Synopsis of the Amphibians of Equatorial Guinea based upon the Authors’ Field Work and Spanish Natural History Collections Author Sánchez-Vialas, Alberto Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (MNCN-CSIC), C / José Gutiérrez Abascal, 2. 28006, Madrid, Spain; Author Calvo-Revuelta, Marta Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (MNCN-CSIC), C / José Gutiérrez Abascal, 2. 28006, Madrid, Spain; Author Castroviejo-Fisher, Santiago Laboratorio de Sistemática de Vertebrados, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS). Av / Ipiranga, 6681, Prédio 40, sala 110, 90619 - 900, Porto Alegre, Brazil; * Corresponding author: IDlR (iriva @ mncn. csic. es) Author De, Ignacio Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (MNCN-CSIC), C / José Gutiérrez Abascal, 2. 28006, Madrid, Spain; text Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences 2020 2020-03-31 66 8 137 230 journal article 295393 10.5281/zenodo.11105986 4c7b4d3d-1fbe-4f48-8cb2-002e928eae42 0068-547X 11105986 Petropedetes palmipes Boulenger, 1905 Photo figures 19C–F TYPE LOCALITY .— “ Efulen , South Cameroon . DISTRIBUTION .— This species ranges from Cameroon to northwestern Gabon . In Equatorial Guinea , it has been recorded from Monte Alén, along the Laña and Bilene rivers ( De la Riva 1994 ) ( Map 20B ). SPECIMENS EXAMINED .— No specimens of this species were found in the collections examined by us in this study. Petropedetes parkeri Amiet, 1983 Photo figures 20A–C TYPE LOCALITY .— “Atolo (region de Mamfe)”, Cameroon . DISTRIBUTION .— It ranges from eastern Nigeria to Equatorial Guinea, where it has been recorded by De la Riva (1994) in Engong , Monte Alén , Río Muni. There are no records from Bioko ( Map 20C ). SPECIMENS EXAMINED .— One specimen . Evinayong , Río Muni ( EBD 18252 ) .