The African genus Sorindeia (Anacardiaceae): A synoptic revision Author Breteler, F. J. text Adansonia 2003 3 25 1 93 113 journal article 1639-4798 5180999 3. Sorindeia calantha Mildbr. Notizbl. Königl. Bot. Gart. Berlin 12: 85 (1934) ; Kokwaro in Fl. Trop. E . Afr., Anacardiaceae : 48 (1986) . — Type : Schlieben 4181 , Tanzania , Nguru (Unguru) Mts. , Mesumba (Messumba), fl. July (holo-, B, delet.; lecto-, BM, designated here; isolecto-, BR , G, HBG, P, Z). Shrub or small tree to 10 m tall. Branchlets glabrous. Leaves 3-7(-11)- foliolate, glabrous or glabrescent; folioles (6-)10-16(-22) × (3-)4- 6(-9) cm, with 8-11(-12) pairs of main lateral nerves, the collecting nerve distinct or not. Inflorescence borne on the main stem, well below the leaves, axillary, or (sub)terminal. Male flowers white or red, 6-7(-8) mm long, glabrous or with puberulous calyx; stamens 13-20; filaments 2-2- 3.5 mm long, anthers 2-2.5 mm long. Female flowers unknown. Fruits ellipsoid, ± 3 × 1 cm , glabrous. — Figs. 4 , 6. Fig. 6. — Sorindeia calantha Mildbr. : A , male flower, one petal removed; B , fruit. (A, Drummond & Hemsley 1909; B, Luke 4135 ). Drawing by H. DE VRIES. HABITAT AND DISTRIBUTION. — Upland rain forest in Kenya and Tanzania . Alt. 1200-2000 m . SPECIMENS EXAMINED. — KENYA : P.A. & W.R.O Luke 4135, Kasigau, fr. Nov. ( K ). — TANZANIA : Drummond & Hemsley 1909 , Turiani, fl. Mar. ( B , BR , K ); Schlieben 4181 , Mesumba, fl. July (holo-, B , delet.; lecto-, BM (designated here); isolecto-, BR , G , HBG , P , Z ) .