Catalogue of the hymenopterous insects in the collection of the British Museum. Part VI. Formicidae. Author Smith, F. text 1858 British Museum London book 8127 C86CFDBF-61D9-48EE-9C2E-325FC0462B10 2. Crematogaster sordidulus . Pl. IX. figs. 4-6. B.M. Myrmica sordidula , Nyl. Addit. Alt. Mon. Form. Bor. Eur. 44; Form. Fr. et d'Alger. 101. Acrocoelia Mayri , Schmidt, Mayr. Beitr. zur Kenntn. der Ameis, p. 14. Crematogaster sordidula , Mayr. Form. Austr, 200. Hab. Europe (France; Austria); Dalmatia.