The first fossil buprestids from the Middle Jurassic Jiulongshan Formation of China (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) Author Pan, Xiaoxiong Author Chang, Huali Author Ren, Dong Author Shih, Chungkun text Zootaxa 2011 2745 53 62 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.276648 21fd10d3-4445-4780-912e-282cddd0f36c 1175-5326 276648 Sinoparathyrea robusta Pan, Chang & Ren , sp. nov. ( Figs. 8, 9 , 12, 13 ) Type specimen. Holotype , male, CNU-COL-NN2010410 PC (part and counterpart of one fossil specimen), housed in the Key Lab of Insect Evolution & Environmental Changes, Capital Normal University, Beijing, China . Locality and horizon. Daohugou Village, Middle Jurassic Jiulongshan Formation, Ningcheng County, Inner Mongolia , China . Etymology. The species name is derived from the Latin word “ robustus ”, referring to its wider body. Diagnosis. Body wide; pronotum wider, about 1.65 times as wide as long, anterior pronotal margin straight, posterior margin slightly bisinuate; Elytra 3.0 times as long as wide, disc with nine distinct longitudinal striae, the 6th and 7th striae fading out at 1/5 of elytron length from apex; the first ventrite 2.5 times as long as the second one. Description. Body medium sized, 13.6 mm long and 6.7 mm wide, subcylindrical; pronotum slightly narrower than elytra; surface of body with uniform, small, rounded and dense punctures ( Figs. 8 , 12 ). Head: frontovertex convex, surface with granulose and coarse punctate dorsally; eyes relatively small, oval ( Fig. 8 ). FIGURES 8−9. Sinoparathyrea robusta sp. nov. , line drawings of the holotype. 8—dorsal view, No. CNU-COL- NN2010410P; 9—ventral view, CNU-COL-NN2010410C. Antennal cavities separated, the distance between them wider than diameter of cavity, antennae short, can not reach the posterior angle of pronotum, right one with 6 preserved segments, the left with 8 preserved segments, antennomere 1 stout, 2 shorter than 1, with length and width subequal, 3 longer than 2, more slender, 4−8 serrate ( Figs. 9 , 13 ). Pronotum about 1.65 times as wide as long, the widest part of pronotum at its base; anterior pronotal margin straight, posterior margin slightly bisinuate; lateral margins weakly arched at anterior 3/4, then arcuately expanded to posterior margin, basolateral angles acute; integument of pronotum with feeble transverse striae formed by coarse punctates. Scutellum triangular, wider than long, lateral margins arcuately concave, posterior apex acuminate ( Figs. 8 , 12 ). Elytra 3.0 times as long as wide, the widest part at the middle; lateral margins weakly arcuate in anterior 2/3, then somewhat narrowed to obtuse apex; disc with 9 distinct longitudinal striae, the 6th and 7th striae fading out at 1/5 of elytron length from apex; disc with 5 oblong spots: one located at the posterior 2/3 of disc across the forth and the ninth striae; the other four near the inner margin between the first and the sixth striae ( Fig. 8 ). Ventral surface reticulate, finely punctate; prosternal process subparallel, lateral margins slightly converging posteriorly to obtuse apex, process narrower than procoxae; procoxae, mesocoxae rounded, distance between procoxae subequal with distance between mesocoxae; metepisternum quadrate; paracoxal suture straight; metacoxae transverse, short laterally, posterior margin arcuately emarginated; abdominal ventrites with finely, rather dense punctures, which formed into faint rugae, the first ventrite 2.5 times as long as the second one; ventrites 2−3 subequal in length, 4 shorter than 3, 5 broadly rounded at apex, 1.4 times longer than the previous one ( Figs. 9 , 13 ). Legs: pro-, mesotrochanters trapeziform, metatrochanters round triangular; femora subfusiform; tibiae feebly arcuate, slender. Male genitalia: parameres steeply narrowing to separately acuminate apices; medium lobe robust, with acuminate apex ( Fig. 9 ). Dimensions. Body length/body width/elytron length, in mm: CNU-COL-NN2010410: 13.6/6.7/10.1. Remarks. Among all the species of the fossil subfamily Parathyreinae , Sinoparathyrea robusta sp. nov. is the first fossil with the description of the genitalia. It has the similar medium lobe with the species Agrilus betulanigrae Macrae, 2003 , whose parameres subquadrately expanded in apical half, wider than the parameres of the species Sinoparathyres robusta sp. nov. .