Cladocera (Crustacea: Branchiopoda) of the south-east of the Korean Peninsula, with twenty new records for Korea * Author Kotov, Alexey A. Author Jeong, Hyun Gi Author Lee, Wonchoel text Zootaxa 2012 3368 50 90 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.214313 f69535e8-6850-402e-992d-09316696daf4 1175-5326 214313 7. Ilyocryptus cf. raridentatus Smirnov, 1989 Synonymy. Ilyocryptus raridentatus Smirnov, 1989 , p. 58, Pl. 4: figs 1–6. Ilyocryptus cf. sarsi from Far East of Russia in Kotov & Štifter 2006 , p. 123. Ilyocryptus cf. raridentatus Smirnov in Kotov et al. 2011b , p. 135–136, Fig. 33. Type locality. "An unnamed swamp near Yarragooly Claypan, via Derby, W.A." ( Smirnov 1989 ), Australia . Locality in Korea . 6a (see Fig. 1 and Table 1 ). Notes. Two females from Bak Sil Ji were identical to those earlier found in the Amur basin (see description in Kotov et al. 2011b ) and preliminarily identified as Ilyocryptus cf. raridentatus Smirnov, 1989 . The latter species was described from Australia ( Smirnov 1989 ). It belongs to a circumtropical I. sarsi -group ( Kotov & Štifter 2006 ) quite common in such Asian countries like Thailand and Malaysia . The Amur basin is the northernmost border of its distribution in Asia ( Kotov et al. 2011b ). Some populations from this group were previously found in Japan and few localities in Far East of Russia ( Kotov & Štifter 2006 ), but their status could be checked only in the scope of a global revision of the sarsi -group. Presence of this taxon in Korea was quite expected after findings in adjacent territories, including more northern ones in Far East of Russia .