Gyromastix, a new name for Peregrinia Cavalier-Smith, 2011 (Protista: Thaumatomonada) non Peregrinia E. I. Vorobyeva & O. A. Lebedev, 1986 (Pisces Osteolepididae) Author Doweld, Alexander B. text Zootaxa 2021 2021-12-01 5072 4 399 400 journal article 3147 10.11646/zootaxa.5072.4.8 c1a6f6c7-5239-4d16-b6e4-e846dcf6c46b 1175-5326 5748995 B2E39437-2316-48A6-91EF-0B1D00158ABB Family GyRomastiGidae Doweld fam. nov. Diagnosis: Cells with oval two-tiered body scales, lacking flagellar scales; scales either symmetric ovals with heavily outturned upper and lower rims ( Gyromitus ) or asymmetric ovals with concave to flat lower surface and convex upper surface with rims more strongly laterally inrolled than at the ends ( Gyromastix ). Flagellar pit apical or not subapical and ventral, or cells so amoeboid as to lack defined shape; flagella not clearly differentiated into anterior and posterior; flagellar gliding unknown; locomotion by swimming or slow amoeboid creeping. Type genus: Gyromastix nom. nov . Included genera: Gyromastix nom. nov . ; Gyromitus Skuja 1939 .