Thalassodes and related taxa of emerald moths in China (Geometridae, Geometrinae) Author Han, Hongxiang Author Xue, Dayong text Zootaxa 2011 3019 26 50 journal article 46376 10.5281/zenodo.205134 3018168d-5918-402f-a8fc-c00e856d564a 1175-5326 205134 Remiformvalva viridicaput ( Warren, 1897b ) , new record for China Figs 20 , 39 , 57 , 83 , 96 Thalassodes viridicaput Warren, 1897b , Novit . zool . 4: 391. Holotype 3, Celebes (south) [Sulawesi]. (BMNH) Pelagodes viridicaput : Holloway, 1996 , Malay . Nat . J ., 49 (3–4): 264. Remiformvalva viridicaput : Inoue, 2006 , Tinea 19 (3): 241. Material examined. CHINA : Hainan ( IZCAS ): Baisha, Yinggezui, 611 m , 6–7.V.2009 , coll. Chen Fuqing, 1Ƥ; Baisha, Nankai, Nanmaola, 1261 m , 10.V.2009 , coll. Chen Fuqing, 1Ƥ (Slide No. 1234); Bawangling, Donger Linchang, 1015 m , 8–10.V.2007 , coll. Chen Fuqiang, 1Ƥ (Slide No. 1207); Bawangling, 145 m , 18, 21 .XII.2007, coll. Li Jing, 231Ƥ; Dongfang Nongchang, 11.VIII.1984 , coll. Liu Yuanfu, 13; Wuzhishan, Shuiman, 730–900 m , 9.V.2007 , coll. Han Hongxiang, 13; Lingshui, Diaoluoshan, 920 m , 2, 4 .V.2007, coll. Han Hongxiang, Lang Songyun, 231Ƥ; ibidem , 929 m , 11–12.XII.2007 , coll. Li Jing, 13; Jianfengling, 16.VI.1973 , 1Ƥ; Jianfeng, 28.IV.1978 , coll. Zhang Baolin, 13 (Slide No. 1253); Jianfengling Tianchi, 25.IV.1980 , coll. Zhang Baolin, 1Ƥ; Jianfengling, 6.V.1981 , coll. Wang Chunling, 13; Ledong, Jianfengling, 934 m , 14–17.XII.2007 , coll. Li Jing, 131Ƥ (Slide No. 1194(3), 1238(Ƥ)). FIGURES 1–20. Adults of Thalassodes , Orothalassodes , Pelagodes and Remiformvalva . 1, Thalassodes immissaria ; 2, T . intaminata ; 3, T . maipoensis ; 4, T . opalina ; 5, Orothalassodes hypocrites ; 6–7. O . floccosa . 6, male; 7, female; 8, O . pervulgatus ; 9, O . falsaria ; 10, Pelagodes antiquadraria ; 11, P . proquadraria ; 12–13, P . semengok ; 14, P . paraveraria sp. nov. , holotype; 15, P . bellula sp. nov. , holotype; 16, P . simplvalvae sp. nov. , holotype; 17, P . subquadraria ; 18, P . sinuspinae sp. nov. , holotype; 19, P . clarifimbria ; 20, Remiformvalva viridicaput . Scale bar = 1 cm. Diagnosis. The male genitalia of R . viridicaput , R . subviridis and R . minimus ( Inoue, 2003 ) ( Palau Islands), are quite different to those of R . spiniseparati ( Holloway, 1996 ) (Peninsular Malaysia , Borneo) and R . longicornuta Inoue, 2006 ( Philippines ) on their relatively shorter juxtal processes. Additionally, the male eighth sternite bears two pairs of scobinate pointed processes in R . viridicaput and R . subviridis , but only one pair of processes in R . minimus . The juxtal processes are curved and broader in R . subviridis , but slightly tapering and straight in R . viridicaput . The cucullus is totally scobinate, but only scobinate at mesally in R . subviridis . The female genitalia are firstly described here as below. Female genitalia: The lamella postvaginalis is a sub-quadrate spinose area, with a denser central ridge extending anteriorly. The width of the ductus bursae is less than half the width of the oval corpus bursae. The signum is absent. Distribution. China (Hainan), Malaysia , Indonesia .