Quill mites (Acari: Syringophilidae) of the Palaearctic region 2840 Author Skoracki, Maciej text Zootaxa 2011 2011-04-29 2840 1 1 414 https://biotaxa.org/Zootaxa/article/view/zootaxa.2840.1.1 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.2840.1.1 1175­5334 5289205 Torotrogla calcarius Skoracki, 2004 ( Figs. 181 and 182 ) Torotrogla calcarius Skoracki, 2004c: 310 , figs. 18–25. Type host: Calcarius lapponicus ( Passeriformes : Emberizidae ). Type locality: Finland . FEMALE ( holotype ). Total body length 630. Gnathosoma . Hypostomal apex with pair of medium sized, bluntended and bill-like protuberances. Each medial branch of peritremes with 2–3 chambers, each lateral branch with 9–10 chambers. Stylophore rounded posteriorly, apunctate. Idiosoma . Propodonotal shield concave on anterior and lateral margins, sparsely punctate in median part. Length ratio of setae vi:ve:si 1:2.3:3. Setae c2 situated anterior to level of setae se . Hysteronotal shield absent. Pygidial shield apunctate with rounded anterior margin. Setae f1 and h1 short and subequal in length. Coxal fields I–IV sparsely punctate. Setae 3c twice as long as 3b . Legs . Fan-like setae p’ and p” of legs III and IV with 9 tines. Setae tc’ and tc” of legs III and IV subequal in length. Lengths of setae : vi 60, ve 135, si 180, c1 260, c2 190, d1 160, d2 125, e2 160, f1 95, h1 65, ps1 and ps2 30, g1 40, g2 35–50, l’RI 30, l’RII 45, l’RIII 45, l’RIV 45, tc’ and tc” of legs III–IV 85, 3b 75, 3c 170. MALE ( 2 paratypes ). Total body length 670–770. Gnathosoma . Hypostomal apex with pair of small sized, blunt-ended protuberances. Each medial branch of peritremes with 4–5 chambers, each lateral branch with 9 chambers. Idiosoma . Propodonotal shield concave on anterior margin, sparsely punctate in median part. Length ratio of setae vi:ve:si 1:2:3. Setae c2 situated slightly anterior to level of setae se . Hysteronotal shield apunctate, bearing bases of setae d1 , e2 , f2 and h2 . Setae d2 1.5–2 times longer than e2 . Setae h2 4.5 times longer than f2 . Coxal fields I–IV apunctate. Setae 3c twice as long as 3b . Legs . Fan-like seta p’ and p” of legs III and IV with 7–9 tines. Setae tc’ and tc” of legs III and IV subequal in length. Lengths of setae : vi 35–40, ve 65–80, si 120–135, se 105–120, c1 140–150, c2 130, d1 15–20, d2 30–40, e2 20 , h2 160, f2 35, l’RI 35, l’RII 30–50, l’RIV 45. Type material examined. quills of secondary of Calcarius lapponicus (Linnaeus) ( Passeriformes : Emberizidae ): female holotype and 2 male paratypes ( AMU –SYR.83) (sec.); FINLAND , Lapland, 1905, no other data. Host specimen deposited in the MNHW. Type material deposition. All material deposited in the AMU . Host range and habitat. Monoxenous species inhabiting quills of secondary feathers of Calcarius lapponicus . Distribution. Finland .