Badenian Small Gastropods From Lăpugiu De Sus (Făget Basin, Romania). Rissoidae Family Author TĂMAȘ A. Author TĂMAȘ D. M. Author POPA M. V. text Acta Palaeontologica Romaniae 2013 9 1 57 66 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.13189681 1842-371x 13189681 Alvania ( Alvania ) oceani ( d'Orbigny, 1852 ) Fig. 2d 1852 Rissoa oceani d’Orb. - d’Orbigny, p. 29, nr. 368 1954 Alvania oceani d'Orb. - Friedberg, p. 377, pl. 22, fig. 13 1975 Alvania ( Alvania ) oceani (d'Orbigny) - Bałuk, p. 82, pl. 9, fig. 17 1981 Alvania oceani d'Orbigny - Krach, p. 49, pl. 15, fig. 1 2004 Alvania ( Alvania ) oceani (d'Orbigny) - Kowalke and Harzhauser, p. 120, fig. 7A. Material: two specimens , one from L5 and one from Lp2 ( one specimen PMBBU 23859 ) Description: Elongated conical shell with five whorls; up to 2.7 mm in height and 1.40 mm in width. The protoconch is only partly preserved, as more than 2 convex whorls. Ornamentation is not visible under the stereomicroscope. Teleoconch with flattened first whorls and a last convex whorl with canaliculate suture. Ornamentation consisting of rounded axial ribs intersected by finer spiral threads; the latter become more pronounced towards the base of the shell. The last whorl represents about 65% of the total shell height. It is ornamented with 21 axial ribs intersected by 8 spiral threads. The shell base is covered by 5 spiral threads. Drop-like aperture, with inner lip covering the umbilicus and external lip showing inner denticles. Varices are present on the last-but-one whorl and in the aperture area. Distribution: identified in Austria ( Kowalke and Harzhauser, 2004 ), Poland ( Friedberg, 1954 ; Bałuk, 1975 ; Krach, 1981 ).