Review and reclassification of the Old World genus Physopelta (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Largidae) Author Stehlík, Jaroslav L. Department of Entomology, Moravian Museum, Hviezdoslavova 29 a, CZ- 627 00 Brno – Slatina, Czech Republic text Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 2013 2013-11-15 53 2 505 584 journal article 2413 10.5281/zenodo.5739959 956fa4e4-8b18-4c70-94b2-5722d5348180 0374-1036 5739959 8D64B275-C6AF-411E-B79D-A3EBEB3D093FD Physopelta nigripes sp. nov. ( Fig 42 ) Type locality. Philippines , no details available. Type material. HOLOTYPE : , ‘ Ins. Philipp , Semper’ ( NHRS ). The holotype is pinned through scutellum, left antennomere 4 and hind leg missing. PARATYPE : , the same data as holotype ( NHRS ). Description. Colouration ( Fig 42 ). The following body parts are black: head, antennae (except more than basal half of antennomere 4), first labial segment, callar lobe (except anterior and lateral margin), pronotal lobe (except lateral margin), scutellum, clavus (except base), irregularly delimited middle spot spreading from inner margin of corium to its lateral margin, apical corial spot (not reaching apex of corium), most of membrane, thoracic sterna, femora, tibiae, tarsi, sternites II and VII, dorsal and ventral laterotergite VII, crescent-shape lateral spots on bases of abdominal sternites IV–VI, and pygophore. Labial segments II–IV, anterior margin of callar lobe (arcuately), lateral margins of both callar and pronotal lobe, pronotal epipleuron, corium (except central and apical spot), apex of corium, sternites III–VI, ventral and dorsal laterotergites (except laterotergite VII), coxae, and trochanters red. Membrane basally widely whitish-yellow, medially with black spot, and with whitish spot near apex of corium (more distinct in the male holotype than in the female paratype ); black colouration on posterior margin of membrane merging into grey. Pilosity. Head and sterna with prominent silvery pubescence. Punctation . Callar lobe with regular, distinct, dense black punctures; clavus covered with punctures except it base. Inner side of costal margin of corium with rows of concolorous punctures; corium otherwise without punctures except a single row of black punctures along cubital vein. Structure. Body smaller, narrow, parallel-sided ( Fig 42 ). Antennomeres shorter in female than in male. Callar lobe strongly gibbose in male, only slightly gibbose in female. Posterior pronotal lobe with median keel (most distinct anteriorly), in male flat, in female slightly raising towards posterior margin. Male profemora ventrally with prominent, broadly separeted teeth and small denticles along its entire length. (Fore legs missing in the female paratype ). Mesofemora in male ventrally with a row of denticles, in female unarmed. Protibiae with larger teeth and a row of small denticles along most of its length (except ca. basal third). Ventral wall of pygophore markedly convex medially in lateral view. Measurements (in mm): Male ( holotype ). Body length 15.39; head: width (including eyes) 2.16, interocular width 1.30; lengths of antennomeres: 1 – 3.08, 2 – 3.08, 3 – 1.89, 4 – 3.29; pronotum: length 3.46, width 4.16; scutellum: length 2.00, width 2.45; corium: length 7.51, width 1.89. Female ( paratype ). Body length: 14.74; head: width (including eyes) 2.16, interocular width 1.30; lengths of antennomeres: 1 – 2.65, 2 – 2.43, 3 – 1.57, 4 – absent; pronotum: length 3.40, width 3.83; scutellum: length 2.21, width 2.11; corium: length 7.24, width 1.89. Differential diagnosis. Physopelta nigripes sp. nov. is most similar to Ph. melanopyga (both sharing black sternite VII), but it is easy to distinguish (besides other characters) from that species by having femora, tibiae, and tarsi black (in Ph. m. melanopyga tibiae and tarsi are red, in Ph. melanopyga rufifemur legs are completely red – see STEHLÍK & JINDRA 2008a ). Etymology. The species epithet is noun in apposition, composed of the Latin adjective niger , - a , - um (= black) and the Latin noun pes , - (d)is (= leg). Distribution. Philippines (precise locality unknown).