2699 Author Brown, Brian V. Author Kung, Giar-Ann text Zootaxa 2010 2010-12-03 2699 1 142 journal article 1175­5334 Dohrniphora minerva Borgmeier ( Figs 209–210 ) Dohrniphora minerva Borgmeier, 1961: 17–18 , fig. 22. Holotype . , PANAMA : Canal Zone : 9.vii.1923 , R.C. Shannon [ LACM ENT 210278 ] ( USNM ; examined). Species recognition. This species is easily recognized by the long curved carina and the elongate, apically narrowed hind coxal lobe. FIGURES 203–210. Scanning electron micrographs, hind femora, posterior view, left image low magnification, right image high magnification. Description. Body length: 1.81–2.19 mm . Head: Frons dark brown, second row of setae slightly concave. Flagellomere 1 oval, slightly pointed, brown, lighter mediobasally. Palpus of normal size, light brown to orange. Thorax: Scutum dark brown. Scutellum dark brown, with 2 pairs of setae; anterior seta one-half length of posterior seta. Pleuron brown to dark brown. Mean costal length 0.52 wing length, range 0.5–0.53. Halter yellow. Legs yellowish-brown. Forecoxa in lateral view yellow. Foretibia with 3–4 dorsal setae. Foretarsomeres slender, elongate. Midcoxa dark brown. Hind coxa yellowish-brown. Hind coxal lobe light brown, elongate, narrow, posteriorly pointed. Posterior face of hind femur with elongate basal group of peglike setae; ventral margin of hind femur curves dorsally, lining shallow depression and forming more distal, flaplike process ( Figs 209–210 ). Abdomen: Abdominal tergite 1 dark brown, tergites 2–6 dark brown. Venter of abdomen gray, with few setae, larger on posterior margin of segment 5. Male terminalia dark brown, except cercus yellow. Distribution. Costa Rica to northwestern Colombia . Other material examined. 22♂ specimens from the following localities: COLOMBIA : Chocó : PNN Utría ( LACM ) . COSTA RICA : Heredia : La Selva Biological Station ; Puntarenas : Las Cruces , 3 km W Rincon ( INBC , LACM , MCZC , MUCR , USNM ) . PANAMA : Canal Zone : Barro Colorado Island ( LACM , MIUP ) .