Three new species of Phanerochaete (Polyporales, Basidiomycota) Author Wu, Sheng-Hua Author Chen, Che-Chih Author Wei, Chia-Ling text MycoKeys 2018 41 91 106 journal article 1314-4049-41-91 Phanerochaete cystidiata Sheng H. Wu, C.C. Chen & C.L. Wei sp. nov. Figs 3B, 5 Diagnosis. Phanerochaete cystidiata is characterised by having a fibrillose margin of the basidiome and apically narrow or tapering leptocystidia that are more or less encrusted. Additionally, crystal masses are present in the hymenial layer. Holotype. TAIWAN. Nantou County: Aowanta, 23°57'N , 121°10'E , 1200 m alt., on angiosperm branch, coll. C.C. Chen, 28 Aug 2017, GC 1708-358 (TNM F0031801). Etymology. From cystidiatus, referring to the presence of cystidia of this species. Description. Basidiome resupinate, effuse, adnate, membranaceous, 120-250 (-330) μm thick in section. Hymenial surface creamish-yellow, brownish in KOH, smooth to occasionally slightly tuberculate (due to crystal masses in hymenial layer), sometimes cracked; margin whitish or concolorous, fibrillous to fimbriate, occasionally determinate. Hyphal system monomitic; hyphae simple-septate, clamp connections rarely present in subiculum. Subiculum fairly uniform, with somewhat loose to fairly dense texture, usually very dense near the substrate, 70-150 μm thick; hyphae more or less horizontal, colourless, fairly straight, moderately ramified, occasionally strongly encrusted with crystals, 3-6 (-7) μm diam., with 0.8-1.5 μm thick walls, anastomoses occasional. Hymenial layer thickening, with fairly dense texture, 50-100 (-180) μm thick, occasionally stratified; hyphae more or less vertical, colourless, 2.5-5 μm diam., thin-walled. Crystal masses occasionally abundant in hymenial layer. Leptocystidia numerous, immersed or emergent, cylindrical, median part usually slightly swollen and slightly thick-walled, with narrow or tapering apices, sparsely to heavily encrusted, (35-) 40-60 x 4-5.5 μm . Basidia subclavate to narrowly clavate, usually guttulate when mature, 20-30 x 4.5-5.5 μm , 4-sterigmate. Basidiospores ellipsoid to narrowly ellipsoid, adaxially flattened, smooth, thin-walled, guttulate, IKI- , CB- , mostly 4-5.3 x 2.5-3 μm . [4-5 (-5.5) x (2.5-) 2.7-3 (-3.3) μm , L = 4.59 +/- 0.43 μm , W = 2.86 +/- 0.18 μm , Q = 1.61 (n = 30) (GC 1708-358); (4-) 4.2-5 (-5.5) x 2.5-3 (-3.2) μm , L = 4.72 +/- 0.40 μm , W = 2.79 +/- 0.20 μm , Q = 1.70 (n = 30) (Wu 1708-326)]. Additional specimens examined (paratypes). CHINA. Yunnan Province: Wenshan Zhuang and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Maguan County, Dalishu Township, Lake, 23°07'04"N , 104°08'17"E , 1800 m alt., on angiosperm branch, coll. C.C. Chen, 7 Aug 2017, GC 1708-76 (TNM F0031803). TAIWAN. Nantou County: Aowanta, 23°57'N , 121°10'E , 1200 m alt., on angiosperm branch, coll. S.H. Wu, 28 Aug 2017, Wu 1708-326 (TNM F0031802). Distribution. Known from China (Yunnan Province) and Taiwan (type locality). Remarks. Phanerochaete ericina is the most closely related species (Figs 1, 2), but differs in having brownish hymenophore, frequently branched narrow hyphae (quasi-binding hyphae) and cystidia that are not encrusted ( Wu 1990 ). Phanerochaete burtii (Romell) Parmasto, P. carnosa (Burt) Parmasto, P. calotricha (P. Karst.) J. Erikss. & Ryvarden, P. citrinosanguinea Floudas & Hibbett, P. pseudosanguinea Floudas & Hibbett, P. sanguinea (Fr.) Pouzar and P. sanguineocarnosa Floudas & Hibbett also have a more or less fimbriate margin of the basidiomes, apically narrow or tapering cystidia and similar-sized basidiospores; however, their cystidia are not or only rarely encrusted. These species form a strongly supported monophyletic group, while P. cystidiata is phylogenetically distantly related to this group (Figs 1, 2). Figure 5. Phanerochaete cystidiata (holotype, GC 1708-358) A profile of basidiome section B basidiome section C leptocystidia D basidia E basidiospores. Scale bars: 100 μm (A); 10 μm(B-E ).