Synopsis of the Amphibians of Equatorial Guinea based upon the Authors’ Field Work and Spanish Natural History Collections Author Sánchez-Vialas, Alberto Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (MNCN-CSIC), C / José Gutiérrez Abascal, 2. 28006, Madrid, Spain; Author Calvo-Revuelta, Marta Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (MNCN-CSIC), C / José Gutiérrez Abascal, 2. 28006, Madrid, Spain; Author Castroviejo-Fisher, Santiago Laboratorio de Sistemática de Vertebrados, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS). Av / Ipiranga, 6681, Prédio 40, sala 110, 90619 - 900, Porto Alegre, Brazil; * Corresponding author: IDlR (iriva @ mncn. csic. es) Author De, Ignacio Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (MNCN-CSIC), C / José Gutiérrez Abascal, 2. 28006, Madrid, Spain; text Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences 2020 2020-03-31 66 8 137 230 journal article 295393 10.5281/zenodo.11105986 4c7b4d3d-1fbe-4f48-8cb2-002e928eae42 0068-547X 11105986 Amnirana Dubois, 1992 Amnirana albolabris (Hallowell, 1856) Photo figure 23A TYPE LOCALITY .— “West Africa”. Perret (1977) restricted the type locality to “ Gabon ” and Jongsma et al. (2018) deduced that it is “north of the Ogooué River in Gabon ”. DISTRIBUTION .— This species is widespread across lowland rainforests of Gabon , Equatorial Guinea , Cameroon , Democratic Republic of Congo , Republic of Congo , Central African Republic and Uganda , also reaching northern Angola ( fide Marques et al. 2018 ). In Equatorial Guinea , it occurs in Río Muni , where it has been recorded from Cabo San Juan and Monte Alén ( Boulenger 1903 ; De la Riva 1994 ). Published records from Bioko are at Musola, San Carlos de Luba region, Ureca, and Basupu ( Boulenger 1900 , 1906a ; Mertens 1965 ; Hydeman et al. 2017 ) ( Map 25C ). COMMENTS .— Amnirana albolabris is a polyphyletic taxon that contains several undescribed species ( Jongsma et al. 2018 ). Populations from Bioko form part of an undescribed species closely related to the nominotypic A. albolabris , which is present in Río Muni ( Jongsma et al. 2018 ). The undescribed species from Bioko is also recorded from the coast of Cameroon ( Jongsma et al. 2018 ); a similar distribution pattern is shown by Petropedetes newtonii ( Sánchez-Vialas et al. 2018 ) . SPECIMENS EXAMINED .— Ninety specimens . Ayamiken ( San Joaquín de Ndyiacom ), Litoral , 1990 ( EBD 31488 ) ; Bata , Litoral , 22 July 1987 ( EBD 25040 ) ; Mbini-Bata , Carut , Litoral 21 October 1986 ( EBD 21014 , 21027 ) ; Miboman , Bata , Litoral , December 1987 ( EBD 28111 , EBD 28082–28083 ), ( EBD 18290 , EBD 18292–18293 ) ; Miboman , Km 27 Bata – Movo ( EBD 18707– 18709 ) ; Ela Nguema , Bioko Norte , 20 September 1984 ( EBD 18661 ) ; Bolondo , 21 June 1984 ( EBD 18624–18625 , EBD 18627–18628 , EBD 18630–18632 ) ; Centro Sur ( Evinayong ), Akurenan , 24 August 1984 ( EBD 18450–18452 , EBD 18456–18462 , EBD 18440–18445 , EBD 18447–18449 , EBD 18411–18431 , EBD 18402 ) ; Ayamiken ( San Joaquín de Ndyiacom ), December 1987 ( EBD 28085 ) , without date ( EBD 23078 , EBD 31518 ) ; [ Río Muni ] ( EBD 27850 , 27852 , 27853 , 27854 , 27855 , 27856 , 27857 , 27859 , 27860 , 27862 , 27863 , 27864 ) ; Aconibe , 1 May 1987 ( EBD , no label found) ; Basilé , Bioko , 01 February 1933 ( MNCN 3916–3917 ) ; Concepción (= Riaba ), Bioko Sur , 21 February 1933 ( MNCN 4073–4075 ) ; Sosolo pond, Bioko , 03°14ʹ44.83ʺN , 08°34ʹ54.67ʺE 21 November 2003 ( MNCN 48912–48913 ) ; River mouth of Baka , Bioko , 03°14ʹ44.83ʺN , 08°34ʹ54.67ʺE , 21 November 2003 ( MNCN 48914–48919 ) ; River mouth of Fola , Bioko , 03°14ʹ44.13ʺN , 08°34ʹ41.58ʺE , 21 November 2003 ( MNCN 48920 ) ; Río Osa , Bioko , 03°14ʹ52.19ʺN , 08°32ʹ23.77ʺE , 22 November 2003 ( MNCN 48921 ) ; Río Rocrim Bococo Avendaño , Bioko , 03°26ʹ46.04ʺN , 08°26ʹ52.39ʺE , 03 December 2003 ( MNCN 48922 ) .