Quill mites (Acari: Syringophilidae) of the Palaearctic region 2840 Author Skoracki, Maciej text Zootaxa 2011 2011-04-29 2840 1 1 414 https://biotaxa.org/Zootaxa/article/view/zootaxa.2840.1.1 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.2840.1.1 1175­5334 5289205 Syringophiloidus bombycillae Skoracki, 2002 ( Figs. 34–36 ) Syringophiloidus bombycillae Skoracki, 2002b: 305 , figs. 1–8. Type host: Bombycilla garrulus (Linnaeus) ( Passeriformes : Bombycillidae ). Type locality: Slovakia . FEMALE ( holotype and 7 paratypes ). Total body length 725–925. Gnathosoma . Infracapitulum punctate. Each medial branch of peritremes with 4–6 chambers, each lateral branch with 10–12 chambers. Stylophore apunctate, 180–195 long. Movable cheliceral digit 135 long. Idiosoma . Propodonotal shield punctate. Length ratio of setae vi : ve : si 1:1.6–1.8:4.7. Setae vi and ve with delicate ornamentation, other dorsal setae on propodonotum discernibly ornamented. Hysteronotal shield variable, fused or not to pygidial shield, margins indistinct in middle part, apunctate. Setae d2 1.2 times longer than e2 . Setae f1 and h1 subequal in length. Length ratio of setae ag1 : ag2 : ag3 1.2– 1.4:1:1.5–1.7. Setae ps2 1.5 times longer than ps1 . Genital plate absent. Both pairs of genital setae subequal in length. Coxal fields I–IV punctate. Setae 3c 3 times longer than 3b . Legs . Fan-like setae p’ and p” of legs III and IV with 7 tines. Length ratio of setae tc’III–IV : tc”III–IV 1:2. Lengths of setae : vi 30–45, ve 55–70, si 130–165, se 225– 250, c1 225–245, c2 195–250, d1 250, d2 225–260, e2 190–215, f1 30–35, f2 255–295, h1 30, h2 405–450, ps1 20, ps2 30, g1 and g2 35–40, ag1 165–200, ag2 135–165, ag3 240–250, tc’III–IV 40–50, tc”III–IV 90–100, 3b 30–35, 3c 100–105, l’RIII 40–50. FIGURE 34. Syringophiloidus bombycillae Skoracki , female. A , dorsal view; B , ventral view. FIGURE 35. Syringophiloidus bombycillae Skoracki , male. A , dorsal view; B , ventral view. FIGURE 36. Syringophiloidus bombycillae Skoracki , female ( A–E ). A , peritremes; B , propodonotal setae vi , ve and si ; C , fan-like seta p’ of leg III; D , ventral view of opisthosoma; E , pseudanal setae ps1 and ps2 . Male ( F–H ). F , fan-like seta p’ of leg III; G , peritremes; H , genito-anal region. Scale bars: A–C , F–H = 20 µm; D , E = 50 µm. MALE ( 3 paratypes ). Total body length 450 in 1 paratype . Gnathosoma . Infracapitulum apunctate. Each medial branch of peritremes with 6 chambers, each lateral branch with 10–13 chambers. Stylophore 165 long, apunctate. Movable cheliceral digit 135 long. Idiosoma . Propodonotal shield apunctate, bearing bases of setae vi , ve , si and c1 . Length ratio of setae vi : ve : si 1:1.5:2. Hysteronotal shield weakly sclerotized, apunctate, not fused to pygidial shield. Setae d2 3.5–4.5 times longer than d1 and e2 . Small pygidial shield present, restricted to bases of setae f2 and h2 and genito-anal region, apunctate. Setae h2 11–13 times longer than f2 . Both pairs of pseudanal setae subequal in length. Genital setae g1 situated anterior to level of setae g2 . Aggenital setae ag1 1.6–1.8 times longer than ag2 . Coxal fields I–IV apunctate. Setae 3c 2.4 times longer than 3b . Legs . Setae p’ and p” of legs III and IV with 6–8 tines. Length ratio of setae tc’III–IV : tc”III–IV 1:2. Lengths of setae : vi 25–30, ve 45, si 50–55, se 190, c1 170–190, c2 135, d2 70, d2 70, e2 15 –20, f2 20–25, h2 260–275, ag1 110–140, ag2 60–90, tc’III–IV 30–35, tc”III–IV 60–75, 3b 30, 3c 85, l’RIII 30–35. Type material examined. Bombycilla garrulus (Linnaeus) ( Passeriformes : Bombycillidae ): female holotype and paratypes : 8 females , 3 males and 2 nymphs ( AMU –SYR.14A) (sec.); SLOVAKIA , Bardejov , 14 December 1962 , coll. T. Weisz. Type material deposition. Holotype deposited in the AMU , paratypes in the AMU , SMB and ZISP . Non-type material examined. Same host species: 5 females and 8 nymphs ( AMU –SYR.14B); POLAND , Wielkopolskie , Katy near Poznan , April 2008 , coll. M. Skoracki. Material deposited in the AMU . Host range and habitat. Monoxenous species inhabiting quills of secondary feathers of Bombycilla garrulus . Distribution. Slovakia and Poland .