Five new species of the Genus Carpelimus Leach, 1819 from Thailand and the Philippines (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Oxytelinae) Author Gildenkov, M. Yu. text Russian Entomological Journal 2019 2019-09-30 28 1 30 35 journal article 10.15298/rusentj.28.1.05 0132-8069 10919898 Carpelimus ( Trogophloeus ) notumus Gildenkov , sp.n. Figs 1 , 5–7 . MATERIAL. Holotype , “PHILIPPINEN-Mindoro 10 km W Puerto Gaiera 24.– 25.11.1992 , leg. Schillhammer (12)” ( NHMW ) . Paratypes : 1♂ “PHILIPPINEN-Mindoro 10 km W Puerto Gaiera 24– 25.11.1992 , leg. Schillhammer (12)” ( NHMW ) ; 1♀PHILIPPINEN : Palawan 20 km WSW P. Princesa Montible river , 26.3.1994 , leg. Zettel , (50a)” ( NHMW ) ; 3♂♂ , 4♀♀ , 2 ex. “PHIL.: Palawan 1994 20km WSW P. Princesa Montible riv., 26.3., leg. Zettel (50a)” ( NHMW ; 1♂ , 1♀ , 1 ex. — cMG) ; 1 ex. “PHIL.: Palawan 1994 12km S.Brooke´s point Cabangaan , Tamlang riv. 1.4., leg. Zettel (55)” ( NHMW ) ; 1 ex. “PHIL.: Palawan 1994 9km W P. Princesa Iwahig , 7–8.4., leg. Zettei (60)” ( NHMW ) ; 1♀Montalba Philippin ” “leg Böttcher l. Los ; Staudinger ” “ Cotypus Trogophloeus philippinus Bernhauer ” “ Trogophloeus philippinus Brnh ” “ex. coll. Scheerpeltz ” ( NHMW ) ; 2♂♂Philippines , Palawan central, along Tarabanan river , NE San Rafael, ca 30 m , 7.XII.1995 , Kodada & Rigova lgt.” ( MHNG ; 1♂ – cMG) ; 1♂Philippines , Luzon : Lagunas , Los Banos , vegetation debris near small river, 28.XI.1995 , J. Kodada & B. Rigova lgt.” ( MHNG ) ; 1♀Philippines , Luzon , Los Banos , small river, 28.XI.1995 , J. Kodada & B. Rigova lgt.” ( MHNG ) ; 1♂Surigao Mindan. ” “PHILIP- PINEN COLL. BOETTCHER DON. STAUDINGER” “Chicago NHMus M. Bernhauer Collection” ( FMNH ) ; 1♀ “Montalba Philippin” “ PHILIPPINEN COLL.BOETTCHER DON.STAUDINGER” philippinus Brh. Typ ” “Chicago NHMus M.Bernhauer Collection ” ( FMNH ) ; 1♀ “Montalba Philippin” “Chicago NHMus M.Bernhauer Collection ” ( FMNH ) . DESCRIPTION ( holotype ). Length 1.9 mm . Colouration brown. Head and abdomen dark brown, pronotum and elytra brown; legs and antennal bases yellow brown, darker How to cite this article: Gildenkov M.Yu. 2019. Five new species of the Genus Carpelimus Leach, 1819 from to light brown towards antennal apex. Integument slightly shining, body with short, light-coloured hairs. Head transverse, with a wide base, ratio of its length (from posterior margin of head to anterior margin of clypeus) to maximum width about 18:25. Neck constriction prominent. Eyes large, convex. Temples well-developed, round, eye diameter in dorsal view about twice as long as temple length. Head about as wide across eyes as across temples ( Fig. 1 ). Head surface with delicate, fine and dense punctation. Diameter of punctures about 3.0 times as small as eye facet. Distances between punctures about equal to their diameter, interspaces smooth, slightly shining. Antennae rather short, antennal segments 1–3 elongate; segments 4–5 slightly elongate; segments 6–7 about as long as wide; segments 8–10 slightly transverse; segment 11 elongate, conical. Last 3 segments more massive than others and form loose club ( Fig. 1 ). Pronotum widest about 2/3 its length from base, then narrowed. Lateral margin smoothly rounded ( Fig. 1 ). Ratio of pronotum length to its maximum width about 20:26. Surface of pronotum with delicate, fine and dense punctation; punctation similar to that on head. Pronotal disc with 2 pairs of prominent, symmetrical depressions and 1 unpaired oval depression along midline near apex. Base of pronotal disc with narrow, crescent-shaped depressions separated by medial ridge. Central part of disc with rather deep, oval depressions fused across midline to single butterfly-shaped depression ( Fig. 1 ). Ratio of length of elytra to their combined width about 31:33. Scutellum with shallow, round depressions ( Fig. 1 ). Elytra with rather delicate, fine and dense punctation. Diameter of punctures about 1.5 times as small as eye facet. Distances between punctures slightly smaller than their diameter, interspaces smooth, slightly shining. Abdomen delicately shagreened. Aedeagus of characteristic structure ( Figs 5–6 ). Female . Sexual dimorphism absent, female morphologically similar to male. Spermatheca of characteristic structure ( Fig. 7 ). COMPARATIVE REMARKS. The new species is somewhat similar to Carpelimus ( Trogophloeus ) clavulus (Cameron, 1928) , being distinguished by a slightly larger body size and a different structure of the aedeagus [ Gildenkov, 2015 , p. 386, Fig. 20: 1–2]. It is similar and closely related to C . vilisus sp.n. and C . plenus sp.n. (see descriptions below), differing slightly from C . vilisus sp.n. in having less prominent eyes. It is distinguished from C . plenus sp.n. by a significantly smaller body size and smaller punctation on the body surface and differs markedly in the structure of the aedeagus ( Figs 5–6, 10–11 ). DISTRIBUTION. Philippines . ETYMOLOGY. From Latin “notum” (known, familiar); the name alludes to the fact that the description of this species was already considered, for instance, by Max Bernhauer.