus bursae, and a medium sized, slightly dentate signum. Members of the group share a very similar forewing pattern that includes a large orbicular patch of silvery gray or whitish blue scales in the tornal area. In one of the species, C. orion , the forewing pattern is sexually dimorphic.