New and obscure species of the genus Chilocorus Mayr in eastern Asia, with the proposal of a “ nitidus - group ” concept (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Cydnidae) Author Imura, Jimpei text Zootaxa 2011 3012 31 47 journal article 46430 10.5281/zenodo.206103 0b4037b0-5302-497a-ae49-bb2f074d6293 1175-5326 206103 Chilocoris alienus Horváth ( Figs. 1–3 , 11–14 , 31–33 ) Chilocoris piceus non Signoret: Horváth, 1889 : 327 . Chilocoris alienus Horváth, 1919 : 255 . Diagnosis. Total length 3.7–3.8; total width 2.0–2.2. Coloration brownish. Body dorsum almost uniformly covered with dense punctures, except calli and posterior border of pronotum with weakened punctuation ( Fig. 1 ). Head ( Fig. 2 ) with long pegs submarginally; arrangement of paraclypeal secondary setae, in order from mesalmost to lateralmost: 3 pegs - 1 hair - 2 pegs - 1 hair - 2 peg. Ocular index 4.0–4.5. Antennal segment III 2.0–2.3× as long as II. Pronotum ( Fig. 1 ) ca. 2.0× as wide as long, with 6–8 setae on lateral submargin and 1 seta on lateral part of anterior submarginal line, in each side. Peritreme bulbously enlarged apically, and median furrow not invading this enlargement ( Fig. 3 ). This species resembles C. brunneus Lis , C. minor Hsiao , or C. nepalensis Lis in general appearance. However, it can be distinguished from these species by body size and chaetotaxy (see Lis 1994 ). In addition, descriptions and detailed illustrations of the structures of the male terminalia showed obvious differences from the three species mentioned above. FIGURES 1–10. Chilocoris spp.: C. alienus (1–3), C. birmanus (4–5), C. monticola n. sp. (6–8), C. nitidulus (9), and C. nigricans (10). 1 & 4, head and pronotum; 2 & 5–6, right half of head; 3, 8 & 10, evaporatoria; 7, left hind wing; 9, pronotum. Abbreviations: Ant.Smg.L., anterior submarginal line; S.S., secondary setae of head. Scales: 0.5 mm for 1, 3, 4 & 7–10; 0.2 mm for 2 & 5–6. FIGURES 11–14. Phallus of C. alienus . 11–12, deflated phallus, lateral (11) and dorsal (12) views; 13–14, endosoma of inflated phallus, internal structure omitted, lateral (13) and dorsal (14) views. Abbreviations: Conj.App., conjunctival appendage; Enph.D., endophallic duct; Scl.Bd., sclerotized band of endosoma distal to conjunctival appendages; Trn.Pt., turning point of endophallic duct. Scale: 0.2 mm. 3 terminalia —Pygophore simple, without prominent ventro-posterior margin; posterior surface moderately covered with thin hairs; lateral infoldings of opening curved and produced toward pygophoral lumen; median projection rounded apically. Phallus ( Figs. 11–14 ) relatively large; endosoma peaked apically, with curved, gradually tapered sclerotized band on each side distal to conjunctival appendage ( Figs. 13–14 ); conjunctival appendage 3- lobed, more or less reflect in inflated position, and ventral 2 lobes slightly sclerotized; endophallic duct relatively thin, weakly sclerotized, coiled 4 times from its turning point, and protruding from dorsum ( Fig. 13 ). Paramere ( Figs. 31–33 ) distinctly broadened around distal 1/3; hypophysis well hooked and sharpened. Specimens examined. 231Ƥ—RUSSIA: “Sibiria or. Wladiwostok”: 13, “ LECTOTYPE Chilocoris alienus Horv. labeled by Froeschner ’59” (HNHM); 1Ƥ, Paralectotype (HNHM). CHINA : “[S. Manchuria] Antô” (=Dandong, Liaoning): 13, 15.iii.1933 , R. Kikuchi leg. ( Figs. 1–3 , 11–14 , 31–33 ) (ELKU). Distribution. Russia : Far East; China : Liaoning. New to China ; the first representative of the genus from the northern China .