Bandella, A New Hilarine Fly Genus from Australia (Diptera: Empididae) Author Bickel, Daniel J. text Records of the Australian Museum 2002 54 313 324 journal article 2201-4349 FEA488D9-D30E-4323-9A43-60EADFFBE8CB Bandella tasmanica n.sp. Figs. 2j , 4a Type material . HOLOTYPE , 3, Tasmania : Pelion Gap , 2 km ENE of Mt Ossa , 41°52'S 146°03'E , 1120 m , 7.iii.1991 9.iv.1991 , malaise trap , E. Edwards & J. Berry , ANIC . PARATYPES : 23, same data as holotype; 13, Pelion Hut , 3 km S of Mt Oakleigh , 41°50'S 146°03'E , 860 m , iii.1991 , malaise trap ; 13, Pelion Hut , same data but 6–11.iii.1991 , pans (all ANIC ) . Additional material . Tasmania : , Derwent Bridge , 12.ii.1967 ( ANIC ) . Description (male): length: 11.0–11.5; wing: 8.0×2.2; similar to B. duvalli , except as noted. Head also with black hairs on dorsal postcranium, scape and pedicel. Thorax : pleura and postnotum black and covered with dense grey pruinosity; anterior mesonotum mostly orange; but with black ac band which continues and is slightly wider across posterior slope to scutellum; large black spot laterad of dc row and posteriad of mesonotal suture, and black pa spot, which is sometimes only weakly developed ( Fig. 2j ); postpronotum and postalar callus pale yellow; scutellum orange but dark brown at base; dc band with short setulae extending to scutellum, and with some short setulae laterally. Legs : coxae mostly reddish yellow; but CII and CIII infuscated at very base; trochanters yellow with dark brown apices; all femora and tibiae reddish yellow, except TIII with brown band from 3 5 to 3 4 which varies somewhat in extent; It brownish, IIt mostly yellow, IIIt yellow; coxae with only short pale vestiture, no strong setae; all tarsi curled in repose; It 1–3 each with pairs of ad-pd setae; IIIt 1 ventrally with dense pale pile and some short dark setulae. Abdomen : tergum 1 black; segments 2–6 entirely orangeyellow; tergum 8 also with lateral flaplike projections; hypopygium ( Fig. 4a ) mostly yellow except for dark brown apex and edge of hypandrial keel and apices of epandrium and cercus. Female . Putative female specimen similar to male except as noted: thoracic pleura with mixed black and yellow patches, and with distal postnotum black; mesonotum entirely orange with only dark brown ac stripe present, thinner than that of male; leg colour similar and TIII also with brown band. Remarks . Bandella tasmanica is known only from the Central Highlands of Tasmania , and most specimens were collected near Mt. Pelion. This species is close to B. duvalli , but the two species can be readily separated by the set of diagnostic key characters: the pattern of the mesonotum, and colour of coxae and abdomen. Both species have a similar banded tibia III and have a short flap like tergum 8, that rests against the hypopygium.