Siphonoecetini Just, 1983 (Crustacea, Amphipoda, Ischyroceridae) 13: Western Australian species of Bubocorophiina in Rhinoecetes, Cephaloecetes, Sinoecetes, Borneoecetes and Pararhinoecetes gen. nov. Author Just, Jean text Zootaxa 2019 2019-02-08 4554 1 101 140 journal article 27579 10.11646/zootaxa.4554.1.3 3ca0710c-d484-4e32-805a-3c6281d1ef6e 1175-5326 2623382 B33D4918-42FB-41EB-A562-E3194913EF7D Pararhinoecetes bicornis sp. nov. Figures 23–24 Type fixation. Holotype , , here designated. Etymology. The epithet refers to the rostrum being split into two acute points. Material examined. Holotype , , 5.0 mm. Western Australia , North West Shelf , 19°29.6’S 118°52.2’E to 19°29.4’S 118°52.8’E , 38 m , sled, CSIRO 04 -B8-S, stn W224, 30 Aug. 1983 , AM P38885. Paratypes . Same sample as holotype , AM P 101866 ( 7 specimens ) . Western Australia , North West Shelf , 19°27'11"S , 118°58' 36"E , 36–46 m , epibenthic sled, CSIRO 06 -B9-S, stn W281, WAM C73462 ( 15 specimens ) . Western Australia , North West Shelf , 19°27'11"S , 118°58' 36"E , 36–46 m , epibenthic sled, CSIRO 06 -B9-S, stn W281, AM P 101867 ( 5 specimens ) . Western Australia , North West Shelf , 19°27'11"S , 118°58' 36"E , 36–46 m , epibenthic sled, CSIRO 06 -B9-S, stn W281, NHMD-233162 ( 5 specimens ) . Description ( holotype , ). Head without mid-anterior depression, as long as pereonites 1 and half of 2 combined along dorsal midline. Rostrum split into two small, short acute points separated by round-bottomed incision. Eye lobes tapering to rounded apex in lateral view, lower distal margin with up to 3 simple setae. Antenna 1 approximately as long as head and pereonites 1–7 combined, peduncle article 1 slightly shorter (0.9) than 2, in dorsal view with 2–3 lateral and medial setiferous projections; flagellum of 6+ articles, as long as peduncle articles 2 and 3 combined. Antenna 2 beyond article 3 not known; ventral projection of peduncle article 2 approximately 0.6 as long as wide at base (one corner could not be viewed), with about 8 long simple setae along lateral and apical margin. Mouthparts: mandible palp article 1 with 8–9 medial and lateral, and 4 terminal long setae. Gnathopod 1 propodus length 3.3 width, with 4 mid-posterior robust setae. Gnathopod 2 propodus length 1.8 greatest width. Pereopods 3–4 basis with long and short setae along anterior margin; merus with 2 mid-anterior and anterodistal group of long setae, posterior margin with 4–5 groups of unequally long setae. Pereopods 5–6 basis with a few long and short setae along distal half of anterior margin, group of moderately long setae in proximal half of posterior margin. Uropod 1 peduncle dorsolaterally with short row of small simple setae, tuft of curved setae distolaterally, distomedial corner with single robust seta; ventral apical margin with finely fimbriate corona; outer ramus slender, elongate, slightly inwardly curved, approximately 0.65 dorsal length of peduncle, lateral margin with 5 slender robust setae, dorsal surface with 3 small simple setae; inner ramus 0.6 length of outer ramus, slender, slightly inwardly curved. Uropod 2 peduncle approximately 0.4 length of peduncle of uropod 1, dorsally with 3 simple setae, corona finely fimbriate, reaching to or just beyond uropod 3 ramus; ramus 0.7 length of peduncle, 0.8 length of uropod 1 inner ramus, slender, similar to inner ramus of uropod 1. Uropod 3 peduncle with rounded median projection carrying a few simple setae apically; ramus with bunch of 5–6 long simple setae. Telson width approximately 1.2 length, apex straight to slightly concave. FIGURE 23. Pararhinoecetes bicornis gen. et sp. nov. Holotype, ♂, except F , paratype, ♀. cdv , cephalon dorsal view; clv , cephalon lateral view; md plp , mandible palp; mx1 plp , maxilla 1 palp; us , urosome; 1 and 2, uropods 1 and 2 ventral apical margin; vp , ventral projection of article 2 of antenna 2. Habitus scale: 1 mm. Female. Generally as male. Uropod 1 peduncle with a couple more setae. Pereonite 7 ventrally with elongate forward pointing sternal papillae. Size. Largest , 5.0 mm; largest , 5.9 mm . Colour and biology. No observation. Distribution. Northwest Shelf, Western Australia , 38– 48 m .