New cave-dwelling spiders of the family Dictynidae (Arachnida: Araneae) from Guangxi and Guizhou, China Author Li, Shuqiang Southeast Asia Biodiversity Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Yezin, Nay Pyi Taw 05282, Myanmar; E-mail: lisq @ ioz. ac. cn & Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China & University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China Author Wang, Xiaoxiao Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China text Zoological Systematics 2017 42 2 125 228 journal article 10.11865/zs.201711 2095-6827 5366040 AB92E114-07FF-41A5-AF24-DF04F8232CA5 Brommella dolabrata Li , sp. nov. ( Figs 11–15 , 97 ) Type material. Holotype . Male , China , Guangxi , Yulin City , Luchuan County , Longzhu Scenic Spot , Longzhu Cave , 22°34.529´N , 110°13.932´E , elev. 94 m , 13 August 2009 , C. Wang & Z. Yao leg., deposited in IZCAS . Paratypes . 4 males , 13 females , same data as holotype, deposited in IZCAS . Etymology. The specific name is derived from the Latin word “ dolabratus ”, meaning “shaped like an ax”, and refers to the spur at the base of the male palpal tibia with a broad edge; adjective. Diagnosis. The male of this new species closely resembles those of B. spirula Li , sp. nov. ( Figs 40–44 ), but can be distinguished by the relatively straight apophysis (hooked in B. spirula Li , sp. nov. ), the spur with broad tip (hooked and with a pointed end in B. spirula Li , sp. nov. ). Females of this new species appear almost identical with B. chongzuoensis Li , sp. nov. ( Figs 9–10 ), but can be distinguished by the concave sclerotized rims of bursae towards the centre of epigynum (convex relative to centre of epigynum in B. chongzuoensis Li , sp. nov. ), the thick and relatively straight copulatory duct joining the spermathecae (slender and coiled copulatory duct joining the spermathecae in B. chongzuoensis Li , sp. nov. ), and the reniform spermathecae (ovate in B. chongzuoensis Li , sp. nov. ). Figure 9. Brommella chongzuoensis Li , sp. nov. , holotype, female. A. Vulva, dorsal view. B. Epigynum, ventral view. Scale bars = 0.1 mm. Description. Male ( holotype ). Total body length 2.24 ( Fig. 15E ). Prosoma length 1.10, width 0.95. Cephalic region width 0.43. Cephalic part flat, yellow, covered with several setae. Thoracic part light brown, fovea reduced. Eight eyes, PER procurved as seen from in front, AME smallest. All eyes dark, encircled with black. Eye diameters: AME 0.03, ALE 0.07, PLE 0.09, PME 0.07. Eye region length 0.19, width 0.38. Eye interdistances: AME-AME 0.01, AME-ALE 0.01, ALE-PLE 0.02, PLE-PME 0.05, PME-PME 0.07, AME-PME 0.08. Clypeus height 0.12. Chelicerae length 0.43, width 0.20. Chelicerae with distinct lateral condyles, 3 (2 large 1 small) promarginal and 4 retromarginal teeth. Chelicerae, labium and gnathocoxae brown, sternum light brown. Labium length 0.16, width 0.24. Gnathocoxae length 0.38, width 0.23. Sternum length 0.75, width 0.52. Legs light brown. Leg formula I-IV-II-III. Leg measurements: I 6.31 (1.76, 0.45, 1.70, 1.50, 0.90); II 5.14 (1.45, 0.43, 1.28, 1.23, 0.75); III 4.61 (1.30, 0.38, 1.10, 1.15, 0.68); IV 5.80 (1.60, 0.35, 1.40, 1.60, 0.85). Ratio Cl/Met IV = 0.18, with 5 setae. Opisthosoma length 1.25, width 0.98. Opisthosoma pale-yellow, without distinct pattern. Spinnerets yellowbrown. Figure 10. Brommella chongzuoensis Li , sp. nov. , holotype, female. A. Epigynum, ventral view. B. Vulva, dorsal view. C. Habitus, dorsal view. D. Habitus, ventral view. Scale bars: A–B= 0.1 mm; C–D = 0.5 mm. Pedipalpus ( Figs 11–12 , 14 ). Cymbium 0.75 long. Embolus slender, ribbon shaped, originated at approximately 6- o’clock position. TA tip boat head shaped. Dorsal of TA tip with large, relatively straight apophysis. TA retrolateral large, with a single fold, and with 4 setae. Spur with broad tip. Female (one of the paratypes ). Total body length 3.10 ( Figs 15C–D ). Prosoma length 1.31, width 0.93. Cephalic region width 0.58. Eye sizes and interdistances: AME 0.04, ALE 0.08, PLE 0.09, PME 0.07; AME-AME 0.01, AME-ALE 0.01, ALE-PLE 0.03, PLE-PME 0.05, PME-PME 0.07, AME-PME 0.08. Eye region length 0.20, width 0.38. Clypeus height 0.12. Chelicerae length 0.53, width 0.25. Chelicerae with distinct lateral condyles, 3 promarginal and 4 retromarginal teeth. Labium length 0.20, width 0.26. Gnathocoxae length 0.44, width 0.24. Sternum length 0.75, width 0.69. Leg formula I-IV- II-III. Leg measurements: I 6.48 (1.80, 0.48, 1.80, 1.55, 0.85); II 4.88 (1.40, 0.45, 1.23, 1.15, 0.65); III 4.52 (1.25, 0.40, 1.38, 0.87, 0.62); IV 5.46 (1.49, 0.40, 1.40, 1.40, 0.77). Ratio Cl/Met IV = 0.25, with 11 setae. Opisthosoma length 1.70, width 1.40. Opisthosoma white, without distinct pattern. Figure 11. Brommella dolabrata Li , sp. nov. , holotype, male. A. Left pedipalpus, prolateral view. B. Left pedipalpus, retrolateral view. Scale bar =0.1 mm. Epigynum ( Figs 13 , 15A–B ). Width 0.51. Bursae large, located posteriorly, their sclerotized rims concave relative to centre of epigynum. Bursa developed. Slender copulatory ducts loosely coiled along the thick and relatively straight copulatory, the thick copulatory duct joining the reniform spermathecae. Fertilization duct internally attached at base of spermathecae. Variation. Total body length: males 2.10–3.10 ( n = 5), females 2.51–3.50 ( n = 13). Distribution. Known only from the type locality ( Fig. 97 ).