Studies on type material from Kützing’s diatom collection VI: The identity of Diatoma liber Suhr (1831) Author Williams, David M. text Phytotaxa 2021 2021-12-17 528 3 215 223 journal article 2891 10.11646/phytotaxa.528.3.6 93a0ef9f-16d5-4e83-9dd1-124f985f2085 1179-3163 5788164 6. Biddulphia trilocularis Kützing 1844 , p. 138 , pl. 29, fig. 89 Kützing provides a very brief description of Biddulphia trilocularis , lists two localities (“ Insel Cuba : Peru ”) and cites two illustrations from Ehrenberg ( Biddulphia pulchella from Ehrenberg 1843 , Taf. I, iii, fig. 25, Peru , and Denticella biddulphia from Ehrenberg 1843 , Taf. II, vi, fig. 19, Cuba ), noting that “Vielleicht gehört hierher auch Denticella Tridens Ehrenbg. Kreideth. 1839. p. 73” ( Kützing 1844 p. 138 ). Kützing’s own illustration (1844, pl. 29, fig. 89, see Fig. 22 ) is quite possibly a reproduction, or re-drawing, of Ehrenberg’s Denticella biddulphia ( Ehrenberg 1843 , Taf. II, vi, fig. 19, Cuba ) ( Figs 23, 24 ) as there are no specimens in Kützing’s collection for Biddulphia trilocularis . FIGURES 20–21. 20. Fragments of Biddulphia dalmatica’ (?) from mica ‘Kützing 822’, “Adriatic, Dalmatica, Croatia”. 21. A specimen of ‘ Diatoma maculosa Suhr’ from BM 17984 (‘Kützing 760’, “Süd Occidentalis, Binder”). Scale bars: ca. 20 μm. FIGURES 22–24. 22. Reproduction of Kützing’s drawing of Biddulphia trilocularis ( Kützing 1844 , p. 138, pl. 29, fig. 89), possibly a reproduction or re-drawing of Ehrenberg’s Denticella biddulphia (compare with Figs 23 and 24). 23, 24. Reproduction of Ehrenberg’s Denticella biddulphia ( Ehrenberg 1843 , Taf. II, vi, fig. 19, ‘Cuba’, Fig. 23 = published drawing, Fig. 24 = unpublished drawing; none of the original illustrations have scales, the reproductions here are approximately the same size as that in the original) FIGURES 25–26. 25. Packet ‘Kützing 823’ (“Ins Canar.”, Canary Islands). 26. Packet of material from Bory’s herbarium in PC of Diatoma liber (TA 58393). Kützing’s Biddulphia trilocularis was probably intended as a new name for Denticella biddulphia Ehrenberg (1843 , Taf. II, vi, fig. 19), the nomenclature of this species (or groups of species) is somewhat complex and needs to be dealt with separately.