Jumping spiders (Salticidae) of Uganda - revised list, new species and distributional data Author Wiśniewski, Konrad 5C3810D5-35FE-48B5-9AC8-8E6A436BE436 Institute of Biology, Pomeranian University in Słupsk, Arciszewskiego 22 a, 76 - 200 Słupsk, Poland. konrad.wisniewski.araneae@gmail.com Author Wesołowska, Wanda E362DE8A-ECB7-4C6E-B373-9E1821D214F7 Department of Biodiversity and Evolutionary Taxonomy, University of Wrocław, Przybyszewskiego 65, 51 - 148 Wrocław, Poland. wanda.h.wesolowska@gmail.com text European Journal of Taxonomy 2024 2024-09-04 952 1 171 https://europeanjournaloftaxonomy.eu/index.php/ejt/article/download/2647/12221 journal article 10.5852/ejt.2024.952.2647 2118-9773 13752285 00BEAF45-3564-4079-BB79-504FF82966C6 Pseudicius ghesquieri ( Giltay, 1935 ) Fig. 72 Heliophanus ghesquieri Giltay, 1935: 7 , fig. 5. Pseudicius ghesquieri Wesołowska 1986: 230 , figs 857–861. Diagnosis The male of this species can be recognized by the shape of the tibial apophysis that is short and has a thin curved tip. The tibial apophysis is partly covered by a cymbial recess. Material examined UGANDA1 ♂ ; Bundibugyo , Semliki Forest ; 0°44′ N , 29°57′ E ; 670 m a.s.l. ; 5–12 Feb. 1997 ; T. Wagner leg.; ZFMK 3824 . Redescription Male General appearance as in Fig. 72A MEASUREMENTS . Cephalothorax length 2.0, width 1.3, height 0.7. Eye field length 0.8, anterior and posterior width 1.1. CARAPACE . Oval, flat, dark brown, eyes with black rings, pair of black patches on eye field. Carapace covered with faint transparent hairs; eyes encircled by white hairs. Sternum and mouthparts brown. Chelicerae long, unidentati ( Fig. 72B ). ABDOMEN . Damaged, greyish beige, clothed in brown hairs. Anterior spinnerets beige, posteriors dark grey. LEGS . Yellowish, first pair longer, dark brown with yellowish distal segments. PALP . Yellowish brown. Palpal structure as in Fig. 72C–J , bulb oval, embolus short, originates on bulb tip. Palpal tibia partly hidden in adjacent small cavity of cymbium, wide, short, with thin curved end ( Fig. 72E ). Female Unknown. Fig. 72. Pseudicius ghesquieri ( Giltay, 1935 ) , ♂ (ZFMK 3824). A . General appearance. B . Chelicera, C, F . Palpal organ, ventral view. D, G . Palpal organ, lateral view. E, J . Palpal organ, dorsal view. H . Palpal organ, dorsolateral view. Distribution Previously known only from Congo , this is the first record of this species from Uganda . Remarks This is the second known specimen of this species. Pseudicius ghesquieri has not been properly depicted up to now, apart from the original description ( Giltay 1935 ), some information on the holotype (short description and figures of the palpal organ) was also published by Wesołowska (1986) .