New records in non-native vascular plants of Russian Lapland Author Kozhin, Mikhail Avrorin Polar-Alpine Botanical Garden-Institute, Apatity, Russia & Kandalaksha Strict Nature Reserve, Kandalaksha, Russia Author Sennikov, Alexander University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland & Komarov Botanical Institute, Saint-Petersburg, Russia text Biodiversity Data Journal 2022 2022-01-06 10 78166 78166 journal article 1314-2828-10-e78166 02E9D76D55475D4A9822377E3CE353BB Leonurus quinquelobatus Gilib. Leonurus quinquelobatus Gilib. in Usteri, Delect. Opusc. Bot. 2: 321 (1793). Leonurus quinquelobatus Leonurus villosus Leonurus cardiaca subsp. villosus Leonurus quinquelobatus Leonurus cardiaca Diagnosis The species differs from Leonurus cardiaca L. s. str. by its calyces and stems with abundant long hairs throughout (vs. glabrous or sparsely pubescent along ribs) and lower cauline leaves deeply divided into narrow lobes (vs. dissected into broad lobes) ( Gladkova and Menitsky 1978 ). Distribution Native distribution Crimea, Caucasus, Iran. Secondary distribution Europe, Asia. Distribution in neighbouring territories Locally established neophyte in southern Finland ( Kurtto 1998a ) and southern Karelia ( Kravchenko 2007 ). New record Russia. Murmansk Region. Terskii District. Kuzreka Village, near Botaminskaya fishing station, 66.598067°N , 34.834799°E , on a seashore meadow in a holiday village, 05.07.2018, M. Kozhin M-4036 (H, MW 1058418, KAND 10122). Pathways of introduction Escape from confinement: Ornamental purpose other than horticulture. The species has been traditionally cultivated as folk medicine, although nowadays it practically fell into disuse and can seldom be found in cultivation. Period of introduction Russia (after 1991). The record originated from a well-explored area, from which the species has not been known in the previous times. Its introduction is therefore considered recent. Invasion status Locally established neophyte, persisting but not spreading far from the original place of introduction. Ecology Mountain forests and shrublands. Biology Perennial polycarpic. Hemicryptophyte with short rhizome. Notes Kozhin (2014) reported the first occurrence of Leonurus quinquelobatus in Murmansk Region, which was based on a specimen collected from Umba Village. That plant was a misnamed specimen of L. cardiaca L. s.str.