Revision of the tribe Cryptonychini (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Cassidinae) of New Caledonia Author Borowiec, Lech Author Świętojańska, Jolanta Author Sekerka, Lukáš text Zootaxa 2019 2019-10-25 4690 1 1 71 journal article 25127 10.11646/zootaxa.4690.1.1 6efd6d75-a7a1-4fb5-a401-01643c8d3572 1175-5326 3519105 18200D80-191F-4FEE-9B90-EAB43BEA218B Teretrispa longicollis sp. nov. (Figs 172–181, 233) Etymology. Named after elongate pronotum. Type locality. New Caledonia , Montagne des Sources . Diagnosis. Teretrispa longicollis sp. nov. differs from all other three species of the genus in pronotum without distinct anterolateral tubercles. Description. Length 10.00– 10.60 mm , width 2.70–3.30 mm . Head brown to black posteriorly and reddish brown to reddish anteriorly; in extreme case head completely black with narrowly reddish apex of interantennal process. Pronotum varies from almost uniformly ochraceous with brown to black spot in area above head and close to basal margin to completely dark brown with slightly paler anterolateral parts. Elytra ochraceous with yellow costate intervals and lateral margins and in some specimens humeral calli and flat intervals close to scutellum darkened, ochraceous brown to dark brown (Fig. 172), in extreme case flat intervals mostly brown. Antennae black. Prothorax and mesoventrite from mostly ochraceous to mostly brown always with ochraceous central part of prosternal process, metaventrite usually ochraceous centrally and more or less darkened laterally and posteriorly but with diffused borders between pale and dark parts. Abdomen with more or less brownish ventrite I then gradually paler apically, sides often ochraceous. Legs uniformly yellow to ochraceous. Body glabrous except for yellowish hairs on frontoclypeus, short golden brown pubescence on distal antennomeres and golden orange pubescence on tarsal pads and apices of tibiae. Head slightly longer than wide, interocular plate rectangular, almost flat, at base distinctly impressed, well separated from vertex, anterior corners of interocular plate forming more or less angulate tubercles. Surface of interocular plate coarsely and densely punctate and with deep, medial sulcus extending to 4/5 length of plate; interantennal process extending at least to half length of antennomere I, not flattened laterally, rounded or truncate apically, with broad and deep sulcus along whole length, lateral margins forming high carinae (Figs 175, 176). Frontoclypeus 1.6–1.8 × as long as broad (including interantennal process), rounded or truncate apically, anterior corners forming elevated tubercles, surface flat with coarse and dense punctures extending from base to anterolateral tubercles, anteriorly impunctate only along middle runs narrow medial sulcus, entire surface with sparse, long hairs (Fig. 174). Antennae 0.27 × as long as body, slightly compressed apically; antennomere I large, approximately 1.5 × as long as broad; antennomere II short, 1.4 × as long as broad, almost twice smaller than I; antennomere III elongate, 1.3–1.4 × as long as antennomere II; antennomeres IV–VI and VIII–X slightly shorter than III; antennomere VII as long III; antennomere XI 1.6 × as long as X, subangulate apically (Fig. 173). Pronotum approximately 1.2 × as long as broad, sides shallowly concave medially, anterior margin moderately convex, basal margin bisinuate; anterior angles obtuse with small anterior tubercle, basal angles bearing small, elongate obtuse tooth (Fig. 177); disc slightly convex, slightly impressed near anterior corners, without or with rudiments of medial sulcus in middle, surface microreticulate but shiny, punctation of protnotum coarse and moderately dense, on sides punctures slightly smaller than on top of disc, along middle runs narrow impunctate area, on sides punctures almost touching each other, on top of disc interspaces among punctures more distinct but usually narrower than puncture diameter. Elytra 3.2–3.4 × as long as broad, subparallel-sided basally and slightly broadened posteriorly and widest somewhat behind middle. Apex of elytra emarginate, with sharp sutural and obtuse lateral angle. Disc with 3–5 punctures in scutellar row, often in anterior part of second interval with 2–3 additional punctures; seven rows in posthumeral part, eight rows behind middle and ten rows apically; intervals 1–3 flat, interval 3 obtusely and broadly costate on whole length, other intervals not costate apically or only interval 8 slightly elevated apically. Ventral surfaces shiny, hypomera microreticulate with several sparse punctures; prosternum smooth with elevated anterior margin separated from prosternal process with deep sulcus, laterally with a few moderately coarse punctures, intercoxal area and expanded apex smooth and shiny, mesoventrite partly with short grooves, metaventrite laterally microreticulate with moderately coarse and sparse punctures, central part smooth and shiny, anterior process and posterolateral convex angles with longitudinal and oblique striation; abdomen mostly smooth and shiny only anterior corners of ventrites with short oblique grooves and apical emargination of last ventrite surrounded by granulate area. Legs stout, sexually dimorphic (Figs 178–181). FIGURES 17 2–181. Torquispa longicollis sp. nov. 172. Body dorsal, 173. Antenna, 174. Frontoclypeus and prosternum, 175. Head of male dorsal, 176. Head of female dorsal, 177. Pronotum, 178. Fore leg of male, 179. Fore leg of female, 180. Mid leg of male, 181. Mid leg of female. Sexual dimorphism moderately manifested, in males interantennal process as long as antennomere I (Fig. 175), fore tibiae slightly more swollen with slightly deeper apical excavation than in females (Fig. 178), mid tibiae apically armed with moderately long, black spine (Fig. 180). In females interantennal process twice shorter than antennomere I (Fig. 176), fore tibiae slightly less swollen than in males, with slightly shallower apical excavation (Fig. 179), mid tibiae apically armed with very small black spine (Fig. 181). Apex of abdominal ventrite deeply emarginate in males while shallowly emarginate in females. Host plant. Accroding to label data the specimens were collected on Greslania sp. ( Poaceae ). Type material. Holotype : ‘NOUVELLE | CALEDONIE [w, p, cb] || Sur Greslania | (Graminées) | Mt. des Sources | 16.12.76 A. Delobel [w, hw, cb]’ ( BPBM ) . Paratypes : 1 ♂ , 2 ♀ , the same data as holotype ( BPBM , LS ) ; 2 spec. , ‘NOUVELLE | CALEDONIE [w, p, cb] || pl. hôte GRESLANIA | loc. Mt. des | Sources | date 15/ VI /1978 | réc. A. Delobel [w, hw, cb]’ ( BPBM ); 1 ♂ , ‘ NEW CALEDON | Mtge Des Sources | XI.1976 Gressitt [w, p, cb] || BISHOP Museum | Acc. #1979.06 [w, p, cb]’ ( BPBM ) ; 1 ♂ , 1 ♀ , ‘ NEW CALEDONIA 11132 | 21°53'S × 166°25'E . | MtHumboldt , refuge, 1350m . | 5-8Nov2002 .ex Greslania sp | Monteith , Wright & Burwell [w, p, cb]’ ( LS , QMBA ) ; 1 ♂ , ‘ NEW CALEDONIA 11136 | 21°53'S × 166°25'E . 1350m | MtHumboldt , refuge. | 5-8Nov2002 , hand coll. | Burwell , Monteith & Wright [w, p, cb]’ ( QMBA ) .