A taxonomic revision of the Bothynus villiersi Endrödi, 1968 species group (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae) Author Duarte, Paulo R. M. Departamento de Fitossanidade, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, Rua Manoel de Medeiros, s / n - Dois Irmãos, Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil Author Grossi, Paschoal C. 0000-0001-6601-5967 Departamento de Fitossanidade, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, Rua Manoel de Medeiros, s / n - Dois Irmãos, Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil & http: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 6601 - 5967 Author Dupuis, Fabien text Zootaxa 2022 2022-01-25 5093 1 49 66 journal article 2423 10.11646/zootaxa.5093.1.3 701b994e-d6dd-4e39-923d-ad55d113d881 1175-5326 5901043 E90AE625-98EA-41D5-9C8C-CEA4B877E687 Bothynus alvarengai Martínez, 1983 ( Figs. 2C ; 3C ; 4A ; 5C ; 6E–F ; 7C ; 8E ; 9 ) Bothynus alvarengai . Martínez 1983: 297 (original description); Krajcik 2005: 38 (checklist); López-García et al . 2016: 495 (checklist). Diagnosis . Bothynus alvarengai differs from other species in the B . villiersi species group by the following characters: male with pronotal tubercle truncate or bilobed at apex in frontal view ( Fig. 4A ); spiculum gastrale bearing recurved lateral branches combined with the medial branch wide at apex ( Fig. 5C ); parameres suboval combined with the inner medial process on the left paramere not visible in lateral view ( Fig. 6E–F ) tergite 8 of female with a short and bilobed internal plate ( Fig. 8E ). Bothynus alvarengai is unique within the group whose male has the pronotal tubercle with truncate (or more rarely bilobed) apex, while other species have the tubercle with rounded or acute apex. The tergite 8 of female has an internal plate that resembles those of B. horridus , however, the plate is short in B. alvarengai , while it is broadly bilobed in B. horridus . Type material examined . Holotype male ( MACN ), labeled: “ Encruzilhada Bahia Brasil XII.1980 ” [white label] / “ A. Martínez e M, Alvarenga ” [white label] / “ HOLOTYPUS ” [red label] / “ Bothynus alvarengai sp. nov. A. Martínez-DET.1981” [red label, bordered in black, partially handwritten] / “MACN-En 801” [data inscribed within a black border rectangle]” ( Fig. 2C ) . Additional material examined . BRAZIL : BAHIA , Encruzilhada ( 15º32’25’’S , 40º50’12’’W ), 800 m , 11.xii.2007 , at light, Grossi , Rafael , and Parizotto1 male , 1 female ( EPGC ) . MARANHÃO : Mirador , Parque Estadual do Mirador , Base de Geraldina , light trap , 11–15.xi.2007 , F. Limeira-de-Oliveira1 male ( CZMA ) ; Posto Avançado do Mel ( 6º43’50’’S , 44º58’59’’W ), light trap , 2–8.iv.2011 , F. Limeira-de-Oliveira , G.A. Reis , and M.S. Oliveira1 male , 1 female ( CERPE ) . MINAS GERAIS : Águas Vermelhas , xii.1997 , Vaz-de-Mello and Belo2 males , 1 female ( CERPE ) ; Fazenda Faceiro , 12–16.xii.2012 , at light, E. Grossi , P. Grossi. J.A. Rafael , and G.A.R. Melo6 males , 13 females ( CERPE ) . Berizal , Fazenda Veredão ( 15º39’53’’S , 41º39’56’’W ), 15.xi.2007 , Grossi , Rafael , and Parizotto1 male ( EPGC ) . Ipatinga , xi.1993 1 female ( FDPC ) . São Gonçalo do Rio Preto , Parque Estadual do Rio Preto , 22.xii.2011 , blacklight, Oliveira and Ferreira1 male , 1 female ( EPGC ) . RIO DE JANEIRO : Itatiaia , xii.1992 3 males , 3 females ( FDPC ) . Description. Male ( Fig. 3C ) . Length : 18.5–21.8 mm . Width : 9.5–11.5 mm . Color : Nearly completely reddish brown, except by protibial margins, pro-, meso-, and metatarsi dark. Head : Frontoclypeal ridge weakly marked, usually convergent at middle, sometimes slightly sinuous in frontal view. Interocular width equals 4.1 transverse eye diameters. Mouthparts : Labrum slightly arched on apical margin. Mandible with apical tooth slightly back produced, separated from medial tooth by a deep notch; medial tooth separated from basal tooth by a shallow notch. Maxillary galea lobed apically, rarely with a small tooth at apex. Pronotum : Anterior tubercle subtrapezoidal, usually truncate, rarely bilobed at apex ( Fig. 4A ); anterior area with shallow or moderately deep concavity; surface transversely rugose at basis of tubercle and covered with large, transverse, C-shaped punctures at posterior area of concavity; sides densely covered with large, deep punctures, coalescent near margins, becoming contiguous toward disc; disc finely punctate. Legs : Inner protarsal claw slightly large than outer claw, pointed at apex. Abdomen : Ventrites 1–2 densely rugopunctate, densely setose; ventrites 3–5 setose and rugopunctate only on sides, smooth on disc; ventrite 6 weakly punctate on sides, smooth on disc. Spiculum gastrale : Y-shaped; lateral branches curved, medial branch gradually expanded toward a wide apex ( Fig. 5C ). Hemisternite small, barely sclerotized, separated at middle, covered with 6–7 scattered bristles. Aedeagus : Parameres, in lateral view (left side) ( Fig. 6E ), rounded apically. Parameres, in dorsal view ( Fig. 6F ), suboval, slightly elongate (about 1.2 times longer than wide); inner margin of right paramere with a basal, long, curved process; inner margin of left paramere with a middle, small, lobed or triangular process. Description. Female ( Fig. 7C ) . Length : 19.7–22.8 mm . Width : 9.6–11.5 mm .As male, except in the following aspects: Pronotum : Anterior disc usually with two areas densely punctate, separated by a smooth, longitudinal middle area; anterior punctures large, deep, C-shaped, from contiguous to coalescent. Abdomen : Tergite 8 with a short and bilobed internal plate ( Fig. 8E ). Ventrite 6 completely rugopunctate, setose. Distribution. Bothynus alvarengai have been frequently found in dry areas across the Brazilian northeast and most rarely in Atlantic Forest. Type locality. Encruzilhada , Bahia , Brazil . Geographical records ( Fig. 9 ) . BRAZIL : Maranhão (new state record), Bahia , Minas Gerais (new state record), Rio de Janeiro (new state record) .