Description of a new genus and species, Portentus marschneri (Coleoptera: Anthribidae), from Penang National Park, Malaysia
Trýzna, Miloš
Municipal Museum of Ústí nad Labem, Natural History Department, Masarykova 1000 / 3, CZ- 400 01 Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic. Mendel University in Brno, Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology, Department of Forest Ecology, Zemědělská 3, CZ- 613 00 Brno, Czech Republic.
Baňař, Petr
Mendel University in Brno, Faculty of AgriSciences, Department of Zoology, Fisheries, Hydrobiology and Apiculture, Zemědělská 1, Brno, CZ- 613 00, Czech Republic.
journal article
Portentus marschneri
Trýzna & Baňař
sp. nov.
Figs 1–22
Type material
National Park
, 2005, local collectors leg. [p] [ca.
N 5°25´
E 100°15´
Red label [p]
sp. nov.
/ M. Trýzna & P. Baňař det., 2021 (
Description. Male
(in mm): Total body length—7.02. Head: total length—1.47, length of rostrum—0.93, maximum width of rostrum—1.07, length of eye—0.57, maximum width across eyes—1.43,
minimum distance between eyes—0.71. Antenna: length of segments: II—0.29, III—0.24, IV—0.27, V—0.23, VI—0.23, VII—0.23, VIII—0.21, IX—0.31, X—0.20, XI—0.36, width of segment IX—0.29. Pronotum: maximum length—1.93, maximum width—2.03, minimum width—1.29. Elytra: maximum length—3.63, maximum width—2.93.
of cuticle of entire body largely black. Femora dark brown to black, tibiae, tarsi, funicles, mandibles and anterior part of pronotum brown.
Head (
Figs 3
) predominantly with light whitish or yellowish setae. Frons with sparse appressed setae, rostrum with suberect or erect setae in depressed area between carinae and in distal area. Ventral margin of eyes with dense strip of appressed setae. Antennae (
Fig. 7
) with very fine, delicate yellowish appressed setae more visible on club. Disc of pronotum (
Figs 1, 2
) almost bare (but the single specimen may be abraded), with only sparse setae on anterior margin. Distal portion of disc with one pair of small tufts of very dense, light coloured appressed setae. Prosternum, mesepisternum, mesepimeron, metepisternum, metasternum, lateral part of abdominal ventrites and pygidium with dense appressed whitish or yellowish setae. Elytra (
Figs 1, 4
) covered with short dense brownish setae, only portion laterally from median tubercles with very dense, fine dark brown setae forming indistinct but visible irregular spots limited from posterior margin of sub-basal tubercles to posterior margin of median tubercles, reaching from elytral interval III to V. Anterior portion of spot on elytral interval IV with small tuft of subdecumbent bright whitish setae. Scutellum indistinct, almost bare. All femora (
Fig. 1
) with dense appressed setae, tibiae with coarse subdecumbent yellowish setae, distal part of tibiae with ring of dense setae. All tarsomeres with coarse appressed setae.
Portentus marschneri
Trýzna & Baňař
sp. nov.
, male holotype; 9, right hindwing; 10, metanotum in dorsal view; 11, abdominal tergites in dorsal view. Scale bars in mm. Abbreviations: A1, A2, A3 = anal vein 1, 2, 3 respectively; Ac = anal cell; alc = alacrista; C = costa; Cu = cubitus; J = jugal vein; M = media; R = radius; Rc = radial cell; Rs = radial sector; Sc = subcosta; sc3 = metascutum; scl3 = metascutellum.
FIGURES 12–18.
Portentus marschneri
Trýzna & Baňař
sp. nov.
, male holotype; 12, aedeagus in ventral view; 13, apex of aedeagus in ventral view; 14, segment VIII in ventral view; 15, sternite of segment IX (= spiculum gastrale) in ventral view; 16, pygidium in dorsal view; 17, apex of tegmen in ventral view; 18, tegmen in ventral view. Scale bars in mm.
FIGURES 19–22.
Portentus marschneri
Trýzna & Baňař
sp. nov.
, male holotype, pronotum; 19, 21, dorsal view; 20, 22, left side in lateral view; 21–22, schematic; BLC = basal longitudinal carinula; BR = basal rim; DTC = dorsal transverse carina; LC = lateral carina; PD = pronotal declivity; TC = transverse callus.
Upper side of head (
Fig. 3
) with very coarse irregular punctation, frons and area between rostral carinae with deep foveae, area between scrobes and distal part of rostrum with shallow wrinkled punctation, and with barely visible mark of longitudinal carina in median part. Lower side of head (
Fig. 6
) without such punctation. Pronotum (
Figs 2
) coarsely punctate with exceptionally narrow anterior margin, space between foveae narrower than individual fovea. Similar punctation on elytral declivity. Punctation on prosternum coarse, foveae here often more distant from each other. Elytral striae (
Fig. 1
) with deep punctures, spaces between foveae as wide as or wider than diameter of individual fovea. Ratio of rostrum length to maximum width 0.87. Dorsal ocular index 1.97. Ratio of maximum width across eyes to maximum width of rostrum 1.34. Shape of individual antennomeres shown in
Fig. 7
. Pronotum slightly transverse, ratio of length to maximum width 0.95. Elytra suboval, ratio of maximum length to maximum width 1.24. Pygidium (
Fig. 16
) distinctly wider than long, ratio of its maximum length to maximum width 0.45.
FIGURES 23–27.
Morimotanthribus leigongshani
Li, Trýzna & Guo, 2019
, male paratype from China, W Guizhou prov., Leigongshan, Xijiang; 23, dorsal habitus; 24, pronotum in dorsal view; 25, head in dorsal view; 26, right antenna in dorsal view; 27, lateral habitus. Scale bars in mm.
FIGURES 28–32.
Phloeophilus oculatus
(Jordan, 1904)
, male from Laos, Phongsaly prov., Phongsaly env.; 28, dorsal habitus; 29, pronotum in dorsal view; 30, head in dorsal view; 31, right antenna in dorsal view; 32, lateral habitus. Scale bars in mm.
FIGURES 33–37.
Bothrus aspersus
(Jordan, 1923)
, male from Thailand, Chiang Mai env.; 33, dorsal habitus; 34, pronotum in dorsal view; 35, head in dorsal view; 36, right antenna in dorsal view; 37, lateral habitus. Scale bars in mm.
Male genitalia and associated structures
. Segment VIII (
Fig. 14
): anterior margin of tergite VIII convex, its lateral sides divergent, widest at middle of length, more sclerotized at sides and posteriorly. Sternite VIII with two defined lobes; apodeme of sternite VIII lacking (perhaps lost). Sternite IX (= spiculum gastrale) (
Fig. 15
) with very long arms (about 0.8 of length of apodeme), one arm somewhat shorter (perhaps teratological). Aedeagus (
Fig. 12
) robust, strongly sclerotized. Apex of pedon (
Fig. 13
) widely rounded, apex of tectum (
Fig. 13
) arrow-shaped, not exceeding pedon. Apodemes of aedeagus long, subparallel, slightly curved distally, robust posteriorly. Bridge of aedeagus strongly curved, semi-circular, conspicuously less sclerotized than basal part of apodemes. Proximal half and distal fifth of internal sac with regularly distributed uniform serration (
Fig. 12
). Tegmen (
Fig. 18
) robust, wide, with very strongly sclerotized basal piece, apodeme wide, straight, slightly shorter than body of tegmen. Apex of tegmen (
Fig. 17
) well-developed, with strongly sclerotized margins, giving a frame-like appearance to this sub-rectangular part, subtruncate at apex. Most apical part of tegmen with tuft of long, robust setae.
Sexual dimorphism, variability and collecting circumstances.
Patronym, dedicated to the memory of Rainer Marschner (†) from Vlčí Hora (
Czech Republic
), an excellent expert on nature and famous regional entomologist interested mainly in the order