Thailand Agromyzidae (Diptera) — 2 Author Sasakawa, Mitsuhiro text Zootaxa 2013 3746 4 501 528 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3746.4.1 2c47b519-8bb0-41d2-a4ab-3abec949499e 1175-5326 216905 F34E3BEA-CABE-4595-B1EB-40CC4802A942 Ophiomyia striata sp. nov. ( Figs 54–56 ) Type material . Holotype male (QSBG), Loei, Phu Kradueng National Park, 16˚49.099´N, 101˚47.624´E, 275 m a.s.l., 14–20 xi 2006 , Malaise trap, Suthin Gong-lasae. Diagnosis . Black; calypter with fringe white; lunule low; facial carina spindle-shaped; gena broad, vibrissal fasciculus distinct; ultimate section of CuA1 equal to penultimate section in length; surstylus with about eight spines; distiphallus striated distally on lateral side. Description . MALE. Black; parafrontalia and lunule brown-tinged; ocellar triangle shining; mesoscutum and abdomen moderately shining; wing hyaline, calypter brownish-gray, with fringe whitish. Frons 1.5 times as wide as eye, converging ventrally; parafrontalia slightly projecting above eye in profile; ors and ori each two; oh reclinate, in row; ocellar triangle with ventral tip blunt, extending beyond level of second ors ; lunule narrow, distinctly lower than semicircle, with median furrow; face with carina distinctly raised, forming a spindle below base of antennae; eye 1.2 times as high as wide; gena 1/5 as high as eye, projecting forwards, forming angle of 70˚ in front; vibrissal fasciculus 3/5 as long as srista, with slight upward curvature at base, straight apically. First antennal flagellomere round, with minute pile; arista appearing bare. Mesoscutum with 0+2 dc , ten rows of acr anteriorly but eight rows behind level of anterior dc. Wing 1.8 mm long; costa extending to M1, with three sections in proportion of 31:10: 7; r-m at distal 1/3 of discal cell (10: 5); M1 ratio 5.4; ultimate section of CuA1 equal to penultimate section in length. S6 about four times as long as S5, 1.3 times as wide as long, with posterior emargination on median 1/3. Epandrium with surstylus slightly projected, incurved, bearing three apical spines and four or five spinules; cercus small, 2/3 as high as epandrium. Hypandrium 280 µm long, with basal apodeme short, about 1/5 as long as sidearm. Phallapodeme 560 µm long; phallus 330 µm long, distiphallus striated distally on lateral side and spinulose internally; ejaculatory apodeme 160 µm long, blade very narrow, 35 µm wide. Body length 2.0 mm. FEMALE. Unknown. Distribution . Thailand . Remarks . On external characters this species resembles Ophiomyia cornuta , but it is easily distinguished by its broader facial carina, longer ultimate section of CuA1, and striated distiphallus. Etymology . The specific name refers to the striated (Latin: striatus ) distiphallus.