On the taxonomy of the genus Thyridanthrax Osten Sacken in Egypt and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, with description of a new species (Diptera: Bombyliidae) Author El-Hawagry, Magdi S. Author Abdel-Dayem, Mahmoud S. Author Al Dhafer, Hathal M. text Zootaxa 2019 2019-12-03 4701 6 501 519 journal article 24750 10.11646/zootaxa.4701.6.1 3e4f6863-677b-478f-89ed-0b7c80ad5006 1175-5326 3562556 44789833-CC5E-43D4-BCC6-6C5F9E612C9D Thyridanthrax polyphemus (Wiedemann, 1820) [New record from Egypt ] ( Figs 43–48 ) Anthrax polyphemus Hoffmansegg in Wiedemann 1819: 9 . Nomen nudum . Anthrax polyphemus Wiedemann in Meigen 1820: 168 . Type locality: Portugal . Thyridanthrax polyphemus var. pumilio Austen 1937: 149 . Type locality: Israel . Distribution: PA: Armenia , Azerbaijan , Egypt , France , Greece , Georgia , Iran , Israel , Italy , Libya , Malta , Morocco , Palestine ( West Bank ), Portugal , Spain , Syria , Tunisia , Turkey , Turkmenistan , Uzbekistan , Yugoslavia . Egyptian localities: Sinai : Wadi El-Arbaein , Wadi El-Rabba , Wadi Garagneyia . Material examined: EGY: 1 male , Wadi El-Arbaein (S. Sinai ), VIII–IX .1940 (H.C.E. & Sh.M. ) ; 1 male and 1 female , Wadi El-Rabba , 21–24.IV.1940 (H.C.E.) ; 1 female , same locality, 13–19.IV.1940 (H.C.E.) ; 1 male , same locality, 26.IV.1940 (H.C.E.) ; Wadi Garagnyia (S. Sinai ), VI–VIII.1942 (H.C.E.) [EFC] . . FIGURES 43–48. Thyridanthrax polyphemus . 43. habitus; 44. Head, lateral; 45. hypopygium, lateral; 46. tip of epiphallus, lateral; 47. tip of epiphallus, dorsal; 48. spermatheca. Diagnosis: Body length: approximately 18 mm . Head reddish-brown or yellowish-red in ground color, only vertex and occiput especially behind eye margins black; upper part of frons in male approximately three times as wide as ocellar tubercle, those of female approximately four or more times as wide as ocellar tubercle; frons and face with long (longer than scape) glossy black hairs, becoming denser on middle of frons and on apex of facial cone; golden yellow scaly-hairs cover frons and face, becoming whitish on genae and sides of face, mixed on face with short whitish-yellow hairs; scape and pedicel reddish or brownish-yellow, with pedicel slightly darker, glossy black haired, with those on scape longer, forming tufts on inner margins; flagellum dark brown. Thorax black in ground color, only postpronotal lobes, postalar calli, and scutellum brownish; collar and upper half of mesopleuron golden ochre yellow hairy; prosternum and lower half of pleuron creamy white, and a tuft of almost pure white hairs present in front of wing base; scutum and scutellum covered with ochre yellow scaly-hairs, becoming creamy white on lateral and basal margins of scutellum, with some scattered black hairs on middle of scutum and apical part of scutellum; all setae of scutum and scutellum golden yellowish. Wings brown infuscated, pale brownish or yellowish-brown at base and costal margin, with hyaline spots on crossveins (window panes); cell r 5 narrowed at wing margin, contact of cell cua1 (anterior cubital cell) with cell dm (discal medial cell) much shorter than basal vein of former; r–m crossvein always slightly distal to middle of discal medial cell; calypter bright yellowish-brown. Abdomen reddish-brown in ground color, more or less black at middle of tergites; 1 st and sides of 2 nd tergites with long creamy-white hairs, becoming shorter and mixed with scaly-hairs of same color on rest of 2 nd tergite; 3 rd , 4 th , and 6 th tergites densely covered with white scaly-hairs forming white transverse bands; 2 nd– 4 th tergites covered with short brownish-yellow scaly-hairs especially on middle and posterior margins, mixed with black hairs on posterior margins; 5 th tergite entirely covered with brownish-yellow scaly-hairs mixed with black hairs; 7 th tergite with short yellowish-white scaly-hairs, mixed with long creamy white scales and hairs on posterior margin. gonocoxites with numerous long hairs ventrally on apical half; epiphallus straight, bluntly rounded at apex, not spinulate ( Figs. 45–47 ). Spermatheca ( Fig. 48 ) with the duct between the bulb and swelling short and gradually dilates towards the swelling; swelling separated from the terminal bulb by about the length of the pump and approximately located at the middle between the bulb and the pump.