Revision of the genus Thyreocephalus and description of Afrus gen. nov. of Africa south of the Sahara (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Staphylininae) Author Janák, Jiří Author Bordoni, Arnaldo text Zootaxa 2015 4038 1 1 94 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.4038.1.1 066e84f1-206b-40cb-a615-2126696b813d 1175-5326 289876 1B62B78C-AA59-4417-A4FC-1CC9CED745E0 Thyreocephalus semipiceus Bernhauer, 1937 ( Figs. 187–194 ) Thyreocephalus semipiceus Bernhauer, 1937a : 610 ; Levasseur, 1968 : 52 ; Herman, 2001 : 3767 ; Janák, 2010 : 142 . Type locality. Tanzania , Daressalam. Type material examined. Holotype ♀: TANZANIA : “D. O . Africa, Daressalam, leg. Methner“, “ semipiceus , Brh. Typ. un.”, “ semipiceus , Brnh. Typus , unic. Thyreocephalus ( FMNH ). Additional material examined. ANGOLA : 2 spec.: Huila Prov., 10 km S Kacula, 1557 m , 14.35 S14.03 E , 4.xi.2011 , E-Y 3910, at light, Ruth Müller ( TMSA ). CAMEROON : 1 ♀: Cameroun , Joko ( HNHM ). ETHIOPIA : 1 ♂ : Kaffa Prov., near Bebka, 1300 m , 8.iv.2008 , A. Kudrna jr. ( ABFI ); 1 ♀: near Tepi, 6.v.2002 , Werner & Sudre ( DEI ). KENYA : 3 spec.: Bura, Taita Region, i.1991 , Werner ( DEI , ABFI ); 2 spec.: Sagala Hills, Taita, i.1993 , Werner ( DEI , ABFI ); 2 spec.: Mtito Andej, 900 m , Tsavo Park, i.1990 , Werner ( DEI ); 1 spec.: Tsavo Nat. Park, Umg. Voi, 550 m , 19.iv.2006 , A. Puchner ( NHMW ); 2 spec.: Sosoma, 202 km E Thika, 26.iv.2008 , Snizek ( ABFI ); 1 spec.: Nguni, N Ngomeni, 27.iv.2008 , Snizek ( ABFI ); 1 spec.: N of Nguni, Ngomeni, 19-22.iv.2007 , Snížek ( JJRC ); 1 spec.: Mtito Andej, 900 m , Tsavo Park i.1990 , Werner ( DEI ); 3 ♀: Mtito Andej, Tsavo Park, i.1990 , Werner ( DEI , JJRC ); 1 spec.: Kenya CE, Eastern, Mwingi env., 4.xii.1997 , M. Snížek ( JJRC ). MALAWI : 1 ♂ : Malawi S., Mulanje Mts. env., 22.-26.xii.2001 , Bezděk ( JJRC ). MOZAMBIQUE : 5 spec.: Parc Nat. Gorongosa, 17–18.xii.2003 , Werner & Lizler ( NHMW , ABFI ); 3 ♀: Gorongosa Nat. Park, 25–26.xii.2004 , A. Dorchin ( MFNB , ABFI ); 1 ♀: Manica prov., 50 km S Inohope, 23–27.xii.2003 , A. Kudrna jr. ( NHMW ). TANZANIA : 1 spec.: near Mikumi, Morogoro Prov., 9.xii.1999 , Werner & Lizler ( MFNB ); 2 spec.: Muheza, iv.1996 , Lizler ( MFNB ); 1 spec.: 30 km SW Morogoro, iv.1998 , Lizler ( ABFI ); 2 spec.: Same Park, Kilimanjaro Prov., 1000 m , i.1990 , Werner ( DEI , ABFI ); 3 spec.: Uluguru Mts, iv.1991 , Werner; 1 ♀: Pangani, U. Poggensee, 16.vii.1996 ( MFNB ); 1 ♂ : Tanzania , NE, Handeni, Makinda env., 14.iii.2002 , M. Snizek ( JJRC ). SOUTH AFRICA : KwaZulu-Natal: 1 spec.: Natal , Mseleni Mission, W of Lake Sibayi, 27 20 S , 32 34 E , at light in night, i.1986 , P. Atkinson ( SANC ); Limpopo: 1 spec.: Tvl [Transvaal], Mogol Nat. Reserve, 23.58 S , 27.45 E , 21.xii.1987 , E. v. der Linde ( SANC ); Mpumalanga: 1 spec.: Tvl [Transvaal], Barberton, 25.48 S , 31.03 E , iii.1979 , C. G. Moolman ( SANC ); 1 ♂ : Transvaal, Lisbon Citrus Estate, Clanor, 27.xi.1981 , R. Toms ( TMSA ); 1 ♀: Kruger Nat. Pk, Skukuza res. camp, 25.00 S , 31.35 E , 19.ii.1995 , Endrödy-Younga ( TMSA ); North-West: 1 spec.: Tvl (Transvaal), Klipvoordam Res., 25.08 S , 27.48 E , 27.x.1981 , R. Oberprieler ( JJRC ). ZAMBIA : 1 ♂ : NW Zambia , North Western Pr., 40 km SW Kabompo, 1100 m , 15–16.xii.2007 , A. Kudrna Jr. ( JJRC ). ZIMBABWE : 1 spec.: Kyle Recr. Park at Lake Mutiriwki, 20.13S , 31.00E , 1–5.xii.1993 , M. Uhlig ( MFNB ). Cited material (not examined). DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO : Katunda, 950 m ; Vitshumbi, S Lac Eduard, 925 m ( Cameron , 1950 ). FIGURE 189 . Distribution of Thyreocephalus semipiceus Bernhauer ( T. mocquerysi group). Redescription. Body length 18–20 mm ; length from anterior margin of head to posterior margin of elytra: 10– 12 mm . Reddish brown, with head and pronotum sometimes brown black ( Fig. 187 ). Head and pronotum with traces of micro-punctation. Head and pronotum and related punctation as in Figs. 188 , 190 ; labrum as in Fig. 191 . Head with two or (on one side) three postocular punctures ( Figs. 188 , 190 ). Elytra markedly longer and wider than pronotum, sub-rectangular, slightly dilated posteriad, with slightly rounded sides and very marked humeral angles. Surface with fine, moderately dense punctation, arranged in numerous series, some punctures with long setae.. Male . Tergite 10 and sternite 9 of male genital segment as in Figs. 192, 193 . Aedeagus ( Fig. 194 ) ovoid, elongate, 2 mm long, with sub-ovoid median lobe with very narrow apex; parameres symmetrical; inner sac narrow and long, apparently devoid of scales. FIGURES 190–194 . Thyreocephalus semipiceus Bernhauer ; 190, head and pronotum; 191, labrum; 192, male tergite 10; 193, male sternite 9; 194, aedeagus. Differential diagnosis. Thyreocephalus semipiceus differs from the other species of the T. mocquerysi group in larger, reddish brown body and apically pointed median lobe of the aedeagus. Distribution. The species is distributed in Angola , Cameroon , Kenya , Malawi , Mozambique , South Africa , Tanzania , Zambia and Zimbabwe ( Fig. 189 ). Remarks. An exceptional third postocular puncture was observed on one side of head of one specimen.