Two new species and a new species record of Aglaia (Meliaceae) from Indonesia Author Pannell, Caroline M. University of Oxford, Department of Plant Sciences and Daubeny Herbarium (FHO), South Parks Road, Oxford OX 1 3 RB, United Kingdom & Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew (K), Richmond, Surrey TW 9 3 AE, United Kingdom & Queen's University Belfast, Marine Laboratory, 12 - 13 The Strand, Portaferry, County Down, BT 22 1 PF, United Kingdom & Leipzig University, Institute of Biology, Department of Molecular Evolution and Plant Systematics & Herbarium (LZ), Johannisallee 21 - 23, D- 04103 Leipzig, Germany Author Schnitzler, Jan Leipzig University, Institute of Biology, Department of Molecular Evolution and Plant Systematics & Herbarium (LZ), Johannisallee 21 - 23, D- 04103 Leipzig, Germany Author Muellner-Riehl, Alexandra N. Leipzig University, Institute of Biology, Department of Molecular Evolution and Plant Systematics & Herbarium (LZ), Johannisallee 21 - 23, D- 04103 Leipzig, Germany & German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig, D- 04103 Leipzig, Germany text PhytoKeys 2020 155 33 51 journal article 1314-2003-155-33 484AACC0E49956DC8FC9EEE295B4799E Aglaia mackiana Pannell, Kew Bull. 52(3): 715. 1997. Fig. 3 Remark. Previously known only from the type locality in Papua New Guinea, this tall tree species in section Amoora , has the largest fruits recorded for the genus Aglaia . Collections from West Papua are of immature fruits and flower buds. Figure 3. Aglaia mackiana A leaf with attachment to twig B apex of shoot C detail of upper leaflet surface D detail of lower leaflet surface E immature inflorescence F flower buds G peltate scales H transverse section of immature fruit with three seeds I seed, with large hilum and intact aril (Drawn by Rosemary Wise, edited by Alexandra Muellner-Riehl). Distribution. Indonesia, two records from West Papua. In Papua New Guinea, known only from the type locality in Chimbu Province. Ecology. Primary lowland forest on the coastal plain and to 450 m altitude; canopy 25-45 m high; associate species include Celtis , Sterculia , Pometia , Ficus , Oncospermum , and sundry Rubiaceae . Canopy tree to 45 m tall, branching above; bole c. 1 m diameter, buttressed below; bark tan, smooth, somewhat round flaky; fruits 12-16 cm diameter, light brown, lactiferous, 3-lobed. In Papua New Guinea, the fruit either dehisces on the tree and the seeds fall to the ground or the whole fruit falls from the tree and dehisces on impact with the ground. The seeds are swallowed whole by the Dwarf Cassowary and defaecated at up to 1000 m from the parent trees ( Mack 1995a , b ; Pannell 1997 ). A fruit bat (probably Dobsonia moluccensis ) carries seeds shorter distances, reportedly less than 100 m, away from the parent tree. Germination is semi-hypogeal, within a few days of deposition of seeds; the two large cotyledons persist at ground level for up to two years after germination. Vernacular. 'sapa peka' (Wanda Ave 4394) Etymology. Named after Andrew Mack, who discovered this species in the course of his field work on the Dwarf Cassowary. Conservation. This species is known from only three localities, two in Papua and one in Papua New Guinea. It is therefore assessed to be Data Deficient (provisional). Further collecting and monitoring is necessary to allow more conclusive estimations about the rareness and vulnerability of the species. However, the collections seen were made 24, 25, 27, and 28 years ago, so the likelihood of obtaining further material from this species is not great. Additional specimens. Indonesia. West Papua : surroundings of Ayawasi, 1°09'S , 132°12'E , c. 450m, fruit, 30 April 1996, Wanda Ave 4394 (L); Sarmi, coastal plain, 1-3 km N of Sewan on the Waske River. 2°4'S , 138°46'E , 10-20 m, fr., 3 June 1993 McDonald and Ismail 3786 (BO, L, K). Papua New Guinea. Chimbu Province : Crater Mountain Biological Research Station, 145043-45'S, 6'05-58'E, leaves only, 1992, Mack 699 (FHO! holotype); same locality,?1995, fruit only, Ross Sinclair RS 105 (FHO!); same locality, seeds only, 18 Aug. 1995, Mack s.n. (FHO!); same locality, fallen male inflorescences only, no date, Mack 297 (A):