Notes on African Combretum Loefl. species (Combretaceae) Author Jongkind, Carel C. H. text Adansonia 2014 3 2014-12-31 36 2 315 327 journal article 10.5252/a2014n2a11 1639-4798 4599512 Combretum obovatum F.Hoffmann ( Fig. 7 ) Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Flora Central-Ost-Afrika : 28 (1889); Wickens, Flora of East Tropical Africa , Combretaceae : 56 (1973); Exell, Flora Zambesiaca 4: 147 (1978). — Type : Tanzania , Tabora Distr. , Igonda, fl., X.1882 , Böhm 140a (holo-, B, destroyed; lecto-, Z, designated here). Combretum lasiocarpum Engler & Diels, Monographieen afrikanischer Pflanzen Familien und Gattungen 3: 96 (1899), syn. nov.— Type : Mozambique ,Zambesi R, near Boroma, fr., II.1892 , Menyhart 678 (holo-, Z; iso-, W). NOTE It is not strange that C. lasiocarpum is often confused with C. obovatum as Exell stated (1978: 158). Ŋe type specimen of C. lasiocarpum keys out without problem to C. obovatum in the Flora Zambesiaca because the fruits of the type specimen are not stiped. Ŋe fruits of the other collections cited with C. lasiocarpum in Flora Zambesiaca are stiped, and they belong either to C. mossambicense (Klotzsch) Engler or to C. andradae Exell & Garcia.