Revision and cladistic analysis of the Southeast Asian leaf-dwelling spider genus Calapnita Simon (Araneae, Pholcidae) Author Bernhard A. Huber text Zootaxa 2017 4219 1 1 63 journal article 37319 10.5281/zenodo.273086 0d2332a5-1968-49d7-a570-f31d386eccb3 1175-5326 273086 0FA0F51A-3868-4F13-A93D-E34CA5A689F8 Calapnita deelemanae Huber, 2011 Fig. 9 Calapnita deelemanae Huber 2011 : 59 , figs 72–73, 198–201 (♂♀). Diagnosis . Males can be easily distinguished from C. subphyllicola by bulbal appendix (pointed distally with small subdistal process, very similar to C. phasmoides and C. anai ; cf. Figs 101 , 110 ); from C. anai and C. phasmoides by distally strongly bent procursus (figs 198–199 in Huber 2011 ; very similar to C. subphyllicola ). Females of these four species appear indistinguishable externally, but the round internal membranous ‘sac’ of C. deelemanae (fig. 201 in Huber 2011 ) might be distinctive. New material examined . MALAYSIA-BORNEO: 2♂ 3♀ , ZFMK ( Ar 16001), Sabah , Mount Kinabalu , Poring Hot Springs , forest near beginning of Kipungit Trail ( 6.048°N , 116.706°E ), 450 m a.s.l. , on undersides of leaves, 7.viii.2014 ( B.A. Huber , S.B. Huber ) ; 1♂ 7♀ 2 juvs in absolute ethanol, ZFMK ( Bor 207), same data . 1♂ , RMNH ( ARA 17804), Poring , fruit plantation, canopy fogging, 23.i.2001 (collector not given) . 1♀ , RMNH ( ARA 17805), Poring Hot Springs ( 6.033°N , 116.833°E ), canopy fogging Aglaia sp., primary forest, 500–700 m a.s.l. , 28.iii.1998 ( A. Floren ) . 1♂ 1♀ (2 vials), RMNH ( ARA 17806–07 ), Kinabalu National Park , Monggis ( 6.220°N , 116.735°E ; not as on labels: 6.083°N , 116.65°E ), 23.ix.2006 ( A. Floren ) . 3♀ (2 vials), RMNH ( ARA 17808–09 ), Kinabalu National Park (coordinates on label probably wrong: 6.083°N , 116.65°E ), 16/ 17.ix.2006 ( A. Floren ) . 5♂ 4♀ 2 juvs, ZFMK ( Ar 16002), Sabah , Sepilok , Rainforest Discovery Centre , forest along Pitta Trail (5.875– 5.878°N , 117.937– 117.942°E ), 30 m a.s.l. , on undersides of leaves, 9.viii.2014 ( B.A. Huber , S.B. Huber ) ; 1♂ 1♀ 3 juvs in absolute ethanol, ZFMK ( Bor 175), same data. FIGURES 72–80 . Calapnita semengoh Huber , SEM micrographs (ZFMK, Ar 15999–16000). 72 . Male chelicerae, oblique frontal view. 73 . Male palpal tarsal organ. 74 . Basis of left bulb, prolateral view (arrow points at membranous process; asterisk marks unidentified structure). 75 . Detail of embolus, showing serrated edge. 76 . Tips of procursus and embolus (arrow points at sperm duct opening). 77 . Split hair on procursus. 78 . Male ALS. 79 . Female prosoma, frontal view. 80 . Epigynum, ventral view. b, genital bulb; e, embolus; p, procursus. Scale lines: 10 µm (73, 75, 77, 78), 50 µm (74), 100 µm (72, 76, 79, 80). Notes . As mentioned in the original description, there is slight variation among males from different localities. This is confirmed by the new material: the appendix of males from Sepilok resembles that of males from the type locality (Danum Valley), while males from Mount Kinabalu appear identical to the single male specimen previously known from this locality (i.e., with slightly longer subdistal side branch on appendix). Tibia 1 in new material: 6 males : 6.7–7.9 (mean 7.4); 11 females : 5.6–6.9 (mean 6.3). Natural history . At Poring, most specimens were found on large leaves along the trail near the park entrance; the species seemed to be much less abundant in the forest. At Sepilok, specimens were found on leaves of various monocot and dicot plants. Egg-sacs contained 9– 12 eggs each, consistently lined up in a single row ( Fig. 9 ). Distribution . Widely distributed in Sabah , northeastern Borneo ( Fig. 281 ).