An updated checklist for the pseudoscorpion fauna of Hungary (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones) Author Novák, János text Zootaxa 2024 2024-04-04 5433 1 51 95 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.5433.1.2 1175-5326 10953697 12A37ADF-99A9-4A4D-A8CC-E2C98B8B6D31 Neobisium ( Neobisium ) erythrodactylum (L. Koch, 1873 ) Obisium erythrodactylum L. Koch, 1873: 63-64 ; Tömösváry 1882a: 229–230 ; Daday 1889a: 132 ; Daday 1889b: 25 ; Pillich 1914: 153; Daday 1918: 2 . Obisium ( Obisium ) erythrodactylum : Beier 1928: 289 . Neobisium ( Neobisium ) erythrodactylum erythrodactylum : Szent-Ivány 1941: 88 . Neobisium ( Neobisium ) erythrodactylum : Beier 1963a: 102 ; Mahnert 1990: 683 ; Kárpáthegyi 2007: 84 ; Christophoryová et al. 2011b: 36; Harvey 2013 ; Novák 2012: 62 ; Červená et al . 2020a: 222 ; WPC 2023. Neobisium erythrodactylum : Loksa 1966: 392 ; Szalay 1968: 43 ; Kárpáthegyi 2005: 65; Novák 2013: 124; Novák 2016: 6 ; Novák 2018: 100–101. Occurrence: Armenia , Austria , Azerbaijan , Bosnia , Croatia , Czech Republic , Georgia , Germany , Greece , Hungary , Iran , Italy , Poland , Romania , Serbia , Slovakia , Slovenia , Turkey , Ukraine (WPC 2023). Known localities in Hungary : Tokaj ( Daday 1889a ). Vádé ( Daday 1889b ). Kőszeg ; Magyaregregy ; Vértes Mts ; Letkés ( Szent-Ivány 1941 ). Bakony Mts ; Balaton Uplands ; Börzsöny Mts : Szent Mihály-Mt, Buda Mts , Mecsek Mts , Bükk Mts , Gerecse Mts , Keszthelyi Mts ; Pilis Mts ; Vértes Mts ; Villányi Mts ; Visegrádi Mts ( Loksa 1966 ). Bátorliget Swamp ( Mahnert 1990 ). Szuhafő : Szuha Valley; Szuhafő : Korlát Brook; Regéc : Torintás; Regéc : Bálint Hill; Alsózsolca : Kemelyi Forest; Füzérkajata : Nagy-Büdös Lake; Sajólád : Ládi Forest; Szendrő : Büdöskútpuszta; Szendrő : Hajnácsó; Telkibánya : Kecske-hát; Alsószuha : Hideg-kút Valley; Telkibánya : well of King Matthias; Füzér : Drahos; Füzér : Bodó Field; Rostalló : Ördög Valley; Dubicsány : Vaskapu Hilltop; Abaújszántó : Kassai-szőlő; Hernádbűd : Gaz; Sátoraljaújhely : Lőtér (Kárpáthegyi 2005). Tihany ; Környe ; Vállus ; Alsótelekes : Telekes Brook ( Kárpáthegyi 2007 ). Bakonyszentkirály : Hajmáspuszta; Bakonyszentkirály : Kőris-lapos; Bakonyszücs : Szakács-éri Lake; Eplény : Malom Valley; Olaszfalu : Békás Lake; Súr : fishing lake II; Veszprém : Ördögrágta-kő; Zirc : Pintér Hill ( Novák 2011 ). Bükkszentkereszt : Hollóstető; Bükkszentkereszt : Vivrát Hill; Miskolc : Savós Valley, Sebes, Lillafüred, Vaskapu, Ómassa; Nagyvisnyó : Bánkút, Youth Camp; Répáshuta : Nagy-mező ( Novák 2012 ). Vác : Naszály Hilltop ( Novák 2013a ). Budakeszi ; Budapest : János Hill, Normafa, Kakukk-hegy; Nagykovácsi ( Novák 2016 ). Jósvafő : Farkaslyuk (E-side); Martonyi : Nagy-Rednek Valley; Szin : Szelcepuszta; Szögliget : Ménes valley; Tornaszentandrás : Mile Valley; Abaújszántó : kassai-szőlő; Boldogkőváralja : Csorgó Spring; Monok : Csörgő Hill; Pusztafalu ; Sátoraljaújhely : Boda-dűlő (Novák 2018). New data: Alsópáhok : 28.08.1999 , leg. LV (HNHM Pseud-1565: 1♂ ) ; Aszófő : 07.1932, leg. ED (HNHM Pseud-1797: 1♂ , 1♀ ) ; Balf : 1985, leg. IL (HNHM Pseud-1614: 1♀ ) ; Dabas : 05.09.1977 , leg. LA & MH (HNHM Pseud-1796: 1♂ , 1♀ ) ; Kerecsend : Fácános-berek, 23.04.1983 , leg. LA (HNHM Pseud:1542: 1♂ , 1♀ ; HNHM Pseud-1551: 1♂ ; HNHM Pseud-1554: 2♂ ); oak forest on loess, 24.04 18.06.2010 , leg. AG , ZG , OM (HNHM Pseud-1795: 1♀ ) ; Kékestető : beech forest, sifted from leaf litter, 18.06.2013 , leg. JN (HNHM pseud-1776: 1♀ ) ; Valley of Kemence Brook ( Börzsöny Mts ) : 13.05.2016 , leg. GS (HNHM Pseud-1909: 1♀ ) ; Mátraszentlászló : oak-hornbeam forest, 01.05.1992 , leg. ZKO (HNHM Pseud- 1537: 1♀ ) ; Pácin : alder forest, 12.06.1999 , leg. GH (KFM Pseud-0042: 1♀ ) ; Ormánd : 04.1921, leg. MV (HNHM Pseud, 1802: 1♀ ) , Ócsa : marshland forest, 22.09.1978 , leg. MH (HNHM pseud-1881: 2♂ , 2♀ ) ; Madárvárta, sifted from reed debris, 17.08.2013 , leg. JN (HNHM Pseud-1597: 1♂ ) ; Nagyerdő, 10.09.1952 , leg. VLS & ZKA (HNHM Pseud-1549: 1♂ ; HNHM Pseud-1570: 1♀ ); Turjános, 05.09 24.10.1977 , leg. LA & MH (HNHM Pseud-1806: 1♂ , 1♀ ) ; Pilisszántó : MTA research area, oak-hornbeam forest, sifted from leaf litter, 02.06.2015 , leg. JN (HNHM pseud-1848: 1♂ ; HNHM Pseud-1855: 6 adults ) ; 25.10.2016 , leg. JN (HNHM Pseud-1973: 10 adults ) ; Szőce : peat moss, 13.08.1990 , leg. ZKO (HNHM Pseud-1552: 1♂ ) . Habitat preference: Beier (1963a) stated that N . ( N .) erythrodactylum occurs predominantly in leaf litter of forests. In Slovakia , Krajčovičová et al. (2012) collected it from dead wood, organic material, and by pitfall traps in a wetland area, Christophoryová et al . (2017c) found it under tree bark and also in tree hollows, and Jászayová & Jászay (2022) reported it from the following habitats: beech and fir flowery forest and birch, floodplain alder forest with beech and grey alder. In Hungary , it has been reported from the soil of alder forest, from mixed forests of linden and ash, and from beech forest, and from oak forest, from beec-hornbeam forest, from oak-hornbeam forest ( Kárpáthegyi 2007 ; Novák 2012 , 2013a , 2016 , 2018). During the present study it was found in oak forest, beech forest, oak-hornbeam forest, alder forest, marshland forest, in reed debris, and in peat moss. Remarks: this species is widely distributed across Hungary . Neobisium ( Neobisium ) fuscimanum (C. L. Koch, 1843 ) Obisium fuscimanum C.L. Koch, 1843: 63–64 Neobisium ( Neobisium ) fuscimanum : Beier 1963a: 113 ; Kárpáthegyi 2007: 84 ; Christophoryová et al. 2011b: 37 ; Harvey 2013 ; Červená et al . 2020a: 222 ; WPC 2023. Neobisium fuscimanum : Kárpáthegyi & Kontschán 2005: 5 ; Novák 2018: 101. Occurrence: Albania , Austria , Bosnia , Bulgaria , Croatia , Czech Republic , Georgia , Germany , Greece , Hungary , Iran , Italy , Montenegro , Poland , Romania , Serbia , Slovakia , Slovenia , Turkey (WPC 2023). Known localities in Hungary : Rostalló ( Kárpáthegyi & Kontschán 2005 ). Mogyoróska : farkas meadow; Mogyoróska : Castle of Regéc; Regéc : Csapotai oldalág; Regéc : Torintás Field; Telkibánya : well of King Matthias; Háromhuta : Flórika Spring; Háromhuta : Huta-völgyi-kút; Háromhuta : Márika Spring (Kárpáthegyi 2005). Aggtelek : Ménes Valley; Jósvafő : Farkaslyuk (E-side); Perkupa : Rahozna; Telkibánya : Cser Hill; Telkibánya : Kis-Farkas Hill; Telkibánya : well of King Matthias (Novák 2018). New data: nil. Habitat preference: This species has been reported from humid microhabitats of the upper soil layer, from plant debris, from grass and from moss ( Beier 1963a ). In Slovakia , Krajčovičová et al. (2012) found it in moss and organic material, and Jászayová & Jászay (2022) reported it from the following habitats: fir forest, beech and fir flowery forest with the presence of maple, beech and fir flowery forest and birch. Furthermore, it has also been found in compost heaps ( Christophoryová et al . 2017a ), in dead wood, and in tree hollows ( Christophoryová et al . 2017c ). In Hungary , it was found in alder forest and in beech-hornbeam forest, and in alder forest (Novák 2018). Remarks: although Beier (1963a) listed Hungary as part of the distribution of Neobisium ( N .) fuscimanum („ Ungarn , Siebenbürgen”), this site falls outside of the borders of modern Hungary . The species was first reported from Hungary by Kárpáthegyi & Kontschán (2005) , and has since been recorded sporadically from the Zemplén Mts (Kárpáthegyi 2005; Novák 2018), where it was first found, and from the Aggtelek Karst (Novák 2018). Both areas are under a Carpathian influence in zoogeographic terms ( Varga 1964 ). Neobisium ( Neobisium ) macrodactylum (Daday, 1889) Obisium (Obisium) macrodactylum Daday, 1889a: 132–133 , 189. Obisium macrodactylum : Daday 1918: 2 ; Novák & Dányi 2018: 308 . Neobisium (Neobisium) macrodactylum : Beier 1932a: 100–101 ; Christophoryová et al. 2011b: 37 ; Harvey 2013 ; Novák & Dányi 2018: 309 ; Červená et al . 2020a: 222 ; WPC 2023. Neobisium (Neobisium) macrodactylum macrodactylum : Beier 1963a: 116 ; Kárpáthegyi 2007: 85 ; WPC 2023. Neobisium macrodactylum : Szalay 1968: 44 . Occurrence: Azerbaijan , Bosnia-Herzegovina , Bulgaria , Croatia , Hungary , Montenegro , Romania , Slovakia , Slovenia (WPC 2023). Known localities in Hungary : Vejti ; Babócsa ; Bélavár ; Somogyudvarhely : Vecsenye Forest; Zákány : Zákányi Forest; Alsószentmárton : Gyűrűspuszta; Bélavár : Páfrányos Gorge; Gyékényes : Lamkóczi Forest; Balatonkeresztúr : Keresztúri Forest; Nagykapornak ; Orbányosfa ; Hosszúvíz ; Bőszénfa ; Kardosfapuszta ( Kárpáthegyi 2007 ). New data: Dunasziget : oak forest, 01,12,2007, leg. SB (HNHM Pseud-1517: 1♀ ) ; Farkasfa : forest, 28.06.2006 , leg. GD (HNHM Pseud- 1538: 4 adults ) ; Ibafa : Puszta-erdő, oak forest, 13.09.1991 , leg. ZKO & HR (HNHM Pseud-1516: 1♂ , 1♀ ) ; Orfű : beech forest, 12.09.1991 , leg. ZKO & HR (HNHM Pseud-1519: 1♂ ) . Habitat preference: this species has been recorded from plant debris and cracks under stones as the preferred habitats ( Beier 1963a ). In Hungary , it has been found in willow forest, beech forest, alder forest, and poplar forest ( Kárpáthegyi 2007 ). Remarks: Daday (1889a) described Obisium ( O .) macrodactylum from Mehádia in the Southern Carpathians, which was at the time part of Hungary , but now belongs to Romania . Based on Daday’s original record, Beier (1932a , 1963a ) included it among the Hungarian fauna. However, the first record from modern Hungary was by Kárpáthegyi (2007) .