American Lamiinae (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae): new species of Acanthocinini and Hemilophini and a new synonymy in Cirrhicera Thomson
Heffern, Daniel
10531 Goldfield Lane, Houston, TX 77064, USA.
Santos-Silva, Antonio
Museu de Zoologia, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil.
journal article
Oedopeza hovorei
sp. nov.
Figs 21–25
Integument mostly dark brown; maxillary and labial palpomeres I yellowish brown; apex of maxillary palpomeres II–IV and labial palpomeres II–III yellowish brown. Basal third of antennomere V dark reddish brown; basal third of antennomeres VI–X and basal half of XI orangish brown. Pronotum with large, longitudinal, slightly arched black band on each side of middle, band subdivided anteriorly, short, elongated, arched black band on each side of anterior third, moderately small blackish macula on each side of posterior half, and blackish apex of dorsal surface of lateral tubercles of prothorax. Elytra with black areas, most conspicuous close to suture and scutellum. Abdominal ventrites 1–4 reddish brown except orangish-brown apex. Apical half of mesotibiae brown.
FIGURES 21–25.
Oedopeza hovorei
sp. nov.
, holotype female:
Dorsal habitus;
Ventral habitus;
Lateral habitus;
Head, frontal view;
Centrobasal crests.
Frons abundantly, finely punctate, except smooth median groove; with abundant pale yellowish-brown pubescence not obscuring integument, pubescence slightly denser close to eyes; with a few long, erect blackish setae close to eyes. Area between antennal tubercles with abundant pale-yellow pubescence partially obscuring integument, except glabrous median groove; area between antennal tubercles and upper eye lobes with glabrous cross-shaped area centrally, and abundant pale-yellow pubescence laterally; area between upper eye lobes with abundant pale-yellow pubescence laterally, slightly projected backward as sparser yellowish-white pubescent bands, one longer and wider on each side, another shorter and slender on each side of median groove; area between antennal tubercles and upper eye lobes, moderately abundantly, finely punctate; remaining surface of vertex glabrous, finely, sparsely punctate. Area behind upper eye lobes with dense, narrow yellowish pubescent and close to eye, sparse yellowish-white pubescence close to this band, and glabrous on remaining surface. Area behind lower eye lobes with dense pale-yellow pubescence close to eye, pubescent area gradually widened toward ventral surface, glabrous on remaining surface. Genae 0.65 times as long as lower eye lobe; densely, finely punctate frontally, punctures sparser close to frons and clypeus, and denser close to smooth apex; slightly transversely striate-punctate toward ventral surface; with dense pale-pubescence close to eye, and moderately abundant yellowish-white pubescence on remaining surface, except glabrous apex, mostly glabrous area close to frons and clypeus, and sparser pubescence on central region close to glabrous area close to frons; with a few long, erect dark brown setae interspersed. Wide central area of postclypeus with abundant, bristly pale yellowish-brown pubescence, absent centrally, and long, erect setae interspersed, setae dark brown basally, yellowish on remaining surface. Sides of postclypeus glabrous. Labrum with abundant yellowish pubescence not obscuring integument on posterior half, glabrous on anterior half, except short fringe of yellowish setae on anterior margin; with long, erect setae interspersed on pubescent area, setae dark brown basally, yellowish on remaining surface. Distance between upper eye lobes 0.17 times distance between outer margins of eyes; in ventral view, distance between lower eye lobes 0.46 times distance between outer margins of eyes. Antennae 2.55 times elytral length, reaching elytral apex at basal quarter of antennomere VI. Scape pedunculate; basal 3/4 with abundant yellowish-white pubescence not obscuring integument, pubescence slightly denser on apex of this area, and abundant yellowish-brown pubescence not obscuring integument on apical quarter, appearing to be yellower depending on light intensity. Pedicel with abundant yellowish-brown pubescence not obscuring integument, pubescence lighter basally; with a few short, thick black setae ventrally. Antennomeres III–X with abundant pubescence on basal third, slightly sparser dorsally on III, and sparser, surpassing middle ventrally on III–VI; remaining surface with abundant yellowish-brown pubescence not obscuring integument, more brownish depending on light source on III–VIII, and darker on IX–X; III–V with sparse, short, thick, erect black setae ventrally; III–X with sparse, short, thick, erect black setae on apex of dorsal and lateral surfaces, and short, erect yellowish setae interspersed throughout. Antennomere XI with dense whitish pubescence on basal half, and abundant dark pubescence not obscuring integument on apical half; with short erect yellowish setae interspersed throughout. Antennal formula (ratio) based on length of antennomere III: scape = 1.09; pedicel = 0.11; IV = 1.03; V = 0.88; VI = 0.74; VII = 0.71; VIII = 0.67; IX = 0.63; X = 0.59; XI = 0.50.
Prothorax wider than long; sides with large tubercle with rounded apex located centrally; anterior and posterior constrictions well marked. Pronotum elongated, longitudinal, slightly elevated and with arched gibbosity on each side of central region, and another narrow, elongated, very slightly elevated gibbosity centrally on posterior half; sides of anterior third somewhat tumid between anterior constriction and lateral tubercle of prothorax; with irregular row of sparse, moderately coarse punctures near anterior margin and row of abundant, coarse punctures near posterior margin; remaining surface smooth; with dense black pubescence on longitudinal black central areas, dense black pubescence on anterolateral black areas, dense dark-brown pubescence on small blackish macula on each side of posterior half; area close to anterior margin, posterior transverse sulcus, apex of lateral tubercles of prothorax, and central gibbosity glabrous; remaining surface with abundant pale-yellow pubescence, distinctly denser laterally, sparser on center of anterior half, except narrow yellowish-brown V-shaped macula on center of posterior half; with a few long, erect brownish setae interspersed on posterior half. Sides of prothorax with dense yellowish-brown pubescence partially obscuring integument, except whitish pubescence close to posterior margin and glabrous area close to anterior margin. Prosternum with dense yellow pubescence laterally and abundant yellowish-white pubescence not obscuring integument centrally, except glabrous area close to anterior margin. Prosternal process with abundant pale-yellow pubescence not obscuring integument, pubescence whiter apically; narrowest area 0.24 times procoxal width. Mesoventrite with sparse yellowish-white pubescence on flattened anterior area, except abundant white pubescence on posterocentral region of this area; sides with dense yellow pubescence. Mesanepisterna with abundant yellow pubescence partially obscuring integument. Mesepimera, metanepisterna, and sides of metaventrite with dense pale-yellow pubescence; remaining surface of metaventrite with dense yellowish-white pubescence, except glabrous metathoracic discrimen. Mesoventral process concave; subparallel-sided except slightly widened apex; apical margin slightly concave; with abundant whitish pubescence, denser centrally; central region about as wide as mesocoxal width. Scutellum with abundant yellowish-white pubescence not obscuring integument centrally, dense pale-yellow pubescence on anterior margin, and mostly dark-brown pubescence laterally.
Abundantly coarsely punctate, punctures sparser on posterior third; humerus with small tubercles; centrobasal crest (
Fig. 23
) elongated, slightly elevated, tuberculate; apex slightly obliquely truncate with outer angle slightly projected; with abundant yellowish-white pubescence not obscuring integument basally and close to suture on anterior third, except black pubescence close to scutellum; sides with dense pale-yellow pubescence, with brown pubescent spots interspersed, except humeral are with dense yellowish-brown pubescence; with dense yellow pubescent macula close to suture, located just before middle; remaining anterior half mostly with abundant yellowish-brown pubescence not obscuring integument; area close to suture on posterior half with abundant yellowish-white pubescence on its anterior region, and dense pubescence on its posterior region, this pubescence gradually pale yellow toward apex, and brownish pubescent spots interspersed; with large, irregular white pubescent macula dorsally close to middle, not reaching suture, distinctly denser on its inner region; area close to white pubescent macula with both blackish and yellowish-brown pubescence, yellowish-brown pubescent area with abundant dark-brown pubescent spots interspersed; posterior quarter with large, semicircle-shaped yellow pubescent macula close to suture; remaining surface of posterior third with yellowish-white pubescence not obscuring integument, except apex with fringe of yellow pubescence; with moderately long, erect black setae interspersed throughout.
Hind legs missing. Femora with abundant yellowish pubescence not obscuring integument, whiter on some areas depending on light intensity, except yellowish-brown pubescent macula on middle of dorsal surface of femoral club. Protibiae with moderately abundant yellowish-white pubescence not obscuring integument, except dense, bristly dark yellowish-brown pubescence on flattened apical half of ventral surface; with sparse, long, erect black setae on sides. Mesotibiae with dense yellowish-white pubescence on basal 2/3, except dark brownish pubescent macula dorsally, between seventh and about middle; apical third with abundant yellowish-white pubescence with moderately long, thick yellowish-brown setae interspersed on inner surface, and abundant yellowish-white pubescence not obscuring integument on outer surface, abundant, thick, bristly yellowish-brown setae on ventral surface; dorsal surface with bristly yellowish-brown pubescence, absent on some areas, and short, erect, thick dark-brown setae. Dorsal surface of tarsomeres I–II with dense yellowish-white pubescence; tarsomeres III–V mostly with dark pubescence not obscuring integument.
Ventrites with abundant yellowish-white pubescence, denser laterally on posterior half of ventrite 1, entire sides of ventrites 2–4, and base of ventrite 5, except sparse brownish pubescence anterolaterally on ventrite 1; ventrite 5 with a few long, erect setae on posterior half, setae dark brown basally, yellowish on remaining surface. Ventrite 5 longer than 3–4 together; apex concave, making outer angles spiniform.
Dimensions (mm).
Total length, 14.40; prothoracic length, 2.50; anterior prothoracic width, 2.85; posterior prothoracic width, 3.20; maximum prothoracic width, 3.95; humeral width, 5.15; elytral length, 10.00.
Type material.
female from
8-13 km
El Llano
F.T. Hovore
leg. (TAMU, formerly
The new species is dedicated to the late Frank Hovore, colleague of both authors and collector of the
The general appearance of
Oedopeza hovorei
sp. nov.
is very similar to that of
Paralcidion bilineatum
Gilmour, 1957
Figs 26–30
). We have seen photographs of specimens from
identified as
P. bilineatum
that, at least in dorsal view, appear to be
O. hovorei
sp. nov.
P. bilineatum
has the humeral carina well marked (
Figs 26, 29
) from humeri to near apex, while the humeral carina is slightly distinct only basally in
O. hovorei
sp. nov.
, and there is another longitudinal carina (
Fig. 29
) between humeral carina and epipleural margin (absent in
O. hovorei
sp. nov.
). In fact, the presence of the well-marked humeral carina and of the longitudinal lateral carina in
Gilmour, 1957
are the only features that allow it to be separated from
. According to
Gilmour (1957)
: “Allied to
in many characters, but differing in having the pronotal disc distinctly tuberculate, in having elytral setae and the prosternal protuberance very narrow.” However, the species of
also have elytral setae and the prosternal protuberance [prosternal process] is also narrow in the
species of
A. humeralis
(Perty, 1832)
Oedopeza hovorei
sp. nov.
is similar to
O. leucostigma
Figs 16–20
) and
O. raberi
sp. nov.
Figs 8–15
) but differs especially by the dense semicircle-shaped yellow pubescent macula close to suture on the posterior quarter of elytra (absent in
O. leucostigma
O. raberi
sp. nov.
). It also differs from
O. raberi
by the absence of dense yellow pubescent maculae on the metaventrite and abdominal ventrites (present in
O. raberi
sp. nov.
was one of several Panamanian cerambycids gifted to the first author during a visit to Hovore’s home in 1996.