Data from: A revision of Sesuvium (Aizoaceae, Sesuvioideae) Author Bohley, Katharina Author Winter, Pieter J. D. Author Kadereit, Gudrun text Data in brief 2017 2017-01-03 48 1 109071 109071 journal article 10.5061/dryad.tk922 SESUVIUM CONGENSE Welw. ex Oliv., Fl. Trop. Afr. [Oliver et al.] 2, 586. 1871 . —TYPE: ANGOLA . Luanda: in mountainous places along the estuary of the river Onço in Mossul, near Ambriz , Nov 1853 , Welaeitsch 2382 ( holotype : LISU 214650 digital image!; isotypes: BM , BR , COI , K !) Erect to decumbent, perennial herb, often much-branched and with many flowers; taproot strong; bladder cells bulging, globose to slightly conical (the latter only on shoots), loose to dense cover of the surface of internodes, leaves and outside of flowers; internodes can be reddish and are usually rough from bladder cells when young, later becoming smooth and also lignifying slightly. Leaves short (∼ 10 mm long) and narrow-elliptic; very succulent with semi-terete cross section; usually appearing revolute when dry. Bracts ca. 1 mm long and lanceolate; one pair. Flowers 4–6 mm long, sessile , tepals (narrow-) triangular; tepal teeth short and inconspicuous. Stamens numerous; thecae pinkish. Ovary with 2–3 carpels and the same number of styles. Fruit a many-seeded capsule. Seeds 0.9 mm long, elongate-reniform, laterally rounded, with a black, (almost) smooth, lustrous, and slightly iridescent testa. Distribution and Habitat The species is present in Angola ( Fig. 5A ) and found in coastal areas. It grows on sand or gravely soil. Notes It differs from the other Angolan Sesuoium species by its shrubby habit and two to three locules. C 4 species ( Bohley et al. 2015 ). Halimus congense (Welw. ex Oliv.) O. Kuntze is an illegitimate combination. Representative Specimens Examined ANGOLA . Namibe: 9.7 km S of airport turn-off , 15°18′45.972″S , 12°10′1.999″E , 91 m , 23 Jan 2009 , Winter 7766 ( PRE ) ; Namibe: N of Namibe , road to Baba from Lucira road , 14°53′18.995″S , 12°17′38″E , 213 m , 23 Jan 2009 , Winter 7779 ( PRE ) .